Old-time musicians

Chapter 71 Your business is done (5K 2-in-1)

"What confession have you come to make?"

Fan Ning was still sitting in front of the wide long table, looking at the slender figure on the screen.

"Father Bishop, I don't know if it can be done."

Opposite was the clear and soft voice of a girl, the girl who was brought to the front of the line by the clergy because the lantern shone brighter.

"Because I don't seem to be here to confess, and I'm not sure if it counts as distress or doubt. I'm afraid I'm here to pray. There seems to be no prayer content in the sacrament of confession."

"Then first tell me what you are looking forward to?" Fan Ning asked.

"Singing." The girl lowered her head and replied, "The priest in the town said that my voice is good, but my singing is not very accurate and my rhythm is not very good. Although they considered it, they still accepted me to join the choir and encouraged me. I practice more, but now I am afraid every day, fearing that my mistakes will destroy the harmony of the hymns. If only I had spent more time on this."

"Can you give me some pointers on vocal techniques? Of course! If I am rude on such an occasion, I will regret it immediately!"

Fan Ning left the table for a moment and made a gesture of pushing open the partition with both hands, as if there was a non-existent window on it.



Behind the window is the same pale golden mist as Qiming Church. There seems to be no wind at the end of the mist. The smoke is blown fiercely and "centrifuged" out in a vortex, but there are one after another surrounding " "Silhouette" remains motionless——

There are thousands of silhouettes of people playing passionately in front of the piano, holding a trumpet, meditating under a desk lamp, and singing loudly with arms spread out. They are all magnificent and magnificent, and there are thousands of them.

These are all "styles" that were inspired by Fan Ning and sublimated at critical moments in his artistic career!

With accumulated experience, after passing through the "Gate of Enlightenment" without any suspense, he can directly feel the connection with these "lattice", which is a connection that is more transcendent than spiritual induction.

Fan Ning can use this invisible force to obscure and dull the inspiration of others, or to highlight the inspiration of others.

They can even pierce the countless details of their inspiration into the opponent's consciousness, creating an extremely offensive "soul blast"!

Now, he grabbed the appropriate amount of brilliance, showed it to the girl opposite and threw it away.

Qiming's efficiency is better than that of the best music teacher in the world - at least, in terms of "musical techniques" and "basic concepts", this is true for the seekers under the "Blade Bearer".

"Your business is done."

"Me?" The weak girl spread her palms and looked around.

She couldn't help but "demonstrate" some memorized song fragments in her mind.

I just feel that every interval, mode and rhythm pattern that was originally difficult to grasp has become smooth and smooth.

There is even a strange confidence that even if I have just received a brand new four-part chorus, I can still join the team rehearsing at full speed without any preparation for practice!

The girl was surprised and worried at the same time: "Father, I didn't think of any regrets before I came here. What I asked for was to learn vocal music by myself. Really, I really didn't think of it."

"What you are asking for is not personal gain and wealth, but a seat in pious hymns." Fan Ning said, "The rhythm of the singing voice is not harmonious, so you are timid, fearing that you will blaspheme the Holy Spirit in the hymns, so you blame yourself. In this way, you can be justified. , come to me to reflect and repent, I will perform the sacrament of confession.”

The girl wanted to bow down and thank her, but her sixth sense detected the priest's intention to "ask her out."

"I have not confessed your sins to the Holy Spirit for you, so you do not need to praise me. If you had come to the Feast of Baptism that day, the Mass in B minor would have been made for you. Now that you come to me to confess, I will still do it for you. It’s done. Doesn’t this count as your vow and prayer? Isn’t it my own atonement?”

Fan Ning explained the truth carefully and took another slow sip of water.

"Ding Dong——" the bell rang.

Another middle-aged farmer came in, his clothes washed white and partly earthy.

Although he couldn't see his physical appearance, and the man had been cleansed as much as possible before entering the church, Fan Ning could still smell the smell of low-quality tobacco and mud in the confessional.

"Your Majesty, I have broken a commandment."

"What precept have you broken?"

"When I see those rich masters, I feel jealous every day, even when I'm working." The middle-aged farmer said bluntly.

"This is not a precept." Fan Ning smiled gently.

"This doesn't count?" The other party stared in surprise.

"Here are two." Fan Ning leaned on the backrest, "Isn't it a violation of the precepts to be jealous? Isn't it a violation of the precepts to be greedy for treasure? Then, you must tell how these thoughts arise."

"Our squire is richer than me and lives a comfortable life. This is okay, but what is really intolerable is" the farmer tried his best to organize his words. "The young masters mocked our morals, behaved rudely, and did not give charity. Precisely because of this, wealth cannot come to me, so I can only work as a laborer and farmer."

"So, do you think this makes sense?" Fan Ning asked.

"I thought about it, and what they said is right." The other party said in a dull voice, and his mood was quite dejected, "Because they used money to help the poor, and occasionally invited us workers to eat and drink, and also let the young master and young lady study I thought about art and etiquette, but I really couldn’t afford the money or food, and I really couldn’t teach my son or daughter well. I didn’t know how to balance it, so I felt jealous day and night. I violated the precepts, and felt ashamed and hesitant. You can only declare it in front of the priest."

