Old-time musicians

Chapter 106 Extra Door

Chapter 540 The extra door


"Did he still stay in the last room and not follow?"

"You shouldn't be so confused when you're sleepy."

When Ivan, the cook, said this, everyone realized belatedly that there were indeed only five people entering the house, including the two guarding the door, one less.

Someone shouted a few times toward the outside of the dead black camp, and Tukweil asked Lieutenant Andrew and cook Ivan, who were standing guard by the door, if they saw Brigadier General Boles following or coming in.

The two of them nodded immediately at first, saying "it's definitely coming."

Even Tukweil repeatedly asked details such as "were you in front or behind the team when you didn't come in?" "Where did you stand after coming in?" "What did you check?" When asked, they both blurted out their answers, and what they said could corroborate each other.

But they couldn't answer "why the person disappeared", and several priests couldn't explain it clearly.

"Go back to the previous house first and have a look. Let's go together and don't get separated."

Fan Ning first made arrangements.

Before using the "Sneaky Water" elixir, would Brigadier General Boles be so sleepy that he fell asleep? It's not impossible, after all, even I, a profounder, feel far more tired than usual.

If you have just fallen asleep, you may not dream so quickly, and you may not be able to wake up in time.

"Okay, everyone, please pay attention."

Priest Duerke raised his arm to warn, and then with a creaking sound, he used his foot to push open the half-covered steel door.

When I went out, the air felt very humid, and it started to rain.

In the virgin mountain forests in no man's land, the weather is unpredictable.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and there was a muffled spring thunder in the distance.

Everyone stepped on the mud and carefully returned to the previous room with the double bass.

Brigadier General Boles was not there either.

Just now, I used a flashlight to shine on some places where there might be blind spots, such as fences and bushes, but there were none.

In fact, with the vigilance of a senior military general, even if he really fell asleep, in such a quiet place, there was no way that he would not react to the few voices calling him by his name just now. This time, a palpable sense of haze enveloped him. Seven people remain.

Fan Ning could only take out the "Night Watchman's Lamp", light it with the very tired spiritual fire, and try to recite the prayer about "The Secret of Illumination":

"The stairs rise into gray neon, the lights and windows open and ready."

“We light and drive away darkness, we show the way forward, we have no mercy.”

"Brigadier General Boles' current location."

Bright light bursts out from it, projecting light and dark textures on the floor and walls, but it is flickering and shaking, very chaotic.

There is no indication of a more worthwhile direction or path.

"Even the 'Night Watchman's Lamp', a very high-level 'candle' ritual tool, cannot directly work? It seems that seeking enlightenment in it is also more difficult than in the outside world. This is because of the abnormal confusion of Honkai Did you know the laws and principles of the original seven phases? Remember that in the previous interrogation information of the church, it was recorded that someone came out of the abnormal zone and claimed that "there are more than forty phases in the world."

However, there are two ways to further strengthen it. Use it after entering a dream, or use a secret ritual.

Of course you can't try the former, but you can do the latter.

As Fan Ning was thinking in his mind, the drizzle outside the house turned heavy, the wind blew violently, and a lightning bolt as thick as a bucket pierced the sky.

The entire mountain col and camp were photographed into contrasting black and white films. The trees and flowers stretched out with claws and claws, and then returned to darkness and silence in an instant.


The thunder that followed exploded heavily in everyone's ears.

"Leave these barracks with unknown purposes first." Fan Ning opened his mouth and made a decision. "This place is too weird. Find another place to stay to arrange the secret ritual. The unknown elixir involving the 'Sneaky Water' is also needed. Refined immediately."

Even if there is no revelation to be found, you have to rest and look for someone again at dawn.

The people who were soaked in the rain immediately carefully returned to the original path and walked towards another road marked with an arrow ahead.

"It's quite big in here."

"Let's first look to see if there are any files."

Soon after, people with water stains all over their bodies began to shine flashlights into the empty main barracks.

This is a lobby that covers an area larger than a basketball court. The layout is somewhat similar to Fan Ning’s car sales showroom in his previous life. Its interior is relatively less weathered. The large area in the middle is empty, with several groups of There were rusty old-fashioned steam equipment that Fan Ning could not name, and several "pool tables" filled with fallen leaves and soil. Fan Ning quickly realized that these should actually be terrain sand tables or something like that.

As for the edges of the "exhibition hall", there are three-by-two combinations of negotiation tables, chairs, filing cabinets, and some tattered camp beds that can no longer sleep on.

Through the stairs, you can go to the corridor on the second floor. Standing on the first floor of the hall and looking like this, there are grid-like inner rooms above.

Thunder exploded from time to time outside the barracks, and it was as bright as day.

The pollen and mold on the wall, which were originally hidden in the darkness, were illuminated by lightning into paintings with extremely high black and white contrast. Bishop Tucville lit as many damaged lamps as he could perceive, although these firelights were not visible in the huge space. It was still dim, but it diluted the thrilling feeling of the dramatic changes in color when the hall flashed.

As they searched the filing cabinets and cubicles on the first and second floors, they found more and more things that went against common sense. For example, some of the vertical railings that formed the enclosures on both sides of the stairwell were silvery or black flutes or oboes; the wall behind the desk was dug out with large and small, dense, funnel-shaped holes with a yellow metal texture, which made people think of the mouthpieces of brass instruments at first glance; and in a narrow room that served as a bathroom, the team members found that the position that should have belonged to the flush toilet was a timpani, and several French horns that seemed to be melted and stuck to it on the drum surface

Looking at the team members who were searching everywhere with strong flashlights, Fan Ning had a vague premonition of some tendencies in his heart.

However, this search was fruitful, and the team members found some paper files they wanted to find.

"Go back to the hall and arrange the secret ceremony first."

Fan Ning did not take the things handed over by the team members. He was not prepared to stay next to these weird things for a long time.

After going down to the first floor, Tukwell directed everyone to clear a corner and set up the spiritual wall.

The two priests prepared various items and utensils for refining spiritual potions, while he leaned over to place candles on the ground to present a mysterious display.

After he finally controlled an oval mirror to hang in the air, Fanning once again controlled the "Night Watchman's Lamp" and repeated the prayer he had recited before.

This time, the picture in the mirror began to change and reorganize.

"Is it still that room?" Everyone's eyes were filled with doubts.

The perspective of the picture is the front view outside the door of the second house, which is the place where the "wall-mounted" piano is placed and where Brigadier General Boles was found missing. The steel bar splicing door that was kicked half open by Priest Durk when he left is now swaying in the wind and rain in the mirror.

Revelation believes that Brigadier General Boles' disappearance is still related to this room?

Did he miss it during the search just now? Impossible.

The room was so small that even if one person looked around 360 degrees, there would be no blind spots. Moreover, there were seven well-trained people at the time, so they could find even a bug.


Fanning, who had been staring at the mirror for a long time, finally realized that something was wrong.

"I remember clearly when I went in, this room had no door at all!"

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