Old-time musicians

Sixth Movement Love Tells Me (1): Unhealed Wounds (Two in One)

"Little Mr. Scheler seems to have thought of something that has been confused or ignored for a long time?" Looking at Fan Ning's reaction, Master Lucter stopped and turned around very keenly.

"The level of knowledge is too high, and there is more than one confusing thing." Fan Ning took longer than usual to regain his normal expression.

"The invisible power of the seven phases is relatively easy to understand, but the idea that the 'Secret History' is also a phase, as well as the description of the 'Antique of Paradox' just now, made my thoughts fall into wonder for a while. "Among the splendors"

My own cell phone

Fan Ning found that no matter which characteristics he analyzed and checked, they were very consistent with the "paradox antique" mentioned by the saint.

This can also explain some previous questions:

Why didn't he discover its mysterious properties? Why didn't he discover it when the Special Patrol Office kept it in the sealing room?

——Because it originally does not have any invisible power among the seven phases.

Why did it later become capable of bringing in migrations, and even be able to accommodate high-level existences such as the remains of the "Fountain in the Painting"?

– because it at one point inspired the mysterious properties of the “Secret History” aspects.

As for which node it is, it may be when I discovered something fishy in the WeChat chat history, it may be when I deciphered the meaning of "noon" and used a flash to illuminate the Guchaniz language on the painting, or it may be when I entered the "Resurrection" performance on the eve of What happened after the ruins of the "Great Palace School"...

If the mobile phone is like this, then there is another object...

Where are the fragments of the sound series?

If we want to understand what role they played in these events, we must further explore the secrets of the selection or sending of the apostles.

After all kinds of thoughts flashed through Fan Ning's mind, he considered it again and spoke:

"Since the person standing in front of me now is Master Lucter, then he should be the 'self' apostle of Saint Li, right?"

The old man took out a cigar again.

"This is easy to observe without deliberately keeping the secret and having acquired the prerequisite knowledge."

He handed the intact, unburned cigar to Fanning.

"Guess what would happen if it was sucked and burned?"

"Will... smoke another one?" Fan Ning responded in surprise. He had long seen that Master Lucter was addicted to cigarettes.

"Try it." The other party smiled calmly.

Fanning took it.

A bright flame burst out from the front end of the cigar, and he deliberately made some gestures that seemed to "control the fire." The cigar quickly burned out at a speed dozens of times that of normal smoking, until it turned into ashes.

Fan Ning suddenly felt that there was something extra in his pocket.

The next moment, he stared at the thing he just took out in his hand in trance.

"An antique of paradox?"

It was a brand new and intact cigar of the same model.

Its rough gray paper tube began to crack, and the scent of cold brake essential oil and sweet tobacco with everlasting nectar flew into the air.

The nectar is still here.

Finally, the pieces came together and the cigar returned to his fingertips.

"When every poem was born, Lucter was smoking." He lit it up again.

"In some undetermined history, it was very familiar with his fingers and lips, at other times it was in the cigarette case or in the pocket, and at still other times it was firelight, smoke, dust, a gift. Or squashed forms and other..."

"In short, this 'half-smoked cigar' lies in the ambiguity of paradox, an unhealed wound in the past."

Fan Ning pondered this description.

"It has witnessed some things. Lucter's stirring up the turmoil in the poetry world has allowed the southern people to retain the last high-level taste in their artistic aesthetics; it has also met some people, such as conductor Walter who won the laurel and the famous singer The titled Miss Nightingale, the little girl Luna whose achievements are still unknown... Of course, the most important thing is that the birth of Mr. Scheler's "Lückert's Song" allowed him to complete a part of his great achievement faster, so this The time is ripe for the 'curio of paradox' to be placed in the hands of a mentor..."

After listening to the lecture, Fan Ning felt that his understanding of the secret history was a little higher, just a small level.

"It sounds like the existence of Lucter has been integrated into his own self." He was still confused about some details. "So, will the public still see this master? The apostle himself knew all this beforehand. Secret?"

When he heard this, he smiled faintly.

"For the 'self', the answer is yes. As you see now, isn't it the poet Lucter?"

“The two kinds of apostles, ‘other and self’ and ‘self’, have different meanings to the orderer.” He elaborated on the difference.

"The costs, risks and benefits of 'others' are relatively small, and what is generally promoted is a smaller link of achievements. After establishing a 'secret contract' with the appropriate selector, the mentor needs to make a commitment to history, and needs to be promoted After reaching a higher level, the apostles who have completed their missions will be picked up and taken care of, even if the apostles are not aware of it... Speaking of which, the official school regards the 'other-self' apostles of the secret organization as a kind of evil knowledge pollution, which is in some way It makes sense to a certain extent.”

