Old-time musicians

Chapter 84 Taken Out (5K 2-in-1)


Sylvia was immediately stunned when she heard what the other party said.

She, an "inhuman person" who had taken too many "worms", could not keep up with the other party's train of thought.

Moreover, Fan Ning did not give her a chance to react. The "Night Watchman's Lamp" covered with insects in his hand was thrown above the two of them, erupting with a confusing mortar-like sticky light!

The gnosis of the second "Gate of Enlightenment" was injected into the chariot, and all kinds of thoughts turned into sharp spiritual spikes, directly piercing into Sylvia's astral body!

Her limbs began to twitch, and snakes seemed to be squirming violently under her skin. Her expression changed from the previous teasing attitude, and she responded to Fan Ning with a series of roars:


"I hate the word substitute!"

"Do you have Mr. F's permission to succeed me!? Is this an individual act or an organizational act!? You are committing a big crime by having an affair with 'worm'!?!?"

The woman started asking questions, her sharp voice echoing in the pool, and then she softened nervously and showed a forced smile:

"Did you make a mistake?"

Has there been a similar "substitute" situation before? Or is it that "Sylvia" is just the code name for a higher-level messenger in the Divine Advent Society, not one person, but a category? No matter what, this woman is the ringleader of a series of incidents he encountered in the Northern Continent. She should have died long ago. Fan Ning thought of Sylvia's indistinguishable identity in several underground gatherings, and flashed in his mind. All kinds of thoughts.

Maybe if we follow her words and exchange a few more words, we can extract some useful clues from this confusing information.

But now there is another order enforcer present, and the content of the additional communication cannot be predicted and controlled, which will bring unknown variables to one's identity disguise.

Although Fan Ning illuminated the situation for both sides and was impartial, making both sides feel at ease and comfortable, the order of actions he guided was very particular.

Sylvia's purpose is to "kidnap" and take away "qualified people" so that "Tongmu" has no one to replace her and is completely overwhelmed by fear. But the Special Patrol Office is different. Instead, they The party who "teared down the vote" wanted to expose the "qualified person" on the spot and keep him here forever!

One side has room for maneuver, the other does not.

We must reduce the number of members of the Special Patrol Department first, and then deal with Sylvia. The order cannot be reversed!

What Fan Ning wants to do is "rescue", which on the surface looks the same as "kidnapping". They both take people away, so from the perspective of the Special Patrol Office, it will automatically be substituted into the actions of the members of the Divine Surrender Society. logic!

Tantric believers act without reason, ask for credit and reward, and have constant internal strife for fear that the water will not be muddy enough. This is too reasonable.

"You can't handle things well, and you talk a lot of nonsense. Don't embarrass yourself here!" Fan Ning laughed again, waved one hand in front of Sylvia, and made a gesture like slamming his hand to close the window, "Qiming The gnosis of "Gate" was once again called out.


Contrary to the "enlightening" action of pushing the window with both hands, this is the reverse "shielding"!

"Bang bang bang bang"

Sylvia felt like something heavy hit her head, the sound of impact lingered in her ears, and the world around her became drowsy.

My sanity has almost returned to zero, and my thinking that is trying hard to contend with "helmology" can no longer hold up!

First, the skin quickly loses its smooth texture and becomes loose and wrinkled.

I want to see what kind of face you have under your mask. Fan Ning stared at the woman whose whole body was convulsing like chaff. The invisible power of the "Key" phase was condensed out of thin air, and he aimed at her face and twisted hard -

Half of the golden mask was torn off, revealing an old and twisted face that Fan Ning was familiar with!

I had already expected that the old lady Hermosa who had been accompanying Roy had a problem and might pass the sign to the Divine Advent Society, but why was Sylvia directly herself? Only then did Fan Ning realize that the opponent's previous "mirror attack" method did have many similarities with Hermosa's attack in the previous church air raid!

