Old-time musicians

Chapter 9: Appointed Priests

The chant of the "Misericorium" was still going on.

When Lavoisier on the stage gave an order, even Bishop Toqueville was dumbfounded!

Under his command, low-ranking servants and clerks began to replenish incense charcoal, prepare holy water and adjust the position of the lamps; the three deacons returned to the front of the parade of believers and gradually led them to the stage to sit down; the fourth deacon brought the first batch of processed wine and cakes to the offering place, rang the bell to remind the believers, showed these consecration materials, and then led the representatives to perform the incense ceremony; when the fifth deacon sang "Lord, have mercy!" on the stage, he punctually led the Gospel fragment of "The Judgment" to the reading platform and sprinkled frankincense essential oil on the candles

The Mass ceremony, which was a bit scattered because of the loss of the backbone, was actually performed at the level of those big city parishes!

"You must add clean water to the Lord's blood and fire in advance, and you must distinguish whether the grape wine is already sour. This is a serious command, and it is a sin to deliberately disobey it."

"Did I add too much or too little?" The young deacon who was taught was uneasy.

"The old law requires adding very little water, but the new law no longer emphasizes very little, and only says to add a little water." Fanning said in a gentle voice, "This change is to avoid your narrow-minded priests from being uneasy about adding water. If there is a communal ceremony, there is more than one cup of wine, and you only need to control it in the main vessel."

He patted the other person's shoulder earnestly: "But this is not a prosperous occasion. You personally handled each cup of the Lord, and the clean water was 10%, which must be a great contribution."

The young deacon bowed repeatedly, and Fanning walked away and looked at another place, frowning.

"This brother is prejudiced against the use of the holy silver stamp." He stretched out his hand and pointed out several locations on the unleavened bread baked on the high-temperature pebbles.

Steam was gradually accumulating inside the bread, trying to tear the soft interior and make the bread swell. As a result, the curly-haired and bearded acolyte adjusted the direction of the downward poke according to Fanning's instructions, and the bent gluten was fixed.

As the fiery red schmaltz oil dripped, the unleavened bread gradually burst into a color like sunlight, and the aroma of rich wheat baking also wafted out.

"In the future, when making bread for the Eucharist, you must make the wheat paste thick and not add any yeast. The egg liquid should not be soaked for more than ten minutes, and the baking time should be controlled within eight minutes."

"Yes, yes." The bearded deacon was ashamed. People from foreign countries who had not even registered as church members were so specialized, and he even needed someone to teach him how to bake bread.

Fanning, who had stepped onto the altar again, waved his hand in the air. At this time, the music stopped. The originally invisible power of the "key" was transformed into a fiery golden color by the "fountain in the painting", which wrapped the nine-fold cloth on the altar and soared into the sky, and quickly stretched into a shape that conformed to etiquette and fell.

"Inspiration is concrete, high-level, he is high-level!"

The clergy were so impressed that they bowed down to the ground, and even several investigators standing in the corner were stunned.

Not to mention how difficult it is to achieve a high-level, just say the level of the mass, even laymen can see

This effect can be achieved by people who have not been priests for more than ten years! ?

"All flesh is like grass, and all its withering and flourishing is like the flower of grass. The grass withers, the flower falls."

As soon as the "Mercy Prayer" ended, Fanning recited a "Continuation" before the "Gloria Prayer" that was originally to follow.

It was a hymn adapted from the theme of the second movement of Brahms' "German Requiem".

There seemed to be a rumbling of timpani in the air, and the severe and heavy semitone melody was transmitted between the various voices of the choir:

"Be patient, brothers, until the Lord comes."

"Behold, the farmer patiently waits for the precious sprouts in the ground until they are bathed in spring and autumn rains."

The light faded its bright and soft side, and the air was intertwined with sadness, boredom and anticipation. There was an inexplicable energy accumulating in the dark shadows of the church, but with Fanning's spiritual revelation, the choir burst into light the next moment. A chorus of light and brightness--

"Only the Lord lives forever!"

"The people redeemed by the Lord will surely return, and will return to the holy city with joy. Eternal joy will surely return to their heads, making them happy and joyful. All sorrow and sighing will flee!"

Outside the church, a more holy light seeped in through the cracks. The believers felt that this was different from the previous immersion without knowing it. Their minds became clearer than ever before in an instant. Those metaphorical and difficult-to-distinguish scriptures were now dissected in their heads and reached the key points.

The mass was still going on, and several grassroots clergymen of lower ranks felt that their inspiration was growing rapidly.

Because of their expertise in enlightenment, the Holy Sun Church has always had the largest number of low-level knowledgeable people in the official organization. The mass ceremony led by Fanning this time directly allowed several ignorant people who had accumulated some inspiration to reach the critical line of ten times from three to five times that of ordinary people, and they could try to make a breakthrough in the dream control method they practiced that night!

Although there are also accumulated factors, just like this, after tonight, I am afraid that the diocese will have 1-3 more knowledgeable people!

"Since this Lavoisier has returned to his country this time, once the review process is completed, I will appoint him to the position of priest of the Diocese of Libiqi!"

The good impression Bishop Tucville initially had of Lavoisier was because he could not stand the arrogant style of the Special Patrol Office, and the contrast between them was a result of his dislike for the arrogant style of the Special Patrol Office.

Lavoisier's ancient priest legacy is very rare, and it is rare in today's industrial age, but Tocqueville also knows that artistic attainments and mystical strength are the decisive factors.

And now, Tocqueville is not only moved, he even feels inferior to himself!

The regular mass music on ordinary days has a fixed order of five parts: "Misericornia", "Gloria", "Credo", "Sanctus" and "Agnus". You can choose different works by different composers to freely match, but the genre and order cannot be changed! Otherwise, it will not conform to the mystery of "Unfallen Fire" and will not achieve the effect of paying tribute and praying for divine power.

Is there room for change? Of course there is.

In fact, the five parts can be added before and after, but then it is not called "regular mass", but "special mass" or "dedicated mass", which is used in important festivals, celebrations or major ceremonies!

Special Masses can invoke more power from the "Eternal Fire" and achieve greater effects, but it is easy to imagine that adding to a 1, 2, 3, 4, 5-part Mass ritual with a fixed procedure requires a certain level of artistic accomplishment and profound understanding of doctrine!

And now Lavoisier first added a "Entrance Prayer" to the beginning of the regular Mass, and then added "Continuation Chant" and "Preaching Song" between 1 and 2, and added "Offering Prayer", "Silent Prayer" and "Prologue" between 3 and 4. After the Eucharist was performed between 4 and 5, a summary and sublimation "Post-Communion Prayer" came after 5 - yes, Fanning cleverly arranged all seven movements of the "German Requiem" into it.

Not only are the details of the consecration exquisitely controlled, meticulously researched, and sincere and holy, but more importantly, a huge and exquisite special Mass ritual has been constructed by him since then!

"The ceremony is over, and the congregation may disperse."

Amid more than 500 pairs of eyes filled with awe or joy, Fanning spoke kindly and slowly walked down the altar.

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