What he finally met was a "normal person" who was confused by the market. Fan Ning let out a breath, leaned his forehead on his fist, and told this honest and frank farmer simple and easy-to-understand principles:

“In the past, St. Lenia gave two parables to those who relied on their own righteousness and despised others.”

"Saying, Two men went up to the temple to pray. One was a man from Nileru, and the other was a tax collector."

"The man of Nilelu stood and prayed to himself, saying, God, I thank you that I am not like other people, extortioners, unjust, treacherous, or like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. . I give a tenth of everything I get.”

“But the tax collector stood afar off, not even daring to lift his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast and said, O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.”

"I say to you, the man behind him will go home righteous than the man before him. For whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted."

"And some came to the One of Light, bringing their infants in their arms, that he might touch them; and when the disciples saw it, they rebuked those men. But Saint Lenias called them, saying, Let the children come to me, and do not forbid them. For it is this kind of spirit that sits in the house of residence, and truly I say to you, whoever ascends to the house of residence will not be able to enter it unless he behaves like a child.”

"If you understand this truth, your troubles will go away."

When Fan Ning explained this, he felt deep in his heart.

If there had to be a seventh movement in "Summer Noonday Dream," after "Love Tells Me," it would have to be "Children Tell Me," telling listeners what they were born to know before the first movement.

Some kind of extremely profound occult closed loop that has even gone beyond the mysterious scope of the unit’s witness.

However, since the "door to the dome" cannot be opened, this movement, which is a metaphor for the seventh height, has actually gone beyond the structure of the Huita. It is not something that Fan Ning's humanity can handle when placed in the final chapter of "Summer Noon Dream" .

Maybe I can try it in a future symphony.

"Oh, I'll try to understand. Thank you, dear priest."

The farmer crossed himself repeatedly, thanked him and left.

Fan Ning glanced at the vault of the church in surprise.

As he explained the scriptures clearly, he felt an extremely comfortable sense of spiritual transparency, which not only continued to consolidate his rise to the height of the second door, but he also intuitively felt that some strange light and shadow seemed to appear in the sky.

It's like there's some kind of high-level echo overflowing from the migration?

Another young and beautiful woman with a sad look on her eyebrows came in.

"Father, I take good care of my husband, but sometimes my husband treats me coldly. I discipline my son, but sometimes my son treats me harshly. I always care about my parents, siblings, neighbors, and friends, but sometimes I take care of those around me. Some people think that I am being negligent, and you say that I have violated the precept by holding a grudge against them, but should I?”

Emotional issues are not what I am good at as a single person. Fan Ning recovered from the abnormality above and felt a slight headache.

But this problem is not unsolvable for "Father Lavoisier".

He took another sip of water, smiled and said metaphorically, "Let me tell you two things."

"At that time, the king of the city of Tunguska, southwest of Hofmann, prepared a wedding banquet for his son. He sent his servants to find those who had been called, saying that my banquet has been prepared, and the oxen and fattened animals have been prepared. It has been slaughtered and everything is ready. Please come to the feast."

"But the men ignored him and went away. One went to his fields, and the other went to do business."

"The rest took the servants and insulted them and killed them."

“Then the king became furious and sent out troops to destroy the murderers and burn their city.”

"And he said to his servants, The wedding is ready, but those who are called are not worthy. Go up to the fork in the road, and call everyone you find to the banquet."

"Then the servants went out into the highways and gathered together everyone they met, both good and evil. The banquet was filled with guests."

"When the king came in to look at the guests, he saw many who were not wearing formal clothes. He said to one of them, 'Friend, why are you here without wearing formal clothes?' The man had no answer."

"Then the king said to his messenger, "Bind him hand and foot, take the gift that was given to him, and then leave him outside in the darkness."

"There he will weep and gnash his teeth. It will not be pleasant for a king to sit on a throne."

"For many are called, but few are chosen. This is the first truth."

This is a metaphor that God gives every believer the same opportunity, but not many will be chosen in the end? Am I being compared to God or to believers? The woman with a sad face listened blankly.

Fan Ning talked about the second metaphor again:

“Once upon a time, when the Lord was walking in the city of King Noah, some of his disciples who knew it sent some righteous men who were traders to sell a few pieces of ointment and give to the poor.”

“But the LORD says, Be careful not to do your good deeds in the presence of others, deliberately to have them see you.”

“When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before her, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, seeking to gain glory from men, not that the left hand may know what the right hand is doing. That you may give alms. Things are done in secret.”

"When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, who love to pray standing in the synagogues or on the street streets so that they may be seen. Go into your closet and shut the door. And do not be like the Gentiles, who pray with many repetitions They think that if they speak too much, they will be heard. Do not imitate them. I already know what is needed."

“When you fast, do not have a sad look on your face like the hypocrites, for they make their faces ugly so that others will see that they are fasting. Comb your hair and wash your faces so that others will not see that they are fasting. Come out of your fast.”

