Old-time musicians

Chapter 146 Theme of God (Final Chapter, 6K)

Fan Ning didn't react for a while, and it took a while before he started blinking his eyes one after another.

Just as he was about to follow Qiong's words, a bigger wave of snowstorm mixed with mud and debris directly choked his throat.

He choked to tears.

It was completely dark.

This violent blizzard had no intention of letting up for a while, and Fan Ning couldn't open his mouth or eyes at all.

Fortunately, the inexplicably stable adsorption force of the soles prevented him from being blown off the cliff. He glanced in the direction of the lighthouse above and finally continued to move forward.

After a long time, the monotonous rumbling noise gave people a sickly feeling of quietness and loneliness. Fan Ning's consciousness automatically excluded them from hearing. The only thing flowing slowly in his head was this third movement. Adagio Variations.

"Boom." "Boom."

After the first theme of the cello, there is a second theme that begins with the characteristic tones of the double bass plucked strings.

The former theme has a lullaby quality, while here is an underlying requiem genre factor.

In the current environment, its sound is also weak and almost non-existent, but it is always lurking in the calm statement, always maintaining the starting rhythm, appearing repeatedly in the bass layer, just like its own legs that alternately make the same movements.

Fan Ning felt that he had never experienced such fatigue and loneliness. He recalled the feeling of traveling in some stormy early mornings in his previous life, but the degree of his current situation must be at least a hundred times higher. The special oboe he added later In the timbre, a desolate and helpless irony can be heard, and then the harp changes the characteristic tone of this "Requiem".

"ding" "ding" "ding"

Here he uses overtones when writing, with a hallucinogenic timbre, and the rhythm gradually slows down, as if he has entered a resting dream again - in fact, he does not, his legs do not stop, and he keeps breathing from his mouth White steam and sweat seeping out of every inch of skin were quickly freeze-dried, leaving only uneasy and bizarre emotions lurking in my empty brain.

The next four variations are lonely, rigorous, and profound, touching on spirituality. The clarinet and cello marched entangled, presenting his beloved "Leanderer" dance music that carries many past memories. Then the sobbing oboe reappeared, and the bassoon in the counterpoint part sobbed briefly, once again highlighting the "Requiem" "The characteristic syllable of temperament, the world in the wind and snow gradually becomes paler and monotonous, the bass clarinet, bassoon and violin jointly build a C-sharp sustained tone spanning three octaves

Logically speaking, the duration of this movement should be more than 20 minutes, but Fan Ning felt that his perception of music was extended to a long extent - the kind of longness that lasts throughout a long night, or several polar nights - he believed I have been climbing for a long time, listening for a long time, and there is still a long time to come.

During this period, Fan Ning turned back many times and stared at the Laishi Mountain Road immersed in the bottomless abyss.

He first recalled many depressing and unhappy things in the past, which had been stuck in the shadow at the end of his field of vision for a long time. When he imagined a watching gaze there, he couldn't help but smile. The soulful "Leanderer" dance music moved from slow to fast, From three beats to two beats, to the fast 2/4 beat, one can even hear the sounds of children in heaven - or other "self" - chasing, playing and singing.

This sense of emotional fragmentation between crying and laughing has been accompanying Fan Ning as he climbed higher. In the last variation, his mood took a turn for the worse. His laughter was interrupted by a sudden lament, and the phantom-like overtones of the horn and harp in the distance of the valley were the same as his own. Farewell, gradually calming down, almost solidifying

After an unknown amount of time, Fan Ning's body was covered with thick snow. When he turned around for the last time, the music suddenly flipped upward in a major sixth degree——


The horns in his head sounded in unison, the strings rolled like waves, and the timpani made alert hammering sounds. He saw the clouds splashed with thick and dark tones rolling and becoming more lively, and more colorful masses spilled out from the middle.

"Maybe it's dawn?"

