Old-time musicians

Chapter 141 Opposite Understanding

Chapter 575 Opposite Understanding

The mountain road became more and more rugged, and the girl left her back to Fan Ning, her purple-red footprints shining in the frozen soil.

"I have no choice not to follow. At least you are still my principal flute girl now. At least on this dangerous road, you can still use part of the invisible power of the phase." Fan Ning started to climb again, and after a few stumbles he managed to climb He followed her and said breathlessly, "But I still want to tell you to temporarily stop absorbing the flute, otherwise you may not recognize yourself."

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"Have you finished what you want to say?" Qiong frowned, but when he saw him following, she still threw a climbing rope with sparks dancing towards him, "If it's finished, it's my turn next Tell me about some of the things you ‘remember’?”

"Tell me, I really want to know." Fan Ning's palms, which were red and swollen from the cold, felt itchy like an electric shock after taking the rope. However, the originally unstable center of gravity generated an adsorption force under his feet, even if he stood on a very tilted ground. The angle won't prevent it from slipping.

"The memories I picked up are scattered and messy. Where to start? Let's tell a legend first."

"What story?"

"The 'winged creatures' of ancient times often got lost while hunting in the insect-infested woodland, so they sacrificed their best musical instruments to the sky, which opened thousands of star-like wounds in the sky. The 'star track' is composed of This birth"

"But the source of the unknown is indescribable. Guardians often go crazy out of fear of the things they protect?" Fan Ning asked.

"Why have you heard that?"

"The currently known sources are Sheeran's family and Professor Anton's ancestors. But I don't know why their ancestors came into contact with the ancient secrets related to the 'shell species' in the second history."

"It's Xilan." The girl nodded thoughtfully, but her tone didn't change much. She raised the flute and drew the remaining extinguished arcs of the purple tails at both ends in the air, "'Star Trail' That’s it, He is the Star Trail.”

Two different third person pronouns are used here.

"I know, the investigation log almost told me directly." Fan Ning said, "It was taken out of the lighthouse before, and my dad's name for it is different from what you think, but I really don't understand why. One item will be the god's name of the Lord of Witness, which is not among the remains of the 'Original God' of the 3rd History. He was 'born from a lost source'."

"The Yiyuan God is just a general term." Qiong said, "The secret history you see is the secret history after the ruling, and those witnesses whose origin process has been 'adjudicated' become the Yiyuan God. At least you can see it. The promotion process of 'Star Track' is related to the act of sacrificing musical instruments. You should think of the ancient secret organization "Holy Injury Order" in the southern continent and those famous piano-making families."

"I've thought of this too." Fan Ning nodded, "Not only the 'famous piano', but also the deformed 'instruments' I've seen since entering the abnormal zone this time. Normal instruments, abnormal instruments, the two types are completely opposite. things"

"You directly concluded that the former is normal and the latter is abnormal?" Qiong asked.

"Otherwise? Look at these, are they normal?" Fan Ning pointed at the back and bottom of the mountain road.

The "villagers" who were carrying the color of pilgrimage were also heading towards the lighthouse. Some of them broke into "instrument"-like textures midway, and then tore into threads of slimy light that penetrated into the flute in the girl's hand. inside. 【】

This seems to be some kind of deformed product that is contaminated. Compared with the famous pianos in the hands of masters, it is exactly the opposite!

"The shell species sacrificed their best musical instruments to the sky. What do you think these 'best musical instruments' should look like?" Joan asked again.

"It's like an Illyrian guitar, of course."


"Or the 'Ruby of Sol' Sheeran has always wanted to try."

"That's just your imagination."

Joan shook her head and smiled.

"Piano, violin or guitar in the modern sense are all products of the New Era. In the 3rd Sturungarian era, vocal music occupied the mainstream of music forms. How can you verify that the Noah dynasty or earlier The second historical intelligent ancient creatures, what is their art form, and what kind of ritual tools do they use to speak for those unknown gods? "

Fan Ning was speechless for a moment and stopped this round of communication.

The shellfish often got lost while hunting in the insect-infested woodland. He was still replaying the details of the story in his mind.

In the Noan language, "lost" also means "confused, blinded or polluted", and "wormy woodland" really makes people think of "worms".

In order to avoid "worms", the "star track" was born?

As he climbed all the way up, Fan Ning felt that the temperature continued to drop, and visions continued to appear in his eyes. As he climbed, he seemed to see more and more statues of gods on the rock walls or mountain passes near or far away. The smallest one was ten meters tall. It is tall, and the largest one is more than 100 meters. They are all composed of integral stone, but they are severely wind-eroded, their faces are blurred, and they are covered with moss. They cannot be connected with any known folklore knowledge or the image of the Lord of Witnesses in Fan Ning's cognition.

The thoughts of identification have been running for a long time, and the moss has become fresher and moister, and colorful mucus secretions have begun to flow. Some statues even split into two in front of Fan Ning's eyes, and then divided into two parts, such as 2.5, 2.7, etc. Regular counting form

Fan Ning shook his head vigorously and climbed to a nearly vertical point where a detour was necessary. Joan threw the leading edge of the rope, coiled it around a sharp rock above the cliff, and then pulled him up together.

"'Star Track' is the name of the promoted priestess of the Noah Dynasty?"

"'Xinggui' is the former divine name of 'Tongmu'!?"

After standing still and taking a breath, Fan Ning spoke again and confirmed two questions to her one after another.

"That's right." The girl reached out and wiped away the snowflakes stuck on her eyelashes, "The Holy Wound Order originally worshiped the normal 'star track', which gave their esoteric family the habit of 'making famous pianos' and Tradition, but that was a long time ago.”

"The Lord of Witnesses worshiped by the indigenous people of the Southern Continent has long been crazy. He went crazy with fear because of guarding the 'worm'. After the true knowledge was distorted and shifted, the name of the god also changed accordingly, but their descendants are still worshiping Him, so Until the New Calendar, most of the ancestors went crazy or died, and the rituals and things made by the remaining branch families have also been seriously deformed and are no longer what they were before."

"That's it." Fan Ning felt that his thinking seemed to be much smoother. "It was deformed and out of shape, so instead of making a good famous piano, it turned into making this kind of 'instrument' in the abnormal area."

"Did you understand the wrong thing again?"

Joan's turned cheek flashed with confused colored dots in Fanning's eyes.

"The musical instruments of the 'Star Track' period, that is, the secret history projections you see in the Kingdom of Heaven, are in their normal form. The so-called famous musical instruments that were later circulated during the 'Tongmu' period are products of distortion and pollution. The 'Cracking Field' is exactly Because there are more and more of these abnormal structures, it will become more and more dangerous."


Fan Ning's facial muscles that had just been stretched stiffened again.

Which types of musical instruments are normal and which types are abnormal?

In addition to the splitting headache, it also became difficult for him to breathe. His breath and Adam's apple were squirming one after another, struggling to absorb air bubbles in the dense colloid. The huge fallen statues in the distance began to float like building blocks in a basin.

"You were silent for a while just now. I thought you thought it through before speaking again."

"Whether you are talking about the 'Chant of Shaping' or 'Blocking the Arrival', I believe it must be based on the facts of your experience and cannot be made out of nothing. The memory fragments I recall do have many intersections with it, but for Its interpretation, its stance, and its various details may be viewed completely differently by another person involved.”

"So, please stop making suggestions and dissuading me. This makes it difficult for me not to suspect that you are seriously contaminated or have ulterior motives."

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