Old-time musicians

Chapter 75 Dream (4K 2-in-1)

"He has been looking after and protecting me!?!?"


"But he doesn't even know where he is."

"It was done secretly."

"Okay, but I really don't feel it."

Roy felt that what Father Lavoisier said was definitely true, but she still couldn't believe it.

If the words were a surprise, she felt like she was trying but couldn't find a reason to rationalize accepting it.

Fan Ning looked like he was slowly explaining from the beginning:

"Actually, I have been studying scriptures for many years, and it was only after I sat in this high-level position that I began to read through the files and master a lot of the core information on the mysterious side, including the 'secret seminar' on modern music that I mentioned to you the day before yesterday, including you It talks about some of the grievances between Mr. Fanning and the Special Inspection Department, some of his father Vincent’s past, the hidden story behind the premiere incident of "Second Symphony" in Turner Hall, etc."

"After so long after the Turner Art Hall incident, various official organizations and people in the art world all thought that Fan Ning might have encountered something unexpected based on common sense. After learning about the whole process, I also think so. However, since Miss Roy just said this If you go and tell him, it means that he is still alive and you still maintain a certain degree of contact."

Roy admitted this with a "hmm".

If you want to effectively find out more information, you must reveal some information.

"No one else will know what you and I said in this sacrament of confession." Fan Ning emphasized again.

"I know, thank you, Father."

It was precisely because she trusted Bishop Lavoisier that she chose to have a secret conversation in the form of confession—in fact, under normal circumstances, other priests or bishops would also choose to keep the secret. Violating this rule would mean being abandoned by the Lord. , an extremely serious sin that leaves no rest for the soul.

"However, I can feel that since he left Uvranser, the situation has also been changing, and its degree of fierceness and danger is perhaps even more severe than what happened at Turner Hall that day. Our connection The form and frequency have changed several times, and in the past ten days, it has reached a level that makes me very uneasy.”

Fan Ning felt a little uncomfortable when he heard this. In the past ten days or so, he had deliberately kept the communication between the two messengers "closed" and still responded, but no longer expanded the topic.

Because the connection was about to be cut off, I had already mentioned what I should have mentioned.

After arriving in the abnormal zone, you can still dream without any special obstacles. However, judging from the information gathered from various interrogations during this period, these people who have been inhabited or entered the abnormal zone claim that "in their dreams, worms are everywhere." ", "They camp in the waking world, and are even more dazzling in dreams", "If there are worms under your pillow when you sleep, then there are also worms in the back of your head in your dreams", "They are beautiful and make people feel chills all over."

The confession was a bit confusing, but Fan Ning speculated that the influence of "worms" would be amplified in dreams, including the astral layer of ordinary dreams and the migration layer. This was the original rumor that "sleeping in the abnormal zone is dangerous." "The deeper reason.

Then, it will be difficult to communicate with the dream after entering, and it will be difficult to sneak into the familiar secret realm of migration. The messenger's astral travel will also be affected, and naturally it will be difficult to contact him again.

Deliberately indicating a "cut off contact" moment to the other party is awkward and restrictive for Fan Ning. Maybe it would be good to stop saying "good night" on a certain day ahead, just like leaving temporarily.

Before that, there is one very important thing to guide and arrange.

Fan Ning continued: "Miss Roy just said that she had never felt his presence."

"Uh-huh, no."

"But from the revelation of the light below, he clearly shows signs of caring for and protecting you."

"I don't feel it either."

"Well, it was the result of this contradiction that made me suspicious. It was not until Miss Roy said just now that this 'theater chain' plan was entrusted to you by him, that I finally cleared up my doubts."

"Huh?" Roy was extremely surprised, "You mean, these two things can be related? But, he assigned me such a huge amount of work, and then made me so angry that it became... Are you protecting me?"

Fan Ning still looked confident, nodded and said:

"It does matter."

"Judging from the illumination below, I'm afraid Miss Roy still doesn't know that unknown risks are coming to you. At the moment, there is only one place that is absolutely safe for you."

"Unknown risks?" The other party's serious words made her look solemn. "Then please tell me, priest, where is the safe place?"

"My royal city of Janus, San Perto." Fan Ning concluded straightforwardly.

"Saint Perto, is this where we started?" Roy frowned, "If this place is safe, doesn't it mean that I am not safe even in my own school in the Northern Continent? Now we are This place is not safe? So what you are saying is that it is precisely because I was arranged by Mr. Fan Ning to go on a business trip to the Western Continent and got to know some of you priests that I have the opportunity to work at a faster speed. Returning to San Pelto for safety? But why?"