"A man is justified by what he has done for a while, and truly I tell you this is not reliable. God's eyes are watching all this, and whoever should be saved will be saved, and whoever should be chosen will be chosen. This is the second truth."

The woman looked thoughtful.

"You act according to the standards that determine your righteousness. Many people associate with you, but few are accepted by you. Isn't this the same as what happened to God?"

"Some of your husbands, sons, neighbors, and friends do good things in secret, and some do evil in public places, and they also act according to the standards that determine them as righteous or unrighteous. You don't know much, but you know it." "Sir, doesn't it have to be left to God to decide?"

Yes, isn't that true? I think I am good to them, so I continue with a clear conscience. I should be pleased with those who understand. It is normal for those who do not understand and miss my kindness.

Moreover, not everyone may have bad intentions. People who are truly devout to God will not talk about praise in everything, nor will they put all their efforts in obvious places.

The woman's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"If you understand it, then your business will be done."

So Fan Ning signaled that she could retreat.

He continued to ask the next figure who saluted:

"What confession have you come to make?"

There is still a long queue outside the church door.

The people looked at the people who had finished confession and walked out. Except for one who was carried out, almost all of them walked with light and solid steps, with faces of peace, joy, or calm relief.

This is a real opportunity to find salvation.

Some people are looking forward to it, hoping that the team will move forward quickly; some people are a little nervous and are thinking about their words in advance; others will look at the sky after a while and think about whether there is hope that it will be their turn today.

"Look at the sky!"

Suddenly, a startled breath made everyone look up.

"What vision is that?"

"Why is there a road? No, it seems to be a wrong page, no, it seems to be a long wall!"

"Why do I seem to hear the sound of chants? Is the performance advanced today?"

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Even the soldiers and civilians in the "enemy-occupied area" on the other side of the river discovered it.

Only the sun penetrated the thick clouds into a long passage. Amidst the swaying of golden water vapor, an undulating wall of light with no visible beginning and end was vaguely visible. Even though it was thousands of miles away, it could be felt It seems that there are all kinds of dazzling words and pictures written on it!

For a time, the sacred music of hymns resounded throughout the world, like a miracle!

"We praise you."

"We praise you."

"We worship you."

"We magnify you."

Seeing this scene, the clergy were stunned, and many people even murmured to themselves, leaned over and worshiped the church directly below.

"Wait a minute, you have to line up, and so do those coming from the military."

Priest Jacob was stunned. A gray-black light tracked vehicle drove over directly next to the crowd.

He summoned a spiritual wall like a light curtain and signaled the other party to stop and go around.

"No, it seems to be Marshal Enukem and Admiral Lannut." Priest Durk immediately reminded him, because he saw the man in the driver's seat who was also stunned by the vision above the church. The face looks familiar.

"After receiving the news about Hedgewell, the Pope told him that if one of these two people comes to confess, he should be brought directly to Bishop Lavoisier."

So several deacons ignored the vision and began to guide from the front.

There are still more than 200 kilometers of rural roads in Pontua County from the Hedgewell area.

Several black cars were driving.

"Stop the car." Pope James XIX issued a powerful command.

Dozens of people jumped out of the car one after another, including the church's second-ranking judge, Presiding Judge Melaltin, and the third-ranking man, Cardinal Richelieu of the Western Continent.


Easily, they all noticed the faint divine image in the distance.

"In the direction of Apple? It's not exactly our destination, Hedgewell, is it?"

"Is Bishop Lavoisier the one who started the sacrament of Penance today?"

The leaders of the Holy Sun Church were all squinting their eyes.

Their trip to Hedgewell had been planned, but not for the Sacrament of Penance.

Because Bishop Lavoisier said that after the confession tomorrow, he will decide on the members of the investigation team that will enter the aberration area to search for the "God's Theme".

Then, immediately have dinner and leave Janus.

This group of people came to see him off.

I set out a day early, but I didn't expect to encounter such a strange phenomenon.

"No, this seems to be the wall of icons!

! "

The Pope blurted out.

"The Wall of Icons?"

"It seems so."

These core figures have all used the "Night Watchman's Lamp" and dreamed of the "Glorious Wheel".

Isn't this the "Wall of Icons" that records the core secret history of the Holy Sun Church?

Melaltin thought about it and suddenly stamped his feet:

"The Wall of Icons appeared as a witness? Could it be that Father Lavoisier's preaching in the past month has received the "Gospel Witness" of the Holy Spirit?"

"I'm afraid it is the "Gospel Witness."

The Pope's eyes were solemn and excited.

Such things have no direct relationship with the strength of the witness. It doesn't mean that if you reach the level of the Enlightened or the Ordered, you will definitely get the "Gospel Witness"!

If it is true, it means that during the Pope's own term of office, in the "Illuminati" or "Judgment" of the Holy Sun Church's doctrine classics, new content will be collected, revised, and added!

This is a merit that will be recorded in the canon of doctrine and will last for thousands of years!

"Get in the car and continue on your way."

The Pope took a deep breath, waved his hand, and slammed the car door.

"I would like to remind all the clergy of this generation to make preparations for compiling the Lavoisier Gospel!"

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