Old-time musicians

Chapter 104 Camp

The four sergeants felt heavy sleepiness coming in waves.

They had to admit that during the initial period of entering the abnormal zone, their mental state was more tense than the most intense war they had ever experienced. After such relaxation, human physiological laws are almost unbreakable. Perhaps, We can still keep walking for a while, but it is really difficult to survive until tomorrow's dawn.

In addition, deviating from expectations is

Originally, Fan Ning and Tukweil, the two wise men, should be in good spirits, and Durk and Jacob, the two high-ranking wise men, should be able to stay at least one more night.

But now even they feel tired.

Another detail that is not eye-catching but goes against the norm. Some of the spiritual or "mental power" advantages shown in the normal world after studying "Candle" seem to be greatly reduced in this abnormal area with colorful scenery. A lot of the information that had been circulated before was simply inaccurate. It was originally thought that the first round would last 4-5 days.

[As I write this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐˜๐˜„๐—ธ๐—ฎ๐—ป.๐—ฐ๐—ผ๐—บ]

"I'm afraid I'll have to use the 'Sneaky Water' tonight." Bishop Tukweil said in the first moving car.

"This is a plan that has been made long ago." Pastor Jacob nodded from behind, "It's just that the time deviated from expectations. I originally thought that if the few of us used this thing, it would be one day late."

Sleep used to be the top of the iconic taboos here, the dividing line between "maybe it's still too late to turn back" and "never get out again". Now, the method developed by the "helminthologist" of the Special Patrol Office is indeed It provides a great help for in-depth investigation, but it is definitely not something that can be abused at will.

This elixir formula, which the church obtained from the Special Patrol Office at a great cost and uses "sneaky water" as the main ingredient, does not have the ideal principle of action of an "anthelmintic" or a "purifying agent."

It is said that after taking it, the human body temporarily becomes "less suitable for worms to live on."

It doesn't sound like a good thing at first glance, and I don't know how many possible side effects or accidents there are.

Moreover, if you take it multiple times, the dosage will become larger and larger, but the time to take effect will become shorter and shorter.

Judging from the data provided by the Special Patrol Office, people who take it for the first time can generally take it for more than 30 hours, which allows people to enjoy normal sleep for two consecutive nights. However, after that, they may have to sleep for half an hour. You have to ask someone to wake you up, otherwise you wonโ€™t know what you will become when you wake up on your own.

Team members who have not risen high enough and have a lower spiritual level will undoubtedly become the first to become "useless" players.

They have already realized this, and their mission is to do their best, maintain their vehicles, and lead the other priests as deeply as possible.

Then, there is another question.

"Later, should we just find a place where we can barely park our car to rest? Or" Tukweil asked slowly as he stared at the last ray of the setting sun disappearing.

Just now, the brightness of the sky experienced a steep decline. The golden color on the treetops and bushes was taken away in an instant, leaving only a faint shadow of dove gray.

Behind him, the flowers and bacteria that were blooming in strange colors just a moment ago were almost impossible to see clearly.

"Just drive on this bad road for another two hours."

Fan Ning glanced at his watch and made a decision.

"If by 8:30 p.m. we still can't find a large stronghold site worthy of staying, or if we completely lose track of the road under our feet, we will choose a place to stop and rest."

Fortunately, today's temperature has dropped by a notch compared to the "painful land" outside. The number of mosquitoes in the forest at night is now at a tolerable level after some slight treatment.

Moreover, judging from the distribution of traces of activities along the way and analyzing the construction information collected in the past from various countries, Fan Ning felt that it was still possible to find a large-scale stronghold.

"What do you think?" Tucville asked.

"I can sleep until after nine o'clock." "It doesn't matter if it's closer to ten o'clock." "Follow the team's arrangements."

Several soldiers yawned one after another, and some were wiping tears from the corners of their eyes, but they all said they could walk for a few more hours, while the "tired" people who knew it would take longer to fall asleep, and they could still hold on until the second half of the night. No problem.

So the convoy continued to bump forward in the night.

Facts have proved that Fan Ning's judgment was accurate. After driving for more than an hour, the team approached a mountain col with a gentle slope.

Looking diagonally downward from a distance, there is a group of faint black outlines of buildings.

The rooms are scattered at random, and they are basically bungalows. Only one main camp seems to have been built with two floors.

There are sentry towers standing in the corners, which are very high and almost offset the height difference of the mountain col.

Further out, it is surrounded by forests on three sides, and there is also a narrow swamp and reed field connected to the external lake.

Due to years of natural growth, the terrain of this mountain col is actually no longer suitable for vehicles to pass down. However, Fan Ning used invisible power to "eliminate the roots" along the way, and Priest Durk used "golden air walls" to cushion the wheels to assist, and no one was able to Without much effort, the three cars were parked in a relatively flat, overgrown open space in front of the yard.

When several bright beams of military flashlights were projected forward, several people in the crowd, including Fan Ning, let out a surprised "Eh" sound.

The flashlight illuminated the waste wire mesh. It should be a wire mesh. After all, it looked like a "wall" in front of everyone.

But there were only a few parts that were actually "wires". What everyone saw were the imaginative spores, pollen and other secretions growing on it. They were thick and three-dimensional, and the branches and petals that stubbornly poked out from time to time formed a long scroll of paintings with gorgeous and overflowing colors.

Even through the composition and color matching of some parts, Fanning inexplicably thought of some well-known avant-garde works or some abstract symbols in the works of some classical masters.

He couldn't help but stay in front of it for several minutes.

Several soldiers used tools to do the initial cleaning, and then cut off a door-sized mixture of wire and plants with steel pliers and twisted it off.

Through this dark gap, the flashlight finally illuminated the houses in the camp.

The light revealed many cracks on the top, but they were not "broken bones". In addition, they were all flat or two-story, so they looked solid at first glance. However, their outer walls were still blooming with colorful and vibrant flowers and mosses.

"To be honest, I feel that this place is a little unusual, but not to the extent of being "very weird." Colonel Alpha released the safety of the Schmerz 18 submachine gun in his hand and aimed at the front with vigilance.

"Doesn't this comment apply anywhere else?" Priest Jacob smiled.

Brigadier General Boles also heard the sound of loading his gun: "Let's go in and take a look. These camps are built by the authorities of various countries according to military standards. We are resting in a room with several supports. The degree of security is definitely higher than that of the open mountains and forests. Moreover, the priests may be able to collect some useful intelligence."

The eight people counted the necessary items they carried, held their weapons, and crouched down one by one through the gap in the barbed wire.

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