Old-time musicians

Sixth Movement Love Tells Me (11): Rise Higher! (Two in One)

There was no question or answer for the person who played the postal signal.

But Fan Ning, who asked this question for proof, finally realized the blur that lasted for several months in the dreamlike midsummer - maybe he had been aware of it for a long time, and had a latent response, but it was just not as clear as it is now. clear understanding.

From dreaming in the mixed zone behind the secret door of Turner Art Hall, to the short experience of "Return to Blue Star", from the illusion created by "Miss Scarlet", to waking up on the beach, and one after another during the journey to the South. deep dream within dream

He never returned to the waking world.

From the balcony of the director's office that day, I looked out after dawn.

“Her comprehensible images include affectionate gifts, disturbing aromas, rich wines and passionate and unsettling hallucinations.”

"A common form of music that pays homage to her is to mix the waking world and the dream world to express it, or simply imply that the current situation is a dream, so as to escape reality in a lake of illusion in order to gain an understanding of the pain of the soul. comfort"

Fan Ning recalled the sentences in "Fang Hui's Commentary" that he had already understood by heart.

When I first read it, it was the second day. I was still on the business carriage. The sun was still as hot as ever. New tea was planted in the fields on the outskirts of the city. It was full of hydrangeas. Thin chaffinches were swaying. I saw little girl Luna's silver dress and hair lifted up by the breeze. In the distance, on the too transparent sea, there were steamships and small sailboats, as well as the reflections of the tops of black volcanic rocks.

"Dionysian art." Fan Ning, who was swinging the racket, didn't realize how surprised everything was so far. He just laughed twice, quite melancholy and tiredly.

Those confusing and strange places

After the music is played, the "fruit emblem" can appear on the branches in an extremely fantastic way;

Getting lost suddenly and for no apparent reason during the journey;

After the death of the living body, the decay process greatly exceeds the normal speed in summer;

Qiong, who can follow the dream to find herself, but cannot directly contact the Northern Continent;

The sound of birdsong gathered in the Ortos rainforest;

The unusually smooth, almost uncontrolled, spontaneous review in St. Arternes' Hospital;

The peculiar mechanism of "Awakening Chant", the overflowing illusion of flowers raining and wine flowing after midsummer has arrived;

Also, people born in the South cannot enter the "Place of Confusion"? A "puzzled place" where riverbeds dry up, trees die, and the air is hot and dry instead of hot and humid?

"You are also a poet and scholar who studies history. You should know that the Southern Continent during the 'Duchy of Chaos' period produced some rare and valuable spices, minerals and ivory, but from the side of historical data, the flora and fauna at that time The natural resources are very poor and the living conditions are so bad that it is even called a 'land of suffering'."

"In the middle and late 5th century, rain suddenly began to become abundant, and even natural conditions such as mountains, rivers, and ocean currents underwent a strange change for the better, which ushered in a great explosion of products..."

Fanning recalled what Masenegu once mentioned in casual conversation.

Speaking of which, the earl's "guide" has been disemboweled by the "native prophet" at the banquet. I am afraid that he will not be able to realize his plan of further promotion and marrying a noble lady. But the paradox is that his lifelong dream I'm afraid it has happened again: the orgy in this large ceremony has torn the "courtly love" to pieces with all its clothes and flesh.

Fan Ning raised his hand, the figures of the three violinists became pale, and the overall volume of their voices dropped slightly.

The shot fell again, and their figures and volumes returned to their original state.

Again, the same goes for trombonists and horn players.

"Macias, covered with skinned wounds, fell into a deep sleep and was promoted to the Lord of Witnesses?"

There is no such thing as a "place of confusion", it's just a "place of pain" where part of the dream world collapsed in advance and returned to reality.

Just like the garden I visited.

How can the southern spirit body floating in the sleeping images return to the waking world?

Fan Ning's eyes intertwined with An and Luna sitting behind her again, and she smiled melancholy and tiredly again.

That’s right, being in the process of the “Meat Sacrifice” ceremony, and not being protected by the “Blade” altar of Boglirich in the Special Patrol Hall, if it was just the music performance in the waking world, how could I do it alone? Just a thread of inspiration, so that the musicians' bodies and minds are not affected?

Unless this is all a dream.

It would be possible to rely on one's own understanding of "pool" and the mystical identity of the ceremonial music conductor to temporarily protect the spirits in dreams from the risk of contamination by increasing the cognitive buffer.


The poet is dead. Just look at the outside world that no longer exists and the ruined churches. When the music performance ends, all the sunshine, sea of ​​flowers, ocean currents, rainforests, products, including the people born in this country, will be like soap. Disillusionment bursts like a bubble.

The postal code is still ringing.

The long off-site solo in the third movement reminds people of the mysterious Ortos rainforest, and a deep sense of nostalgia echoes in the church where cups and plates are scattered.

The man holding the trumpet remained silent, and his words could actually resonate directly in the hearts of others, but perhaps it was for the sake of the smoothness of the musical interpretation in a mystical sense, and perhaps there was no need for redundant answers.