Fan Ning was astonished. Hermosa's face had grown densely packed with fleshy sprouts, squirming out of the pores of the remaining half of the mask. Her skirt collapsed and melted into the flesh. Her skin swelled and overflowed outside her skirt.

When did the problem occur?

before? The official forces in the entire northern continent didn't find any problem with a powerful man in a high position of the Bologna School?

recent? What was the pollution after Roy's expedition team came to the Western Continent, such as during the air raid that spread mysterious substances?

Fan Ning couldn't think clearly for a moment, so he had to retreat quickly and stay away from him.

Until the entire space where Hermosa was located became weird and deformed. Even the tile grids with front and rear perspective relationships around the outline of her body began to collapse, making people feel mentally polluted at a glance.

The ring inlaid with black jade and the harmonica with messy graffiti both fell down.

Fan Ning ignored it.

In this world, there is often no such thing as "killing people and seizing treasures".

Once the barrier is broken down, we are not sure how quickly "Tongmu"'s gaze will come, but the time will definitely become critical and milliseconds count. The first thing to try is to combine Qiong's spirit body with "Crimson'er" "Miss" dragged in the flute she left behind, and then used the ability of "unrestricted access" to take the shortest route and fall directly out of the dream. This was Fan Ning's calculation in his mind.

He continued to fly up, approaching the flickering purple-red light curtain.

All attention is focused on Mr. Wax below who may take action against himself or the spiritual barrier at any time.

But the other party seemed to be trying something else first.

Layers of illusory rivers, whirlpools and cold light appeared around his wheelchair, making people feel cold and lost, and even felt like they were falling dangerously from time to time.

Countless messy objects, lights and shadows drifted and surged in the river, just like the debris and broken trees carried along by a flash flood sweeping through the city.

Fan Ning sensed a familiar aura among them. The fragments of the spiritual bodies of the people who had just been killed were swirling along these illusory whirlpools to the depths of nothingness.

"Is this a corner of a tributary revealed in the long river of history? This confirms my previous conjecture. When it reaches a high enough level, it is possible to achieve 'resurrection' in the mystical sense, and at least a partial remedy can be achieved."

He saw gray-white rope nets constantly popping up in Mr. Wax's hands, as if he was trying to salvage some of the remnants of He Meng and Gang by relying on the ability of the order enforcer.

But I don’t know whether it’s because these two people only have “position” but no high-level “qualification”, or some other unknown factor. The “catching” of those rope nets has repeatedly failed, and the spiritual remnants belonging to the two people seem to be unable to be captured. , passed through the period as if nothing existed.

"Why doesn't it work at all?"

After dozens of attempts, Mr. Wax had beads of sweat on his forehead.

Seeing that the spiritual remnants of the two people were about to sink to the bottom of the whirlpool and float further in the long river of history, they passed through the edge of vision and continued to fall, returning to the space of the "disintegration field" and falling into into the red liquid under the spiral steps!

"Boom!!!——" A sudden change occurred.

The originally relatively calm water in the pool began to boil violently, and the color of the "pyrolysis field" began to change.

First it jumped suddenly, the wall turned silver and the water turned green.

Then there was a gradual change, the silver ceramic tiles glowed with a purple-gold glow, and the green water returned to a hawthorn-red color.

Everything happened so fast, Fan Ning suddenly felt a creepy feeling of being watched. Countless squirming visual organs seemed to be squeezed into the darkness inside the valves on all sides!


At the same time, the light curtain of the spiritual barrier above cracked a penetrating gap like a cracker!

From "wild" to "key", from "cocoon" to "pool", the twists and turns of the double gate? No, it’s a “mirror image”! The secret history of the past seems to have interfered with the present again. The spirits of He Meng and Gang served as sacrifices, forming the prelude to the current "mirror incident"! No wonder Fan Ning and Mr. Wax, who were unable to salvage anything in the long river of history and witnessed all kinds of changes, reacted immediately.

I'm afraid that the consciousness of "Mother Tong" has arrived, and she wants to seize these twin spirits and replace them in her own doorway position!

