Old-time musicians

Chapter 58: Morgue

After Luo Yin raised his hand, Colonel Alpha, who was in charge of the lowland Laubken war zone, also jumped directly from the car.

He ran up to Fan Ning with a bang, performed the church salute first and then the military salute, and introduced a long list of information about himself.

Fan Ning first nodded to Luo Yin, then responded gently a few times and then said:

“But when they fell by their own counsel, he first examined their offenses and then condemned them, according to righteousness and unrighteousness.”

"I need to discern some more things."

Before he could say anything further, everyone saw the holy bishop give a few hurried reminders, and the flames ignited again under his feet, and he rose back to the heights of the night sky.

The soldiers sighed "Holy" in their hearts and continued to deal with the aftermath according to their division of labor. Luo Yin, Duerke and others raised their heads in confusion and looked up at the sky in confusion.

"Hoo ho ho ho"

The biting cold wind blew in my face, and my clothes rustled.

Fan Ning narrowed his eyes and looked down at everything below.

What is more important now is to figure out the motive of their air strikes. Those prisoners of war and esoteric cultists will definitely be interrogated, but so many troops and knowledgeable people below will take care of the preliminary work, so there is no need to control everything in detail.

Fan Ning now wants to confirm one thing first.

"It's strange. Is it the church they want to blow up?"

From this height, the light of candles and kerosene lamps in most of the people's sheds below has been completely blended into the dark fog. There are only scattered lights flickering on the dead land, as well as the flames and floating flames from the bombed points. Soot.

When the last bomber returned to the square, Fan Ning felt that something was not right. Now that he had solved the problem of leaving people behind, when he returned to the night sky to check carefully, he felt that something was indeed strange.

Except for those bombs dropped randomly after the plane lost control, the first few waves of organized dive bombing arrays mainly attacked a rectangular area.

The church is also among them, but its location is only at one corner of the rectangle.

"Of course, this can be considered an attack on a church. If the target is a church, what is it for? What extraordinary resources are there that need to be destroyed? In addition to having a certain cultural value, the church in this small town does not have such extraordinary resources. Provocation? Let the knowledgeable people of the Holy Sun Church retaliate against the other party's military leader, and then set a trap in secret? "

Is it a purely military rash move, or is there a hidden motive? For example, is there a target who is implicated in the church because of its proximity?

With people from the Divine Advent Society mixed in, he felt it was difficult to make a conclusion directly.

Fan Ning thought for a long time in the night sky this time. After various possibilities flashed through his mind, he controlled his body to fall downwards.

There are still many people in the square.

The first few people were waiting for him, and the others were still busy shuttling back and forth, but this time Fan Ning heard crying - it was on the edge of the square, not suppressed at all, but it was far away and seemed extremely weak. .

This time Luo Yin didn't say hello to him like before.

She was very aware of what was happening in the distance in the place surrounded by crowds. People would definitely die in a war, and they would definitely die in every air raid. Even in Tiolaien, where there was currently no war, people would die every day in those prosperous steel cities. People die, but many times, when living people read these numbers, they accept them much more smoothly than expected - just like Mr. Fanning said, as long as the specific "100%" individuals are rare a few times, it will be fine. At most, his brows are slightly furrowed.

However, Fan Ning next to her is currently experiencing the opposite situation.

His spiritual sense inevitably perceived more details, such as the child who huddled in the arms of the woman's body and refused to get out despite being pulled by others, such as lying on the white cloth and crying loudly, and grabbing the folds of the cloth with his palms. A rugged man, and a ragged young man kneeling and kowtowing desperately behind the medical staff.

The two of them were silent with similar but different thoughts, their eyes wandering elsewhere. In the field of vision, Priest Durk stood at the corner of the steps like an ordinary skinny old man, staring at the clergy under his hands preparing for the requiem ceremony. In the distance, there were many people cleaning up the large pieces of steel and rubble on the steps.

They made a small space so that a small number of choir members could stand in a row facing the square.

Then, everyone heard the sound of singing quietly.

“Resurrection, yes, you will be resurrected.

My dust, after a short rest,

The Lord who calls you to your side,

will grant you eternal life.

You are sown until you bloom again!

after we die,

The Lord comes to take us in,

Like harvesting sheaves of grain! "

The sound of unaccompanied chants was clear and quiet, lingering around the messy square.

Like a ray of daylight before nightfall, like the last few stars before dawn.

The soldiers were accustomed to suppressing their emotions. A few tears shed and quickly dried up in the cold wind.

them? here?

Fan Ning suddenly felt that fate was so unpredictable.

This was the first time he heard the poem he composed himself besides rehearsing.

In such a "makeshift" excerpt, in such a country, with such status, and under such circumstances, he was still with Luo Yin.