There was a bright and high-spirited performance, and the petals and paper strips wrapped around "Miss Crimson" on the ceremony table suddenly tightened.

"Pfft!" Like tofu soaked in blood, it was crushed in the palm of your hand, and then the fragmented residual liquid overflowed from your fingertips.

But in a blink of an eye, the brightness of the Red Church dimmed a little more, and countless scarlet slurry brush marks appeared on the vaulted walls, and then, a sweet and fishy blood rain fell.

Gentle laughter and voices that made people feel like spring breeze rang out from all directions of the church:

"What is there to fight in the dream? ... There is still a little while, take a rest."

Obviously, this leader with half the strength of the Order is not a match for the Saint, but what she needs to do most now is to wait for the return of the "Red Pool".

She walked here with the will of a witness Lord, but there is no South Country.

伈伈 ignored it. He held the postal code and moved around the church while playing.

The horn kept flashing strong light, like a flashlight with a pink light array. On the walls, decorations or objects illuminated by it, something like a "scroll" seemed to fall off.

They are transparent and shiny, and at first they are a part of the object itself, but after floating and curling in the air several times, they change into different scenes, with people, scenery, buildings, flowers, paintings, texts and music scores...

The old man keeps playing, and the branches on his body begin to turn yellow, and the bright colors of the flowers seem to begin to dim.

"Projection of history?" The gentle female voice is full of surprise and ridicule, "Ha... Isn't this old guy seeking his own death, or the kind that could have lived but is now meaningless..."

Humans can never completely remember one or a class of things - the things here refer to "tangible things", and "intangible things" containing abstract knowledge and information such as text, poetry, music, art, dance and sculpture are not included.

You can't remember an apple. All you can remember is the orange-red peel, the round shape, the sweet and sour taste, the refreshing juice, the crisp or soft texture...

You can't remember an old friend. All you can remember is her figure, her usual clothes, her hairstyle and smell, her voice and smile, as well as the words and works she left behind, or the trivial and specific things you experienced together.

A dream is the same. After waking up, you can only remember the light and shadow, smell, emotion, fragments of key plots, or a small piece of knowledge - attached intangible things.

All of the above are no longer themselves, but only a certain aspect of "historical projection". It sounds a bit pessimistic, but unfortunately it is true - for the things that have passed away, only these can be involved in the drifting, and only these can people follow to remember and remember.

Master Luckert or Master Luckert wanted to preserve the "historical projection" of the Southland when it completely disappeared, so that it would at least not be completely desperate and at least not drift further in the migration.

But in fact, this is impossible.

An ignorant person can deeply remember a few old things that he regards as treasures and a few unforgettable old friends.

A knowledgeable or profound person can remember a river, an ancient castle, a village or more complex secret history.

Although the executor has a more powerful invisible power of "secret history", it is impossible to transform the entire Southland into a historical projection and remember it. The depth and breadth of this concept are too great, and Luckert's "try to transform" is just a drop in the bucket.

After doing all this, the old man showed a resolute look in his eyes, and the "half-smoked cigar" was thrown into the air by him, split into hundreds of identical afterimages, and then burned violently with a pink light.

The gentle voices of laughter came from all directions, and the tone seemed to be regretful and lamenting:

"Ah, the saint is a very suitable deputy to worship the 'Red Pool'"

Originally, the order-executors who do not rely on the waking world to survive can still save their lives after the dream of the Southern Kingdom dissipates.

Once the invisible power of the "Secret History" is exhausted, there is really no possibility of survival.

The scroll of the "historical projection" of the Southern Kingdom began to roll and wrap itself, becoming transparent and holy bubbles of various sizes.

The branches on the old man began to wither, and the flowers withered one after another.

Under the stage, the feast hosts gathered more and more in the process of eating and being eaten. The pale limbs covered with blood were piled together. At first glance, it was impossible to tell which ones were human and which ones were "native prophets". There were only a few large mountains of flesh with pus flowing entangled and squirming.

The theme of unrest reappeared in the second half.

As the off-site solo of the postal number came to an end, the dance theme continued to descend, and the single yellow pipe in E flat rang in a triplet rhythm, announcing the individual deaths of the jungle singers.

At the end of the third movement, Fanning used continuous tremolo descent and the orchestra's strong performance to create a catastrophic sound effect.

Then he felt again that the energy of the chariot he was driving was about to dissipate.

The path in the "Gate of Lights and Shadows" still had no end, and the trend in the Huita also changed, from diagonally upward to almost vertically upward.



When the orgy ceremony reached its climax, the entire scarlet church, which was already riddled with holes, collapsed with a loud bang, leaving only the broken walls attached to the surface base.

At first glance, it looked like half a broken eggshell floating in the thick dark red mist.

Moreover, those historical projection "bubbles" that were transformed at the cost of their lives and slowly floated upward were still beginning to be infected by the dark red mist, and the light became turbid bit by bit.