"'Self' is different. The cost and risk are extremely high. After the orderer decides to send 'self' out, he will be in an instinctive state of 'selflessness', and the 'life perspective' will be lost for a long time. Inside, completely transfer to the apostles!”

"This is undoubtedly very dangerous. In the period of the apostle's return, strength and knowledge will be overthrown. The identity of 'self' is difficult to know at the beginning. It only has some heterogeneous talents and is seeking enlightenment. It is easier to get a response from a mentor, but this is often accompanied by confusion and temptation. The revelation given by a mentor in a state of 'selfless' instinct is not necessarily a good thing, and sometimes makes people wander on the edge of fear of being lost. If he dies abnormally on the way, the order enforcer will face the danger of losing his true knowledge and falling from the height of Huita..."

"From the moment the past memory is restored, things will become a little more controllable, but only by letting 'self' return at the right time can we complete a part of the great achievement and help the mentor rise higher, and his appearance in the world The image of the teacher will also merge with the mentor and become one of his divine concrete forms..."

Fan Ning finally had a basic understanding after hearing this.

Since the climbing path at high altitudes is impassable, the "secret history" is needed to build the scaffolding - the "secret history" is the wound left by time in the world, and the role of the apostle is to seek the third place in these wounds through another witnessing perspective. Eight types of invisible forces are used to fill the shortcomings of the original seven phases.

He returned to his original thinking: when he first realized that mobile phones were "paradoxical antiques", he thought of the words left by his father Fan Chenxun in his WeChat chat history in his previous life -

"It's up to you. Don't lose your old phone. Give it to me when the time comes."

This made Fan Ning wonder for a moment whether he was a sent person from the "old days", and for a moment he wondered if he was Fan Chenxun's apostle? Because most of the achievements have one thing in common: they require the apostle to create or find a "paradox antique" and hand it over to the mentor at the right time...

But he later realized that in the current time and space of the old industrial world, the person he could give this phone to first was actually Vincent.

Vincent has obviously carried out many secret activities and arrangements. Could it be said that he is the "self" apostle sent by Fan Chenxun, waiting or looking for an opportunity to return, and the mobile phone is one of the nodes?

In this way, we can understand why the father in the previous life and the father here are secretly reminding him of something. If the latter is the former's "self" apostle, this is equivalent to the same father.

Fan Ning tapped her fingers on the railings of the observation deck, thinking about another person.

He asked aloud: "Please ask the saint, is there any general method to judge whether the time for 'self' to return is appropriate?"

This sentence was asked for Joan.

Because now he is very suspicious that Qiong is also the "self" apostle of "Miss Purple Bean Cake"!

Although "Miss Purple Bean Cake" was once only a half-enforcer and had taken the fruit of Pleruma but had not yet passed through the fourth door, the characteristics mentioned later are consistent with her to a high degree.

"It must be good to judge by the recovery of strength." He blew out a smoke ring, "If the time is right and the work is completed, the strength of the order enforcer will definitely increase, and even pass through a higher door, and his status will rise. higher"

"On the contrary, if the strength does not increase but decreases after returning, or even falls to a big level, this must be a failed return, but the possibility is not small. Sometimes it is a wrong decision made without knowing the truth, and sometimes it is forced to have no choice. Stop loss in a hurry”

Fan Ning frowned and nodded slightly.

Joan's variables are more and more complicated. Firstly, her strength as an enforcer is incomplete, and she may have only a limited understanding and use of the apostle mechanism. Secondly, she also involves the issue of abnormal zones and "natural evil".

At present, we can only think that some of these links may work under a mechanism similar to that of "Apostle". What is also confirmed is that the timing of her "self" return is very inappropriate.

Originally, Fan Ning's nearly unlimited supply of radiant spirit fluid accelerated her recovery of her past knowledge. However, later, the contamination of the "split chrysalis" under the secret door of the Turner Art Hall, and the special inspection department's control of the "hidden light" "The search of the wreckage and the tracking of "Miss Crimson'er" forced her to make hasty responses.

He fell directly from half an order enforcer to the first level of Xiaoxiao.

It seems that I haven't had time to find the "Antique of Paradox". I need to ask her about this when the time is right.

"Thanks for the revelation." Fan Ning let out a long breath, "This meeting with Master Lucter or Mr. Ji was probably to discuss some matters related to the 'Flower Ceremony', but now it took a lot of time. To teach other things.”

This time, the two sides had a relatively detailed discussion on the "Secret History", and most of it focused on revealing the secrets of the people. This kind of priceless knowledge from high places, I am afraid that an organization of knowledgeable people could spend decades studying it. There may not be any gain.

