Old-time musicians

Chapter 121 The child told me

In the past, Fan Ning only knew that her mother's name was "Alice" in this life, and she didn't know her surname. The full name Vincent mentioned, "Alice Donna", was pronounced "Donna" in her previous life. The mother’s name is Fan Chenxun’s wife!

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝗍𝗐𝗄𝖺𝗇.𝖼𝗈𝗆]

"Sure enough, that overseas order for "The Secret Realm of Apocalypse" involved my father in the previous life in some incident!"

"The terms 'Lighthouse' and 'Theme of God' are completely consistent with the secret scriptures of the Holy Sun Church. Fan Chenxun's former 'dealer' or 'collaborator' can't be Saint Sebastian, right? Is this true? It’s a bit strange and difficult to understand, who exactly is St. Sebastian?”

"No matter what, we must find the location of this lighthouse as soon as possible. Even if the 'dangerous elements' mentioned in Vincent's memo are no longer active, the abuse in my eyes is not far away from completely spreading!"

Fan Ning raised his head again, but in front of him, apart from the rows of wooden houses in the village, there was a dark and strange mist billowing heavily in the distance.

However, the girl Luo Deli who had spoken to him before was still standing by the fence not far away, looking at him expectantly.

This time, Fan Ning could only take the initiative to ask questions.

"Do you know where the lighthouse is?"

As soon as Fan Ning finished his question, a black shadow emerged from the low part of the fence.


Luo Deli screamed in pain as she was hit, and the figure in the white shirt fell to the ground.

If Fan Ning's mental state and reaction speed were not slow, the girl might not have been knocked down, but this did not prevent him from holding his hand out of thin air at the next moment and lifting the attacker up in the air like a chicken.

"Where are you from? What do you want to do?"

There was someone else, a young man.

Wearing a sleeveless tank top, with messy blond hair, his hands were constantly struggling.

After Fan Ning took a closer look at his appearance, she realized that he looked two or three years younger than Luo Deli, so calling him "boy" was more accurate.

Moreover, the ring finger and little finger of the right hand were broken.

"He is Karl. He and I were inspected by you on the same day. You should remember that."

"However, he was a bit unlucky and failed to win a spot that would change his destiny. He returned to the factory and had two of his fingers cut off a few days later. Later, his only sister also passed away because she had no money for medical treatment. Today, Occasionally, you may have some grudges against me in your heart.”

Luo Deli slowly got up, put her hair back neatly, and explained softly while rubbing her stomach that hurt from the impact.

"So, why didn't he answer it himself?"

Fan Ning asked calmly without relaxing the grip of the invisible force.

Maybe, if the other party says something casually while struggling in a handstand, it will look better.

Although "genius" itself has unfair elements, the rules for selecting and employing people have become more equal than any inequality in the world. Fan Ning sympathizes with the experience of his relatives, and he was not selected for "art rescue" I feel sorry for what happened, but I also feel uncomfortable and unhappy with this jealous attack and silent bird of prey.

Perhaps what children tell themselves is childish and innocent on the one hand, and primitive and savage on the other?

"Because he can't speak, Mr. Fanning," Lianka explained, patting the dust on her skirt.

"What do you mean?" Fan Ning finally threw the little boy Carl to the ground with a "bang".

The latter climbed up awkwardly against the fence, still without saying a word.

It was also at this time that Fan Ning discovered that it was Lianka who Karl had just knocked down, and Luo Deli had been standing next to her the whole time.

"His voice was taken away to sing the White Mass, sir." Luo Deli added.

The singing and backing vocals surrounding my ears have always been there, ever since Fan Ning decided to lift the black curtain at 25:00.

"Transferred?" Fan Ning stared at the two girls and a boy in front of him, "Then why can you speak?"

"Because we are musicians and Carl is a blacksmith," said Lianka.

A few more common words popped up, continuing to carry specious meanings.

Fan Ning was debating whether to continue asking or to stop his "overthinking".

Reason told him that the choice should be towards the latter. He tried to continue scrolling through his mobile phone to find more "calendar notes", but what he saw were endless circles of marks, and the notes above seemed to disappear for a while. Haven't had time to "read" it yet.

More figures emerged from the rows of huts all around, and there were even dark shadows peeking out from above wells, wooden fences, haystacks or large branches——

"Dear Father, I read your Gospel of Lavoisier day and night, and it is written in it that 'I will drink no more of this grape juice until the day when I drink it new with you in his kingdom.' So, I'm on my way to heaven." An elderly man made a prayer gesture.

"Mr. Scheler, let me express my gratitude and gratitude. "Song of Lucter" and "The Poet's Love" have reshaped my view of love, and "Summer Noon Dream" has established my view of nature. It is not a narrow sense. 'Nature', but the sum of the material world and the spiritual world!" A young woman wearing coarse cloth decorated with colorful paper strips bowed deeply.

"Well, the nightmare was shattered. I didn't disappear, but woke up from this heaven."

"It is said that its seventh movement may be heard here, about the secret after 'Love Tell Me'"

"That's because what is alive must be destroyed, and what is destroyed must be resurrected."

In the village, more figures nodded in agreement.

"The living will be destroyed, and the destroyed will be resurrected!" "The living will be destroyed, and the destroyed will be resurrected!"

All kinds of noisy words wormed their way into Fan Ning's skull like a snake. He looked away from the phone and shook his head, feeling that the colors in his eyes were shaking.

"I'm asking you if you know where the lighthouse is."

He shook his head even more to stabilize his mind and return to the original question.

The noise of the crowd became a little weaker, and Luo Deli struggled to squeeze out, trotted all the way to Fan Ning's side and whispered:

"The lighthouse is in front of Tombstone, on the far side of the mountains."

"What's a tombstone again?"

"Of course a tombstone is a memorial to the deceased."

"" Fan Ning frowned. He found that this would never lead to any results.

He decided to first clarify a more simple and direct question to the "villagers".

"Why do you want to go to the abnormal area? What are so many of you doing here?"

At least, they expressed respect for themselves, did not have any apparent malice, and their descriptions of their past deeds were accurate, so they had the prerequisites for normal communication.

"Is there anyone who doesn't want to go to heaven? Mr. Fanning." Luo Deli asked softly.

Fan Ning stared at her sideways.

It’s not bad to just listen to the previous sentence, but the problem is that the definition of “Kingdom of Heaven” has been turned upside down in the eyes of these polluted people.

"What makes you think this place will be heaven?"

"A lot."

"Do heretical doctrines hold water in your heart?"

"Ah, I don't understand any doctrine."

The girl's eyes revealed longing and longing.

"I only know that a world without enough food definitely does not belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. A world without hunger is the Kingdom of Heaven."

"Loneliness and silence definitely do not belong to the kingdom of heaven. A world full of listening and companionship is the kingdom of heaven."

Everyone gradually joined in to answer this question, and the children's voices resonated with Luo Deli's, filled with satisfaction and joy——

"Blight and barrenness definitely do not belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. A world full of violins does!"

"Oppression and injustice definitely do not belong to the Kingdom of Heaven. A world where everyone is created equal is the Kingdom of Heaven!"

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