For the different purposes of both parties, Mr. Wax does not need to change the process. He only needs to prevent the "real Sylvia" from causing variables again and let her life be buried here!

"not good."

Fan Ning realized that the serious situation had arrived in advance, and the ceremony to replace the door had been violently started, and there was an order enforcer who was suppressing his anger next to him!

The next moment, the two saw a purple-red ball of light, alternately flashing with electric arcs and blood mist, fall out of the cracks in the spiritual barrier above, and fall towards the boiling pool water below at a speed slightly slower than free fall. go.

They had already begun to be captured. Fan Ning's mind was racing, and he realized that his spiritual image at this time was still "Sylvia".

"Ha, little girl, it's dangerous down there, so you'd better come home with me."

He made a teasing laugh before taking action. To Mr. Wax's ears, the content did not go against the motives of the Divine Advent Society at all.

But after attracting the full attention of the person he wanted to attract, the original golden mask on his face quickly flashed twice between bright silver and pure black!


The girl's surprised and happy voice suddenly sounded in Fan Ning's mind.

Sure enough, Joan, who had attended underground gatherings together, reacted quickly after seeing this subtle reminder.

She immediately thought of it, the latter was the color of the masks of "Purple Bean Cake" and "Mendeleev" at the party!

But perhaps due to the influence of "Tongmu", or perhaps due to the conflict between Qiong and "Miss Crimson'er" herself, this voice was buried in a large number of disturbing babbles and angry quarrels, intermittently. , sometimes clear and sometimes turbid.

"Isn't it wonderful that she herself wants to take advantage of being promoted?"

"Just give it a try, and if it doesn't work, run away quickly and don't hesitate."

"Give me a spot first"

Moreover, after the initial surprise in raising her tone, her voice quickly weakened, and it could be heard that she had been struggling to hold on for many days and was close to running out of gas.

Qiong's initial message in the dream bedroom was obviously a miscalculation of the situation, saying that she just had to come here before the secret realm collapsed in "a year and a half", but she didn't expect that a witness master had been " "Worm" has been driving people crazy for more than two thousand years!


Fan Ning didn't say much. He kept the silver flute pinned to his waist. At this moment, he controlled his inspiration and flashed it as a pulling point for the next concerted effort.

A huge, irresistible force suddenly pulled him down!

It was obvious that Joan's spirit was trying to "hitch a ride" on the flute around her waist, just like a drowning man caught in a whirlpool grasping at the last straw.

However, the falling speed of the light ball did not slow down at all. It just took Fan Ning with it, and the original vertical fall slightly shifted in the direction of Fan Ning.

Fan Ning, who was in an almost weightless state, continued to endure the chaotic babble and quarrels, listening carefully, trying to discern what Joan was saying next.

"I can't get over here. There are restrictions at the level of containment laws that go beyond the scope of force." Qiong's voice was breathy, and she felt that she had exhausted all her strength.

"Can you try the 'key' instead of dragging it behind me and try 'padting' the strings as high as possible in front of me? Or"

The sounds in my ears were suddenly cut off in an instant.

Mr. Wax finally stopped searching in the long river of history. Those illusory rivers and cold light disappeared. With beads of sweat on his face, he raised his hand again toward the sky!

Cold air surged up from his feet to his body, and Fan Ning's teeth began to chatter.

Countless flying discs folded from white paper formed a shuttle pouring across the sky, heading towards him through the sky!

There is no energy to move or adjust.

Fan Ning, who had never participated in a head-on confrontation, finally felt the terrifying gap between himself and the Enforcer. Except for the extreme case of using the taboo power of "wormology", this was not an attack that the Underworlder could avoid at all! Even if you create your own key, it's impossible, even if the other party is just a secret historian!

Among his spiritual premonitions, he only looked like he was cut into ragged pieces, as if the outcome had been predetermined, and what he saw later was just the appearance of an ultimatum.

But unfortunately, the fact that goes against divinity and true knowledge happened in the next moment.