"Why are you so polite, Mr. Scheele?" the old man sighed. "The immortal nectar in the South has been declining for nearly half a century. Miss Nightingale's song on the eve of the night caused a change, and the song 'Demon King' caused all the nectar to be siphoned and concentrated. "

"If I perceive correctly, the only remaining unfailing nectar in the South is now under the control of Mr. Xiao. This may be the most vivid revelation that the 'Fanghui Poet' can give to the temple in the past half century. "

The two little girls cast surprised glances at their teacher, but Fan Ning himself was as calm as usual.

He had already vaguely guessed the origin of the strange fox lily bouquet that he absorbed.

He motioned for everyone to duck into a garden covered with flowers and leaves, and Luna and Miss Nightingale followed closely behind.

After appreciating the scenery for a while, Fanning spoke:

"Where is the crisis? Is it saved?"

"After the true knowledge is activated, the 'Red Pond' will definitely try to return. It's just a matter of time or opportunity. The 'Flower Ceremony' is probably a very suitable gap." said Ni Ni.

"I can think of that." Fanning nodded.

"The purpose of the Special Patrol Office is to accommodate the 'Red Pond'."

"I have heard of this."

"Their response is very sufficient, but it is difficult to save all this in the South."

"Who said that?"


Fanning frowned and fell silent.

The old man stood straight in the hot sun, his tone solemn: "'Red Pond' is infecting this country, and the response of 'Fragrant Poet' has weakened, leaving us helpless for a while. Fortunately, the Special Patrol Office intends to contain 'Red Pond', and there is a common interest. For this reason, many years ago, I had no choice but to cooperate with them, which will ease the urgent need for decades."

"But I know that Poglieriqi's motive is not to preserve the South Country at all. His purpose is to force the true knowledge of 'Red Pond' to finally be separated in a violent way. In this way, the 'birth canal' of the South Continent may be devastated by tearing. In that case, whether she comes to pollute and ravage the world or is really contained and controlled, it will be meaningless to this country and the people."

"Is there no way to have the best of both worlds?" Fanning frowned and asked.

"On the premise of continuing to maintain a gentle stalemate and strive for research time, there may be a few decades later, but what does all this have to do with Poglieriqi?" Ashes floated down from Master Luckert's fingertips.

"If there was a way to achieve his goal faster, Poglieri would not have waited and delayed for a day. If there was a strategy to achieve his goal more steadily, he would not have compromised and lowered his standards. There are many ordinary people in the upper class or knowledgeable people at the bottom of the extraordinary organization who have illusions about this leader. But in fact, Poglieri does not even take the executives of other major organizations in the discussion group seriously! All reasonable suggestions or discussions are nonsense that waste his time in his eyes."

The Special Patrol Office does not care about the impact of the severe damage to art and civilization on the abnormal area this time? Fanning once again felt that this group of people really did whatever they wanted under the banner of some legitimate reasons.

At a cave entrance hidden among the flowers and rockery, illuminated by a row of colorful crystal lamps, several people stopped.

"This is one of the last three 'honey-producing channels' that lost their response the night before yesterday. Since not long has passed, the three gardens where they are located have not yet become 'places of confusion', and of course the church has evacuated the relevant personnel."

After looking at this point, Fanning looked at two more places under the guidance of Niqi.

The positions and shapes of the channels are different, but Fanning found a common point: the extension trend of the channels is generally a zigzag direction from downward to forward.

Or, rather than a "channel", it is better to say a long "slide".

Fanning seemed to think of something else, but he couldn't catch it for a while.

Finally, everyone climbed up along the large and small stairs all the way to the deeper and higher part of this peculiar garden.

A clear stream that looks like a stream and a waterfall tilted and cut through the grass, and a white brick and stone arch bridge with exquisite flowers and angel-shaped reliefs connected the two ends of the high and low. Looking at the clear sky, lush trees, and bright flowers and plants blooming everywhere, the staggered arrangement of various garden decorations made people feel happy.

The old man stretched out a palm and pressed the plane leading to the arch bridge in mid-air.

It was as if some strange and turbid substance was "squeezed" out by him, and the frosted glass-like texture quickly spread in the air, blurring the originally wide field of vision.

"This is the garden that was the first to stop production forty years ago and had the highest output. In the more than five hundred years of the church's history, we all believe that this is the holy place that is closest to the "poet of fragrant flowers" in the world's appearance and can get the strongest response from her. The back has become a place of confusion, and even I, a saint of the church, cannot enter it."

As Niqi moved his palm away, it seemed that the pressing force was released, and the frosted glass-like turbid obstacles quickly gathered at a point in front and disappeared.

The field of vision was restored again.

Fanning stared at the vast green garden and asked slowly:

"So, the saint wants me to go in and help take a look?"

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