He thought that in the future, he would see a magnificent stage, artists in suits and choirs. He could not imagine that bombers, armored vehicles and anti-aircraft guns were parked on his left and right.

Luo Yin held the sleeve of her left arm with her right hand, biting her lips tightly and not moving.

Past thoughts were churning in the music. She suddenly wanted to make a confession to Bishop Lavoisier. Well, maybe it was not a confession in the sense of "confession". She just wanted to ask this respected elder some questions and find an outlet for some of her inner emotions. But the strange thing was that she was not a believer, which might make it difficult for the priest.

So, when this verse ended and the short requiem ceremony was about to end, she began to brew some words in her mind, but suddenly there were several inappropriate noises in the square--

"Pah! Bang! Bang!"

It was the sound of a crisp slap in the face and the sound of shoes kicking on people's clothes.

Just like a volcano erupting after a long period of patience, a bearded deacon with a red face and a fierce look began to punch and kick the two prisoners under his feet!

"Nehum, what are you doing!?"

Durke shouted, and the two deacons beside him rushed over and pulled the deacon named Nehum back.

"Fuck! Sons of bitches! Just now, these two people were humming 'Resurrection' behind the choir!


The bearded deacon's arms were pulled, and his shirt was pulled up in the struggle, revealing a circle of his belly. His legs were still kicking hard in the air in front of him, and he continued to roar angrily while kicking--

"They flew the plane, they dropped the bomb, and they killed all the people lying there, and then they sang 'Resurrection' here!"

"Why don't you let me tie you to the pillar and burn you to death, and then sing for you until dawn!?"

"Fuck! Fuck you bastards!


At this moment, Neham had no manners belonging to a clergyman at all. He cursed all kinds of vulgar words at the top of his voice, and then he was choked by his own saliva and coughed violently.

His reaction aroused a lot of people's hatred of the enemy, but because the people surrounding the area within a radius of 100 meters were basically well-trained soldiers and other church personnel, everyone's eyes were burning with anger for a while, but no other substantial radical actions were taken against the prisoners.

Colonel Alpha and Father Durke looked at the bishop with a questioning look, which was mixed with anger and confusion.

"They sang for the people of Lydia."

Fanning's answer made everyone look at each other in silence.

It seemed to be some thought-provoking advice.

"Hehe" a kind of laughter that was three parts sad and seven parts neurotic appeared again at an inappropriate time.

A secret believer who was tied up like a dumpling by the church's "exorcism chain" then sighed:

"There are too many cries in this world, you don't understand."

The next moment, there was a "click".

The shotgun on the soldier's back flew out by itself and fell into Fanning's hands.

The man immediately shut up.

Fanning glanced at him and threw the shotgun back into the soldier's hands.

This sentence, which was mentioned repeatedly by some unconscious acquaintances of the Divine Advent Society in the internal investigation files of the church, made Fanning feel an uncontrollable repetition of boredom.

A series of unexpected episodes also interrupted Luo Yin's thoughts. She had to watch Fanning calmly walk past her and then asked the old priest Durke beside her:

"What is that over there?"

Bishop Lavoisier asked something else, and Durke also calmed down for a while and looked at the place where the bishop pointed.

Fanning was not pointing to the church, but to a block in the north of the church.

"Over there? How big is that? It depends on what the bishop is asking. There are no industrial plants or important infrastructure in that block. I think these crazy people in Lydia just want to destroy the church."


Fanning signaled the soldier to hand over a map again, and drew out the rectangular area that he had just observed in the sky more accurately.

"Within this boundary, all the inheritances, important people, treasures, big deals or special things that are worthy of the covetousness of these foreigners and false teachers, you should explain them in detail."

He deliberately emphasized "all" in the hope of digging out some information.

"These guys seem to have bombed a little off-center." So Durk came over and commented on the area marked by Fanning, "But, except for the church, except for the houses and the market, there is really nothing else that can be called a military target worth attacking."

He pointed on the map one after another: "This small textile factory is one, and this communication station is one. The value of the small textile factory is very limited, and there are 16 such communication stations in the whole town. There is nothing more special. If nine bombers were lost and more than a dozen people were captured just for these two targets, then these guys' actions tonight might be a loss. There is no pants left."

Deacon Neham, who was held up next to him, was furious just now, but he also understood that the bishop must have important considerations when asking such questions. After careful recollection, he added: "In addition, there are three oil depots. They are not grain and oil, but industrial engine oil. This is a more valuable target, but it is mainly for occupation value rather than destruction value. Their main body is underground facilities. How much effect can bombing have? Underground facilities, huh? That's right-"

The bearded deacon's eyes lit up, but then frowned, as if he thought the next thing he mentioned was a bit nonsense:

“Speaking of ‘underground facilities’, it occurred to me that there is a morgue underground slightly north of the church.”

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