This is the coda written by Fan Ning for the third movement. In the original conception, the receding sounds of string and woodwind instruments were meant to be a metaphor for the long staircase of self-purification and self-reflection that mortal creatures take before entering the kingdom of heaven. .

He had climbed this ladder for a long enough time, and there was still a long distance ahead. He no longer felt hungry, and he no longer felt pain in his back. He felt that if he stopped, he would not be able to take the next step. If he lies down, he can't stand up again. Similarly, he can't look back and stare at the low sky where he came from. The extra information will add unnecessary interference to his already chaotic thoughts.

But now, there is another very magical state that is brewing. The repetitive movements of his legs can make his residual spirituality surge, as if he is eager for some kind of entity. In the past few months or several The search accumulated over the years has reached a certain level of energy, igniting the strong light in his head, and coaxing him into a new realm of understanding - looking around, there is a wind composed of pure concepts with an epic feel. Snow, the sound of leather boots on the ground turns into a heavy drum beat, and the ecstatic silver waves rise with the sound of snow bells.

Now that he has finally come to the depths of this area, he has already experienced separation, one separation, two separations, and another separation not long ago. How can he easily quit? Fanning is now completely immersed in it, unable to extricate himself. He truly feels that the answer to the question he wants to find is in his mind, and will be embedded in his cognition like a steel stamp in the foreseeable future. He prays that the light will let him see the "God's Theme" as soon as possible. If he cannot get his wish, he is even willing to accept any answer and be grateful for all the ancient things that come.

"re-xi-sol-re——" "mi/re——" "mi/re——"

Suddenly, he heard the pure sound of the clarinet, with repeated second appoggiaturas.

Extremely smooth and light.

" # fa/mi——re/do——mi/mi——"

After the development of the dotted rhythm like a song, the harmony flows to the minor key again, sinking down an octave with the strong mi, and the strange chill reaches the nose.

"We enjoy the joy of heaven, which is very different from the earth;

The hustle and bustle of the world are nowhere to be found in heaven.

We live in harmony and peace here, live like angels, and spend happy times;

We jump and dance, sing and dance, and the saints holding lanterns are watching us in heaven."

Fanning finally heard the girl's heavenly singing voice after she threw the "star track" into the sky to show the way.

The fourth movement, "Heaven is full of violins\

,"or the last step of "Summer Noon Dream", "The Child Tells Me".

The lyrics are taken from the folk poetry collection "The Magic Horn of the Boy", which is also a "happy song" included in the doctrinal documents of the Society of the Advent of God. There are a lot of angel names starting with "holy" in the text. Some of them have clear sources, and some belong to which church. There is controversy.

Fanning dragged his icicle-like body upwards without looking back, but his heartstrings were vibrating and clear due to some strange and unpredictable plucks, just like what he said before parting, he would not see it, but he would know it. She entered the Garden of Radiance, she would pass through the higher divine gate and enter the previously unattainable room of clouds and mist.

"Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack! Crack!"

Suddenly, the sound of snow bells and melody similar to the introduction of the first movement reappeared, but it was no longer leisurely and gentle. The children's barbarity and selfishness overshadowed their tenderness and joy, and the world spun around in a terrifying and terrifying way.

The frozen soil around them cracked, revealing the windows and doors underground, and the "villagers" in an incompletely differentiated state broke out of the windows one after another.

"Whoosh!!" "Whoosh!——"

They dragged the thin and slimy umbilical cord all the way, running down frantically, completely ignoring Fanning's existence, and jumped straight down as soon as they ran to the edge of the steep cliff.

This is just what Fanning saw, and in fact, it can be predicted that the entire mountain range will be like this.

Their goal is the historical projection planted before departure!

Mr. F has completely lost track in this round of confrontation, but those polluting knowledge are alive. Fanning transformed the characteristics of the snow bell in the introduction he wrote, and at the moment, the sound of the introduction is reproduced in a distorted posture, becoming the thing that accompanies the "song" in the finale.

However, this is exactly the effect Fanning expected.