She recalled the "mysterious chord" that Bishop Lavoisier inadvertently mentioned when everyone was preparing for confession the night before. It happened to be a danger signal that Mr. Fanning had warned before, and she seemed to have vaguely guessed something.

"How long do I need to stay here?"

"Maybe a few months, maybe over a year or more," Fanning said.

The Bologna School is taking the lead in inviting the Holy Sun Church to conduct avant-garde music seminars. With Fanning's authority, he carefully read every document circulation record, including confidential documents.

From the perspective of the instructions of the church's senior leaders, it is just being approached as an artistic matter, with the purpose of keeping up with the forefront of artistic development and checking the ambition of the Special Patrol Office to control the discourse power of artistic evaluation.

There is no "hidden secret" on the church side at present, but Fanning, the leader of the Bologna School, is hard to say.

Moreover, from Roy's words, it was her companion Ms. Hermosa who first proposed to Marquis McAdam to study avant-garde music!

"Mysterious chords" means that Mr. F has already made a move. Judging from the series of unknown and dangerous means shown by this person in the previous few times, Roy must be persuaded to return to San Perto and stay for a long time until he returns from the abnormal area.

This is one of the purposes of Fanning's conversation with her today.

Within the scope of the Holy City, the strength of the saint of the church is almost invincible, and he can tear open the dream and come in a moment.

Before this trip, Fanning had made a simple request. Unless the threat encountered is beyond the level of Poglerich, it is not something Fanning can control.

As the political and economic center of Janus, the holy land of artists, thousands of years of cultural accumulation make it a pleasure to live in San Perto, and there is no grievance.

"Ah, can't you leave for so long?" Roy curled her lips, "San Perto is a good city, but I have just inspected Pontua and Apel. If I stay in San Perto for a long time, except for these three places, the progress of the chain cinemas in other counties in the Western Continent will be shelved. I originally wanted to go home to rest for a month in the second half of the year, and then go to Lydia."

"Besides, can you ensure safety by staying like this?"

"San Perto is such a large area, and I will also come into contact with all kinds of people around me. What exactly is the so-called source of danger?"

Roy basically believes in the general direction, but all kinds of details make her full of doubts.

"The revelation of the secret of illumination is not a statement in conventional language." Fanning struck while the iron was hot, making an unfathomable expression, "What I can see are just a few pieces of a complete puzzle, a few points of light and shadow, and a few scattered, symbolic keywords"

"For example, in the lamp, I rendered the scores that refer to different artistic styles with different light and shadow, and threw the name of Fanning's composer into it to deduce the changes, and found that some color blocks were pulled to present a gradient color--" Fanning used the ability of the wreckage of the "Fountain in the Painting" to "demonstrate" what he "saw" while interpreting it for Roy.

"This is an extraordinary thing. It shows that composer Fanning has played an important role in the evolution of certain artistic styles. In this way, he may be able to keenly smell some unusual breaths."

"And in the pre-submitted materials for the seminar, the scores of avant-garde composers are mixed with some gray and unfamiliar voids-"

"This is a shocking thing. It shows that there are dangerous secrets mixed in these modern techniques."

"Another example is the candle flames that refer to the two of you. No matter where you look, they are separated. Only when you observe in this direction, the light and shadow appear to be intertwined and orange-red-"

Fanning pointed to the left again.

"This is a good thing. It shows that he once promised to help you with some important matters, and this direction happens to be the direction of San Perto, which means that the opportunity to facilitate it is contained in the experience of taking shelter there."


"I don't know how to interpret the various fragmentary revelations in the real context. This requires Miss Roy, an eyewitness, to piece them together." Fanning leaned back in his chair.

Roy frowned and thought, then nodded continuously, and finally realized it.

Artistic style, progressive evolution, linking the past and the future? This "extraordinary thing", isn't it saying that Mr. Fanning has integrated the essence of romanticism, pioneered impressionism, and accelerated the germination of various modern music today?

Avant-garde music score, gray and unfamiliar void? This "horrifying thing", isn't it the "mysterious chord" that Mr. Fanning once warned about?

Promise to help, important matters, St. Perto? This "profitable thing", yes, that day Mr. Fanning said that he could avoid the problem of the climbing path being controlled by the Special Patrol Office by killing a "Yan" master. Moreover, that day happened to be at the scene of St. Perto's baptism. From this point of view, it is not necessarily that he personally took the risk to do it? No wonder he ignored me when I said no! It turns out that the potential opportunity is still in St. Perto, Father Lavoisier even calculated this point! !

It's all connected, all connected.

