Old-time musicians

Chapter 65: One in a Million

"Dealing with the worm infestation?"

Fan Ning's face looked a little strange.

The "worm science" transformed and extracted from the people possessed by "worms" can deal with the "worm" possession

What's going on, why does it feel so "circular"?

Is it "fighting fire with fire"?

"Miss Luo Yin's school is really well-versed in knowledge and knowledge." Priest Duerke said: "I originally thought that there is no way to contain this kind of unknown heresy. If this so-called 'sneaky water' is an effective way to deal with it, , it doesn’t feel so ‘nihilistic fear’.”

"Actually, it's not as ideal as you think." Luo Yin shook his head, "Moreover, the Holy Sun Church does not have an advantage in studying 'worms'. This is determined by the phase, not due to ignorance."

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝔱𝔴𝔨𝔞𝔫.𝔠𝔬𝔪]

"In the occult system of my church, the 'Sneaky Water' is regarded as 'inspiration for studying history', and there are only two aspects that are barely connected to the 'Secret History'. The current thinking of trying to fight against the 'Worm' is also Let’s start with the secrets of these two aspects——”

“The first is ‘barren’, because it represents silence and lost things;”

“The second is ‘evolution’, because it is related to the abstract concepts of chaos and amorphousness.”

"It is 'reluctantly' connected." Luo Yin emphasized again in the explanation, "The secret history describes the intricate and secret past of the evolution of the world's surface to the present. It is itself a 'cover-up' of the 'revelation', always escaping. People's cognitive facts have proven that there are traces of 'sneaky water' in the 'Desolate' phase or 'Evolved' phase Yaoqi spiritual liquid. Our school has mastered some extraction methods, and the Lingyin Discipline Association also has similar methods. Special Patrol The department also commissioned us, but unfortunately the efficiency of these methods is appallingly low, and they consume a huge amount of radiant spiritual liquid, so expensive that even an organization cannot afford it."

"How inefficient is it?" Priest Duerke couldn't help but ask.

"One in a million." Luo Yin's confident answer made everyone secretly smack their lips, "Even if one uses 100% pure Yaozhi spiritual fluid or a thousand-point pure Yaozhi essence as the extraction source, the efficiency is only Normally it would be doubled ten times and then ten times more, but due to the scarcity of the latter, the overall cost is even higher in one round. Therefore, generally when we extract the 'Sneaky Water', we use ordinary pure, sometimes 100% pure. "

Fan Ning made a mental calculation.

According to the conventional method mentioned by Luo Yin, doesn't it mean that one milliliter of "sneaky water" requires one cubic meter of "wild" or "evolution" phase spiritual liquid to extract?

He has never seen what so much spiritual fluid looks like together.

Yes, the bottle that Mr. Wax took out at that time also had an extremely small capacity - it was not large in size, and the hollow space containing the "Sneaky Water" had only a thin line.

But now the full bottle of "sneaky water" in my hand is probably more than 30 ml.

Isn't this method of the Divine Advent Society too evil?

"Then now, this harmful heretic has evil magic at his disposal. Doesn't it subvert the previous situation? Doesn't it mean that he goes to abnormal areas to search for treasures and desecrate relics without any scruples?"

Luo Yin said "Yeah": "If they can really get a lot of 'sneaky water', they will definitely be able to go deeper and stay longer, but the effect is not as good as you think."

"Since our school has received several extraction commissions from the Special Patrol Office before, we also obtained valuable information from them."

"This 'Sneaky Water' was very effective in fighting 'worms' when investigators first entered the abnormal zone. Used in extremely trace amounts, it can provide relief for a long time and has almost no side effects."

"But after that, the amount you need will be larger and larger, the interval will be shorter and shorter, and it will produce more and more negative hidden dangers that are difficult to estimate!"

"If someone can enter with such a big bottle in the hands of Mr. Father, he will definitely be able to go deeper. But in the end, maybe he will need to use the entire bottle in one attack of the 'worm', and not After a while, he will need two or even three bottles."

"I see, I understand." Fan Ning nodded slightly.

This means that there is still a huge "diminishing margin" in this matter.