He did not finish the subsequent accompaniment of the fourth movement, but only wrote the overall single melody for the poem and made the opening arrangement.

That's enough!

With the first six movements of "Summer Noon Dream" as the logic, and the first three movements of "Symphony No. 4" as the logic, this dual mystical stable structure can be said to be unique. He is confident that the final direction of the music will not deviate from his own conception. With only a dominant vocal melody, these distorted inspirations are transformed into the subsequent instrumentation accompaniment of the finale!

"John let the lamb out, and the butcher shrike waited.

The gentle, docile and kind lamb was sentenced to death by us.

Saint Luke slaughtered the cow without worrying.

In the wine cellar of heaven, there is no price for fine wine. The angels will bake the bread.

Every delicious vegetable grows in the vegetable garden of heaven, including the best lettuce and beans.

All we want is served on a full plate!"

In the distance, Joan's voice shook when the bell sounded at the beginning, but she quickly regained stability, not being dominated by the outside world, but maintaining herself, dominating the outside world, and continuing to perform ballads with pure chanting voice.

Fanning did not look back, and tried her best to avoid imagining any scenes. Even if there were people nearby, it would be useless. They would definitely not understand this state and would think that she had fallen into the brink of madness. But Fanning knew that every inch of her skin must be opening up the divinity that accepts this door and that door, and immersing herself in the vast truth. In fact, during the long night, the truth had already penetrated into her body from the pores, but now it was like fireworks exploding in her mind in a series, blooming like a kaleidoscope.

"There are high-quality apples, pears and grapes here, and the gardener lets us do whatever we want.

If you want roe deer and hares, they immediately run to the street and bring back a lot.

If it is a fasting day, the fish begin to swim happily again.

See Saint Janine carrying his fishing nets and bait, running to the pond of heaven. Saint Martha must be the chef"

Originally, the content of the "song of joy" was completely contrary to the current state of collapse in this abnormal zone, but if it is used to praise the customs and customs of the southern country, it has become a song of joy that is exactly the right one.

There will be a reaction force full of heat in the projection, which will contain those "worms" that are ready to move, just like using an anchor to embed in the stone, or using the sound of timpani to stabilize the scattered beat, just like one's own body is tied to " In the chain of "human beings", they will not be blown away by the strong wind into moving leftovers.

For those "villagers" who drag their umbilical cords into the projection area, their unrecognizable skin and flesh will be peeled off, and their dirty umbilical cords will be cut, waiting to be purified and arranged and reorganized - according to their original "grid" The uniqueness is arranged and reorganized, no longer mixed together.

Perhaps this can also be regarded as a kind of death and purification. In the "shell of remembrance" projected by the Southern Kingdom, there is finally purified material as a filling, and the most critical human element in the secret history.

All the above is Fanning's imagination.

Fan Ning didn't see anything with his own eyes, except for the colorful colors and wind and snow in front of him.

But he seemed to feel that some "villagers" stood up again from the projection, stood at the edge of the pink light screen, and were asking themselves something, or maybe they were just schizophrenic, asking and answering questions in their minds -

"Mr. Scheele, what exactly did my child tell you?"

In the field of fox lilies swaying with the blazing wind, a woman wearing a bright dress unique to the South and holding a colorful cloth satchel was looking forward to it.

"Those are not your children, they are the children that 'life' desires for itself. Life is pure and kind, life is selfish and brutal. You are the bow, and the children are the arrows sent from the string. Oh, life never goes backwards, but in There are many small wounds left in the secret history. When you reunite with Midsummer and Night Wind, the wounds will heal."

Fanning’s climb didn’t stop.

"If Bishop Lavoisier does not return, where will Janus go?"

The priests in clerical uniforms are looking to the sky, and behind them are the illusory churches, bronze sculptures and squares.

"Consider what I say. For the Lord will give you understanding in everything. He will cause the morning sun to come down on you from on high, to give light to the spirits of darkness and the shadow of death, and to guide your feet into the way of peace."