"It's time."

Fanning's gaze penetrated Huita and intertwined with the shadow of Miss Nightingale.

The girl stood out from behind the harp and smiled at him as clear as ever.

Luna, who was further behind, bit her lips tightly, her face pale, and said nothing.

The baton in Fanning's hand indicated the weak start of ppp.

The low sound of string music emerged from all directions, and the gloomy and dark column chords connected the dull and slow unison ups and downs.

The fourth movement, "Humanity Tells Me".

Its beginning is exactly a reappearance of a passage in the introduction of "Poem of Awakening" - "Mysterious Motive": It has not formed a real melody, it is strange, terrifying, and weird, like a veil covering a mysterious substance.

It seems to have returned to the previous crude and low-level knowledge.

But then, the night fell.

"Oh, human beings! Listen!"

Miss Nightingale's blue dress fluttered without wind, her arms were open, and she issued a deep and deafening warning to the crazy banquet hosts below the stage!

"Humanity! Listen!

What is the deep midnight saying?

I slept, I slept——

I woke up from a deep dream;

This world is deep,

Deeper than what I thought during the day!"

A soprano with a refined temperament, with a suppressed and painful bass melody, interpreted the life from sleep to awakening, from restlessness to fear, from external pain to the reflection and self-reflection of the inner world.

All the hosts stopped their actions.

Even those confusing "native prophets" were trembling in their star-shaped limbs at this moment!

Things have changed fundamentally here.

"Thus Spoke Zarathustra", the fourth metaphor, the gate of divinity.

The building with only a broken eggshell left, along with the "bubbles" of historical projections, was lifted up at a high speed under the threat of dark red mist, and Fanning's whole body in the Huita turned into a fast and hot stream of light, along the nearly vertical rising path, shooting towards the "gate" at the other end!

"Oh, human! Listen!" Miss Nightingale chanted the drunken song again.

All the twisted creatures looked at the stage to listen to the warning!

After Fanning amplified, divided and corrected the text, the meaning of the poem also tilted. The two ends of the two parts mainly described the degree of pain, while the middle focused on the transformation from spirituality to divinity.

The girl probably realized only now that she, who always showed her loud and high-pitched voice on the stage, sang a contralto song in the last performance with her teacher, and in the most important symphony performance.

The unforgettable depth and longing

"Bubbles" are floating up.

The old man, whose body was already broken and withered, shed two lines of clear tears in his eyes.

A large number of red carpets for the banquet were blown up by the invisible wind, driving the filthy residue and juice into nothingness, and the tables, chairs and candles fell down and dissipated, and those ugly and tangled bodies began to fade rapidly.

"Humanity! Listen!

Deepness is the pain of the world;

Pleasure is deeper and heavier than pain;

Pain is saying: "Let's go!"

Unfortunately, pleasure requires eternity -

Requires depth, deep eternity"

The slowly and arduously climbing vocal line is just like the ice-blue starlight that the girl saw on the night Fanning created it, which fell from the hole in the ceiling of the hall.

The orchestral instruments rotated densely like a millstone, dragging the human voice into the abyss where the bottom could not be seen. The double yellow pipe pulled out repeated third-degree glissando, like the eternal sigh and warning left by the night watchman in the dark.

The scarlet liquid was still eroding the center of the remaining church base like a tide.

But after the night, there is dawn.

"Then, rise higher next!"

Fanning gave the start instruction without any pause, and the chariot driven in the Huita shone brightly and climbed all the way up!


In the children's choir, the children's figures have faded to nothingness like the musicians. Under Luna's leadership, they repeatedly sang the sound of imitating the bell, and the bassoon and the single yellow bassoon formed a lively counterpoint with dotted rhythm.

The fifth movement, "The Angel Told Me".

The little girl played very well today, but tears were swirling in her eyes.

She didn't see anything or say anything along the way, but she knew that this was the last song she and her sister would sing together.

The restless anxiety in the hallucination, the confusion of blind grasping, and the dream of listening carefully were all introduced into the movement of the morning bell. The light poured down from the height, burning a large area of ​​the dark red mist that was everywhere and could not be stepped into.

But at this moment, something strange happened.

In the aisle, a group of uneasy creeping things bulged under the red carpet, and surged towards the position of the podium at a high speed.

The dormant "Miss Crimson" made another move, and a huge "painted hand" grabbed Fan Ning's back on the podium!


When the painted hand was two meters away from Fan Ning, a purple electric net tied it to the spot.

This layer of electric current interface was full of "key" knowledge, filled with countless changing wounds but airtight.

The two extremely condensed and restrained forces clashed, and directly burned several watermelon-sized voids next to Fan Ning!

After a few seconds of stalemate in the air, two red and purple figures emerged and bounced back.

"You don't want to rest again?"

The purple-skirted girl looked at the other party coldly and spoke slowly.

"Didn't you claim that this work could not escape the will of "Red Pool"? Why, you dare not listen now?"

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