These flying discs passed directly through Fan Ning's body, cutting off the tile wall behind like tofu, as if Fan Ning was just a non-existent "map".

A ball of light, a "Sylvia", one in front of the other, one on the left and one on the right, fell into the bottomless red liquid below!

"The rituals led by the Lord of Witness have begun, so the objects in these rituals are completely separated from the effects and influences from relatively low-level personalities? This includes people in the first two phases, including people in the latter two phases, and also includes Syl Via, the person who wants to force contact with you?"

"It's just a pity for these two loyal subordinates He Meng and Gang. The leader will probably sigh for a long time because of this treacherous secret history."

Mr. Wax failed to hit the target, but did not try again.

These people are being dragged towards the "back room", and the process of things is still on track after all.

He withdrew his hand, leaned on the wheelchair, and looked coldly at the water, waiting for the final result.


The sound in his ears returned. The pool water submerged Fan Ning's feet, spread to his abdomen, and finally rose above his mouth and nose. The frozen body feeling also dissolved.

In the illogical dream, there seems to be no breathing restriction, but a certain dangerous sense of oppression still spreads throughout the body.

Fan Ning also understood in a blink of an eye that the power of "Tongmu"'s will was much higher than the part of divinity contained by Mr. Wax, so her need to replace the "double gate color" of "Key" and "Chi" was directly Mr. Wax's attempt failed illogically and forcefully.

This is what Joan calls the "lawful" clamp that goes beyond the scope of force.

"Place the 'key' of the highest possible level in front of her? This should be an attempt to use similar mysterious substances to counteract the 'double gate color' needed by the 'Tong Mother', so as to find an opportunity to escape. , it can be regarded as complying with and utilizing this law, but can a wild beast that bites a person loosen its fangs with another piece of meat?"

At this time, Fan Ning had already detached the extraordinary string with the "key" form from the "Illyrian" that no longer concealed its form.

He wrapped it around his wrist and tried his best to pass its spiritual tentacles downward.

The trajectory of falling in the liquid indeed deviated even more, and the speed slowed down.

However, it cannot change its trend.

Fan Ning even had a hunch that the intricate "back room" spaces below were getting closer and closer to a few people.


He seemed to suddenly sense something.

Something that is extremely closely associated with oneself.

Or, it can't be said to be induction. It's strange that he suddenly remembered a direction but couldn't grasp it.

"It's no use, Caron, just stop and cut off the flute's spiritual connection and you sneak up."

Crazy murmurs, furious quarrels, and angry voices sounded in my ears again.

"Idiot, you are really an idiot! This is your chance to rise higher. The guard at the gate will at least be the order enforcer! This is the way they promised to pick me up again!"

"The only 'key' phase part that is qualified to take over his position is you! Even if you borrow the 'Masterless Hammer' of Guidance School President Boulez, you won't be able to escape with a shoddy one!"

"Don't spoil my good deeds!"

"Don't spoil my good deeds!!!"

Another female voice was scolding loudly.

Countless bubbles boiled and floated, while Fan Ning's figure was still falling.

"Caron, when you get to the 'back room', which is an abnormal zone and not the southern continent, your 'unrestricted access' ability will be gone." Joan's voice rose a little while she was panting, and she became anxious.

"It doesn't work, just go up. Thank you for coming to see me one last time. Maybe there will be something you can do later."

This matter can drive even the Lord of Witnesses crazy, and there is nothing else to do after that! Fan Ning bit his lips tightly, and the extraordinary strings had already deeply tightened into his arm.

What did he just think of?

As the liquid fell rapidly, Fan Ning felt that he was getting closer and closer to the intricate and abnormal area.

Maybe it was just five breaths!

Suddenly, Fan Ning raised his arm wrapped with the extraordinary strings.

Something slowly condensed and formed on his palm.

"Why? Why can it be retrieved here!?"

He couldn't believe it himself.

It was a baton that was as black as ebony, with light golden spiral patterns, and felt as warm and delicate as ivory!

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