Fanning’s climb didn’t stop.

The swirling snow bells continued alternately for three rounds, and each sudden and strange outburst was gradually smoothed out by the soprano.

"No music in the world can compare with ours. When thousands of virgins began to dance, Saint Ursula also smiled."

Until the beginning of the last aria, the frenzy is no longer audible, and only the flowing melody of the woodwinds and the bells played in the bass range by the violin or harp remain in the accompaniment background.

Fan Ning felt that the pure concepts and spiritual expressions of his emotions, thoughts and ideals were drifting away from himself and towards some unknown higher realm.

"No music in the world can compare with ours. Cecilia and her relatives and friends are all excellent musicians."

“The beautiful songs of angels fill us with contentment and reach the pinnacle of heavenly joy.”

The volume of everything is getting farther and smaller, Joan's singing is fading away, the sound of leather boots crushing the ice is gone, and the whistling of wind and snow is also falling by my ears.

Poof! ! ——

The surrounding area was filled with a fishy stench and was filled with translucent barriers of unknown biological tissue. A cut was made in the front, inside which dried umbilical cords, tumor-covered blood vessels, and necrotic red-black deformed organs flowed all over the place.

Poof! ! ——Pfft! ! ——

Fan Ning's body was covered in mucus, and he couldn't see the expression on his face clearly, and he broke through the layers of fleshy barriers one after another.

Every time, the starlight falling from the sky can penetrate the barrier and settle in his hand, forming an illusory purple-red dagger. He mechanically repeats the action of cutting through the fleshy barrier, and every time he sees a pile of blood flowing out of it. The content feels like cracking a rotten watermelon, or it reminds me of the scene in my previous life when I was a child in the countryside watching a pig being disemboweled.

I don't know how many days have passed since I climbed the snow-capped mountain. I don't know how many days have passed since I broke through the outermost seal and entered the "outside of the lighthouse".

Ding, dong. Ding, dong. Ding, dong

The end of the final chapter has been infinitely weakened and prolonged for several days, and now it seems that only the auditory residue in the skull is left, and only the last four-step alternating pizzicato sound of the harp is left.

Perhaps due to claustrophobic obstruction, Fanning felt that the oxygen content in the air had been slowly decreasing.

At a certain moment, through the layer of flesh, he saw masonry appearing on the ground, and a base and stone door appeared in front of him.

After opening it several times in succession, he stepped in.

It still looks like the layout of the Turner Museum of Art, or rather, Vincent unconsciously accepted the influence of the lighthouse layout when he later designed the museum.

Of course, the inside is now also crowded with fleshy barriers, and some places seem to have the characteristics of a "cracking field", forming narrow corridors that can barely pass people or store water.

L-shaped, second floor, left, end of corridor

The brain was in a state of physiological hypoxia, which made Fan Ning's breathing become more and more rapid. He successively cut through the layers of flesh blocking the way forward, groping all the way to this intuitive possible point.

There is no time to turn back, go around, or search slowly.

end of corridor

There was a painting there, a portrait, oil on canvas mounted in a wooden frame, composed of restrained tones of black, white, brown, yellow, and gray.

Due to several layers of translucent fleshy tissue, the details that can be seen are limited to this.

Fanning's lungs were about to explode.

His face was covered with a lot of minced meat and mucous membranes, which was uncomfortable, but it was useless to remove it. There was no oxygen at all. Fan Ning felt like he was holding his breath while diving, and he had used up almost all his lung capacity.

Fan Ning used his hands and feet to crawl on the ground, stretched his head and looked up at the thick curly woolen hair, with a serious and profound look on his face, like a middle-aged man holding a piece of music.

Is this Vincent or Fan Chenxun's partner?

Saint Sebastian, the first saint of the Holy Sun Church?

Is this possible?

Perhaps based on what others have experienced, nothing is impossible.