"Mr. Bishop is amazing." Roy couldn't help but applaud.

"Then I'll go back to San Perto as soon as possible."

"However, how can I know that I can leave? Do I have to wait for you to notify me?"

"I don't know when I will come back, how can you wait for me to tell you?" Fanning smiled faintly, "Of course, you have to wait for a key figure like Mr. Fanning to contact you. According to the revelation, he may have made a promise."

"Okay." Roy curled his lips, "He did say 'I will come back when the trouble is solved', but he said it casually."

Fanning leaned over, took out a gray-black envelope from the storage compartment under the table and handed it over.

"I said before that I would like to congratulate Miss Roy for her contribution to the Janus cinema chain in advance. Then, you can read the content after we part. Those who deserve protection will be protected, those who deserve to be exalted will be exalted, and those false teachers who mingle among the righteous will also be exposed for their deceit."

"Okay." Roy said no more and took it solemnly.

Sure enough, everything makes sense.

Mr. Fanning entrusted me to build the hospital, so I came to the Western Continent with the resources he gave me, making the priests of Janus feel blessed, and in turn protecting me to resolve crises and seek breakthroughs. In the final analysis, everything is because of him.

What a miraculous fate

After Roy put away the envelope, he stood up and bowed to Fan Ning: "Roy also wishes you a smooth journey. In my opinion, it may not be so 'tragic'. Many times, what awaits people at the end of a long journey may be something they have already met, but they just didn't pay attention to it before. I think this process of 'rediscovering oneself' is also the meaning of 'pilgrimage'"

Waiting at the end is you who have already met, and you will still comfort people as always. Fan Ning kept nodding slightly, and after calming down, he said:

"Don't go far, have a simple meal here later."

"Okay, see you later!"

After Roy left, it was already dark, and the two-day confession was officially over.

In the quiet confessional, Fan Ning slowly ticked the list of inquiries from the investigation team provided by the Pope.

It's difficult to make a decision, but it's time to make a decision.

From Fanning's personal perspective, everything he did after arriving in the Western Continent was ultimately "utilization".

He couldn't go to a place a little deeper into the Abnormal Zone by himself.

Even though his strength on the Mysterious Side was already relatively strong among the Awakes, and even though unknown dangers sometimes did not depend on strength, he still needed a deputy to take care of him, a driver to drive, and a veteran with rich survival experience who could deal with many uninhabited areas.

Now Fanning's goal has actually been well achieved. The Holy Sun Church has regarded the search for the "Theme of God" as a potential way forward for the fifth generation of the Light-Bearers. This can be seen from the degree of importance - in the list in front of him now, there are more than ten high-ranking military or bishop-level high-ranking officials. In addition to the Pope himself who must not leave, even the Chief Judge Melaltin and the Cardinal Richelieu of the Western Continent are requesting to go together. Many people came to Hedgewell to wait for the gathering later.

They waited to be summoned to the banquet, and then the Pope would see them off here.

But the matter of selecting people is essentially no different from asking them to be "buried with him".

Let alone taking out the church's funds to help him solve the pollution of the "Old Days", Fanning felt unwilling and reluctant to call on a few clergy who were not considered "core strongmen", such as Bishop Christopher, Bishop Toukville, and Father Durke.

"Use Bishop Lavoisier to have no mercy and send the congregation to illuminate and drive away the darkness, and guide the way forward for the pilgrimage"

The voice of the saint echoed in his mind, and finally, Fanning made up his mind.

Of course, it depends mainly on oneself. It is enough for them to take themselves as deep as possible.

Finding the "theme of God" and solving the pollution of the "Old Days" are also the relationship between means and goals.

After sending the receipt into the astral world, Fanning finally felt a surge of mental fatigue.

He had not slept for the past two days, and his mind had been searching for scriptures, organizing opinions, and answering questions, almost without stopping. Even with the spirituality of the Profound Enlightenment, it was a bit too much.

There was still more than half an hour before the dinner scheduled later, and Fanning took a nap at his desk.

In a trance, something under his arm was vibrating.

Fan Ning raised his head.

The surroundings were brightly lit, the glass was clean and tidy, and between the rows of bookcases and computers, boys and girls were flipping through books, typing on the keyboard, and someone was writing something on the seat next to them.

It turned out to be the library on campus in his previous life.

As soon as Fan Ning picked up the phone, his whole body tensed up.

The messages on the homepage were overwhelming, all of which were WeChat messages sent by Fan Chenxun:

"Be careful of snakes!"

"Be careful of snakes!"

"Be careful of snakes!"

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