Even with a large amount of "sneaky water" as an aid, the longer you stay in the abnormal zone and the deeper you go, it is still a bottomless pit.

No wonder the Divine Advent Society is screening people who are inhabited by "worms" and performing "soul cauldron rituals" everywhere.

His eyes returned to the "doctrine" on the first three pages of the booklet in his hand.

In addition to the honorable name of "Truthful Tiger", some doctrines are repeatedly expressed, which Fan Ning knew before -

"Herald was another name for her."

"There are too many cries in this world, you don't understand."

“The ringing of sleigh bells is the last earthly sound that everyone who goes to heaven hears.”

It is very limited, very unclear, and for the ignorant and weak-minded, there is an unspeakable risk of confusion.

"And this part." Fan Ning narrowed his eyes.

"We don't know where we are going; we don't know how we will live in the future; we don't know who our brothers and sisters are working for; we don't know whether the path we are taking is study or faith. So, we are enshrining the "Truthful Tiger"."

This passage made Fan Ning feel some kind of ancient and strange danger, just like being glimpsed by the "Truth Snake" in the dark hall under the secret door.

Luo Yin looked at Father Lavoisier opposite, who was deep in thought, and began to think about asking him for news about Fan Ning.

The priest said before that he would leave Janus in only ten and a half days, but now the journey is already over halfway.

The carriage drove to the hotel door and everyone climbed up the steps. Priest Duerke spoke again, which "beat" her hesitation back: "I apologize again for tonight's accident. Please take a good rest first, Miss Luo Yin. Well, but there’s no need to schedule your next trip so tightly and in such a hurry.”

"Thank you, but why?"

"Because the current Apple County, uh, is no longer called a county, but a war zone. Because the modern infrastructure has been almost completely destroyed, the administration is in a state of paralysis, and the relatively intact rear area has been taken over by the military. From the perspective of building a concert hall, it is not suitable in any case, and there is really nothing to see.”

"So, Miss Luo Yin, you make your own decision. My personal suggestion is that you can take a look. Take a day or two to meet with the leaders of the several parishes bordering Pantua County and the garrison there. Say hello to the military and accompany you for a short walk."

"As for the precious quota for building a church, each of the 14 counties can only be allocated 2 parishes on average. It is better to fight for one or two more for Pontua County, or for the sake of fairness, allocate it to other more peaceful places. OK."

"Hmm." Luo Yin also felt troubled when he heard this. "How about you listen to Bishop Lavoisier's opinion? After all, the Apail County War Zone was also the jurisdiction he chose."

Speaking of which, she didn't understand why Lavoisier chose these two counties in the first place.

I originally thought it was just a relatively difficult area, but who knew, this is no longer a region, and even the administrative airs are almost gone!

"I think Durk's plan is a good one."

Fan Ning praised, but what he said immediately was beyond everyone's expectations:

"Now there is a war in Apail, but there are still believers, there are righteous people, there are pilgrims and lambs. They must examine themselves whether they have faith, and they must test themselves. Although they say not to doubt, but to believe, I hope They know that they are not to be rejected. St. James also made it clear in the past that we cannot oppose true knowledge in anything, but can only support true knowledge.”

"Follow me and I will go there and build the first courtyard so that they can come and hear the gospel. I will also build a booth for confession, and I will personally sit there and provide it for them. In this way, the poor will have hope and the sinful will be filled with hope." Even those who are silent and worship false idols will be condemned by the righteous.”

The priest not only hopes to build a theater for the people in the war zone, but he actually wants to perform confession for everyone there in person? If this happened in other counties and cities, I'm afraid it would cause an uproar. I don't know how long the queue would be. And if it were about the qualifications for asking for help and confession, in the end

Luo Yin looked at Fan Ning's walking back with mixed emotions.

"Yes, Your Excellency Bishop."

The old priest Duerke and several other acolytes stood with their heads bowed, their arms trembling slightly.

The last time they had such a tangible experience of deep spiritual sorrow and gratitude was when they read the "Sunset Ceremony" in the teachings.

Fan Ning's figure gradually disappeared into the stairwell.

“When these things are done, I will come again to give you thanks on the night before I leave you, and I will share bread and wine with you, and sit down with you to eat and drink.”

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