"Johann Sebastian Bach."

"Johann Sebastian Bach."

Fan Ning's Adam's apple was moving. He opened his mouth along with the syllables and tried to spit out the name. He tried several times.

But apart from a hoarse growl, no sound came out.

Then, he saw a pale golden symbol on the white music paper held by Bach's portrait.

The four horizontal and irregular fold lines are like the four-part harmony progression of music, or the melody line of a four-part polyphonic music.

"Endless Fugue"

Bach is the Lord of Witness "Endless Fugue"!

He is not the "torch bearer", he is the "father"!

According to the definition of "grid", the latter seems to be more in line with the world's cognition. Fan Ning's arms were shaking faintly. He seemed to know what the "God's Theme" in D minor was, and he also knew what Bach was promoted to the position of witness. Lord, why should the name of God after promotion be expressed in this way!

The portrait is gradually fading and fading, while the music paper with the pale golden witness symbol becomes more and more prominent.

Finally, it turned into a thin parchment book and fell from the screen.

Fanning picked it up.

"Die Kunst der Fuge"

"The Art of Fugue", later numbered BWV1080, the author's handwritten manuscript, the key to suppressing the contamination of the remains of the 'old days'.

Bach's last work in his creative career was not composed for any specific instrument and only expressed purely abstract musical relationships.

It was also the last scene Fan Ning heard at a concert before traveling through time!

"The theme of God is indeed worthy of such a title only its theme."

The 22 ever-changing fugues are all developed based on an extremely simple D minor theme. With limited materials and inspiration, all possibilities of counterpoint writing are explored.

The most important 22nd Finale, just in an unfinished state, has already allowed Bach to pass through the door of the dome, if it is said to be completed.

Why is it unfinished?

This lighthouse that Mr. F tried every means to infiltrate is located deep in the abnormal zone, opposite the "X coordinate" on the other side.

After answering a lot of confusions, Fan Ning could no longer think about the more confusions derived from them. The hallucination of large black spots appeared in front of his eyes. In a suffocating state, he used up his last bit of strength to draw. Opening the picture frame which had completely faded, leaving only a piece of clean linen——

laugh! ! !

What looked like a colorful window was revealed inside.

He didn't look carefully, just ran into it and jumped down.

His breathing suddenly became smoother for a moment, but his physical strength was exhausted. With a height difference of less than two meters, he first knelt on his knees, and then fell sideways completely.

thump! !

"Haha? Hahahahaha!"

Fan Ning, who was disheveled, tattered and covered in thick mucus, was lying on the ground, smiling first in surprise, then in exhaustion, and finally in complete relief.

"Roy also wishes you a smooth trip. What awaits you at the end of your journey may be the things you have already met. In my opinion, the process of rediscovering yourself may be the meaning of 'pilgrimage'."

When the confessional room was opened in the Apel war zone, Miss Roy's last wish was unexpectedly fulfilled in such a bizarre way?

When I was conducting a "dream interview" in the far northern continent to recruit people for the old symphony orchestra, I accidentally discovered the thick layer of unknown biological tissue from the outside world.

Fan Ning's heart was beating heavily, and his consciousness fell into endless darkness.

The memories that have been distorted and broken are riddled with holes and are in urgent need of healing. The secret history is intricate and tangled. Returning to the kingdom of heaven in the abnormal zone may be the destiny of the farther future.

But at least tomorrow, he will return to earth.

Now, he was tired and his eyelids were gradually closing uncontrollably.

The golden mist, the shining pipe organ, the neat long mahogany chairs, the corridor filled with candle holders, the corridor columns decorated with curved plaster lines, the thick curtains with plant patterns, and the dome skylight that shines with light

At the last moment, Fan Ning's vision returned to the closed darkness on the podium.

The baton he had previously thrown from the bottom of the "disintegration field" to the "back room" was quietly inserted there.

The pilgrimage comes to an end.

This is Qiming Church.

(End of Volume 4)

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