After a brief exchange of ideas, everyone unanimously confirmed that Fan Ning's subsequent statement was relatively more accurate.

Suddenly, no matter where they looked, everyone's peripheral vision was wrapped in a circle of abnormal light and shadow. The shapes of things seemed to begin to disintegrate, the edges seemed to begin to melt, and colors floated in a bright and overflowing way. The dark layer is like a soap film flowing under the sun.

Because the scope of the change was only the outermost layer of the field of vision, it did not hinder movement, and there was no pain or foreign body sensation.

But the feeling of discomfort for people is very strong, and more importantly, this is obviously not an ordinary state, and no one can understand what is happening to them.

"There may be a problem with this place, please leave immediately."

In less than a minute, before he had time to think deeply, Tukweil, as the deputy captain, first issued an order based on the principle of caution.

"Which way?"

"Let's drive in the general direction first, and then we'll start."

Feeling uneasy, everyone quickly got into the car, started the car again, and started driving on a relatively smooth road in the forest.

Even if there are invisible forces to assist when necessary, the vehicle will definitely encounter impassable terrain at some point in the future. What everyone hopes is that before that, the vehicle can take itself as far as possible.

"I don't think it's a physical eye disease."

In the car, Priest Jacobs looked directly at the distant scenery for a while, then raised a telescope for observation, and from time to time blocked half of his sight with his hands.

"It should be that we have suffered some kind of pollution, spiritual pollution. Because the eyes are the windows of spirituality, we are the first to react to visual changes. As for the consequences of this pollution, it is still unclear. I don’t know if the investigative team members of the Special Patrol Office have ever encountered such a situation. These guys are always secretive about actual and specific information.”

Several sergeants nodded subconsciously. They could not understand the mysterious side of things and could only hope that these knowledgeable and knowledgeable people could figure it out.

Priest Durk's expression was worried. He agreed with this guess and tried to ask further:

"If it is pollution, the essence of all pollution is hidden knowledge, and the source of all hidden knowledge is the Lord of Witness. So, which evil god is targeting us?"

If you can know the corresponding witness owner, you can also deduce some useful information.

"Could the visual influence and the weird extravagance be the 'fountain in painting' studied by the Harmony School?"

"It may be the 'Truthful Tiger' enshrined by the Divine Advent Society."

"This is an abnormal area. What you encounter must not be something you can usually understand. I think it is a 'worm'."

The "contamination" inference made by Durk was the conventional thinking of knowledgeable people, and several others began to speculate along his train of thought.

"The first question is, when did it start?" Bishop Tukville said, "As soon as we got out of the car after sunrise, we all 'saw' this flowing color. So, when we were in the wilderness What about when we were still in the car?”

"It was pitch dark when we were in the car, maybe it was there then."

"Then the problem is not this forest land, but the pollution from earlier?"

Several sergeants couldn't help but put their hands on their eyes, but they didn't bother to rub them.

"No need to be overly nervous."

"I mean, not yet."

Fan Ning finally spoke, and everyone looked at him.

"At that time, when I was conducting a spiritual search on General Lannut, I had an insight into the scene where acquaintances from the Divine Advent Society gathered in groups and entered the abnormal area. It happened that the boundary outside the tattered barbed wire fence was' "Visible" type boundary, in the painting, it also looks like a layer of weirdly colored soap film floating on something that is crumbling and muddy."

"So according to my speculation, I am afraid that everyone who enters the abnormal zone a little deeper will soon have this phenomenon in the edge of their vision!"

"It is still unclear what kind of life-threatening changes this will cause. The Special Patrol Office has not responded to our request for instructions, and has not shared any information before. However, since it is a common phenomenon after entering the abnormal zone, everyone cannot escape, then At least you don't have to panic and try to 'escape somewhere'. Traveling without observation and recording will lead to the deviation of the direction being unable to be corrected in time, and the gain outweighs the loss. "

Fan Ning signaled the team to find a relatively open place to pause.

"Continue to pay attention to the weird changes in the 'soap bubble', but don't just dwell on this one thing. The two people recording the journey exchange the characteristic landmarks they described to determine where the expanded map boundary is; the vehicle again A comprehensive overhaul; everyone takes a rest in place, stretches their muscles and bones, and continues to eat if they are not full. You can also pay attention to the traces of previous people's activities to see if you can find a relatively large stronghold site. However, do not break away from others. sight range.”

He made arrangements one by one.

"Okay." Everyone felt relieved and responded one after another.

"Chirp chirp chirp" "Chirp chirp chirp"

During the renovation, the sound of birdsong once again caught the attention of several people.

The woodland here grows more prosperously and is closer to the natural state. The birdsong is like weak tubes and light threads, overlapping and densely packed, hovering in high altitudes.

"It's a little strange, no, it's a little familiar." Tukweil raised his head and narrowed his eyes.

"I seem to hear a lot of familiar music? It's too mixed, I'm not sure." The two priests also tilted their ears, trying to distinguish something, "It seems to be the "Third Symphony" by Master Gilles, the "Flute Concerto in F Major" by Master Meyer, several operas by Master Tarakan, and a symphonic poem by Master Lorfen."

Fanning also frowned to distinguish, but unlike everyone else, he quickly associated it with something else.

"There are so many birds lingering in this area of ​​the Orthos Rainforest, which means we are close to the site of the St. Archene Hospital."

This was the low explanation of the chief hunter with fear at the time.

"These birds are witnesses, faithfully recording all the weird things that happened here in history. Any voice of intruders will be regarded as a kind of "peeping". They will generously show you "what you want to peek" even if people do not have the mental capacity to accept this knowledge."

How can there be the same strange mechanism in the Abnormal Zone as in the Orthos Rainforest? Intertwined with layers of audio versions of "historical projection"?

No, Fanning realized the next moment that the cause and effect relationship should be the opposite.

It should be said that the former Orthos Rainforest had the same strange mechanism as the Abnormal Zone.

After the fall of the "Fragrant Poet" During the years when the pollution from the "Red Pool" continued to penetrate, it is very likely that the "Land of Scorching Heat" had already been partially perforated, allowing some abnormal areas to leak out in advance.

Based on the experience at that time, orderly performance can sort out the mixed music to a certain extent. At that time, I did this because I wanted to know what the "Prelude" sounded like. Now, what other meaning is there?

Fanning continued to think, and when he was about to give it a try no matter what, a question raised by Bishop Tukwell interrupted his train of thought, and this question was indeed raised at the right time-

"Where are the birds? "

Everyone was stunned.

Yes, why didn't we see any flocks of birds when hearing such dense and overlapping calls?

There are birds living in these woodlands. People have always seen one or two perched on branches or flying high in the sky from time to time, but a few birds obviously cannot form such dense calls.

And when they realized this, everyone felt that this mixed sound did not seem to be completely like birds.

A few minutes later, everyone moved their feet slightly and focused their attention on a tall tree.

This is a huge banyan tree with lush branches and leaves that covers the sky. It is a typical "one tree makes a forest". It is impossible to tell how many layers of overlapping branches there are above.

"You go up and take a look." Tukwell said.

"Okay. "The one-armed old priest Durk agreed, and used a similar method to help cars pass before, stepped on a golden air wall, and slowly rose up.

The sound of bullets being loaded rang out, and several sergeants raised their guns around Durk. Fanning and Tukwell also became extremely vigilant.

Fearing that he would be in vain again, Durk quickly fell back to where he was.

"What's wrong?"

Fanning felt that his face was a little weird, as if he saw something difficult to recognize.

"It seems that there are some violins growing in this tree that are not easy to describe. "

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