Old-time musicians

Chapter 61: Joan's Past Experience

Fan Ning suddenly recalled a sentence in Teacher Anton's diary, "Why did they come out?"

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π–™π–œπ–π–†π–“.π–ˆπ–”π–’]

Moving creatures, this should be some kind of terrifying and indescribable thing, right?

Whenever Fanning thinks about it, he thinks of the tragic situation of Professor Lorraine Browne in front of him.

"A migratory creature, be your partner?" His tone was very doubtful.

Fan Ning's spiritual sense was fully activated and he scanned Qiong's body, but found no unusual colors in her etheric body, emotional body, and astral body.

But this does not rule out the potential risk of distortion and loss. I also examined the "translator" during the party, and found no abnormalities except for some agitated light and shadow interpretations.

Qiong smiled and looked directly at Fan Ning's oncoming gaze, and gradually returned to her usual lively and cheerful voice: "I know that place in Yiyong is chaotic and dangerous, because I have experienced it. It was the purple bean cake that saved me. It It’s different from those unknowable things that are dormant in the dark.”

"Then how did you encounter it?" Fan Ning asked.

β€œMy ancestral home is located in the small town of Watznay on the outskirts of Uvranser. Every year when I go back to my hometown for vacation, I like to practice the flute in the attic of my ancestral home because I find that I can always get endless inspiration there. Solve technical or emotional problems. Two or three years ago, when my inspiration reached a certain level, I discovered an unusual entrance in the dream, and then I arrived at the migration and received the hidden knowledge about the phase of the 'key'. Become a knowledgeable person.”

"I can't remember clearly what happened next. Anyway, because there were no road signs, I ended up in a very scary place. Fortunately, Purple Bean Cake helped me find the way back to the world when I woke up."

After hearing this, Fan Ning finally understood why Qiong didn't even know some common sense information from knowledgeable people.

According to the "Translation of the Collection of Seven Lights" I read during the day, the phase of "Key" may correspond to abstract concepts such as "matter, reason, insight, science, creation, dismantling, lightning", etc. Study the phase of "Key" Those with knowledge can better interpret and accept hidden knowledge, and have talents in constructing secret rituals, inventions, and dismantling seals. A small number of people may also gain the strange ability to control wounds or lightning.

The most suitable age for promotion to a knowledgeable person is actually between 20 and 35 years old. At this age, the personality tends to be stable, the character becomes mature, the resistance to the pollution of hidden knowledge is relatively stronger, and the body functions have not declined, and the spirit is in the world. The reliance on appearance still has abundant vitality.

When Qiong was promoted, she was really young enough, at the level of a genius, and her personality was too innocent. Fortunately, no bad consequences occurred.

This can be regarded as my selfish choice to help her resist risks. Sooner or later, I will need to form my own extraordinary power and a symphony orchestra.

"So what happened to the purple bean cake? It sounds like an accident from your tone, but it is still alive?"

"I can't remember this either," Joan replied.

Fan Ning's eyes widened in confusion: "Why can't you remember this? Aren't you personally experienced the time, place, and reason? Otherwise, how do you know that collecting the radiant spirit liquid can save it?"

Joan explained: "Based on my previous communication with it, it seems that it cannot clearly distinguish the concepts of 'living' and 'death', or it cannot use these concepts to describe their status. In their world, Only to be 'remembered' or 'forgotten'."

Fan Ning fell into thinking. For some reason, he thought of a term in the hidden knowledge framework: "Secret History"!

Joan continued: "It must have helped me resolve some crisis later, and then it was hurt. I began to gradually 'forget' it and things related to it. This process was long and uncomfortable, because I didn't want to forget it."

"Have you ever tried some methods to combat forgetfulness, such as keeping a diary or something?"

"I tried it, but it didn't work. The feeling is not that you forget a certain sentence and you can recall it by re-reading your notes, but that when you read what you wrote the day before the next day and you think you remember it wrong, you just Go and revise, and on the third day you feel that the previously revised content is still wrong. Time after time, day by day, your memory becomes more and more confusing, and finally your self-consciousness simply chooses to block them. "

"What a strange experience."

"In the next two years, I collected as much occult information as possible, searched for ancient books and artifacts in every corner of the city, and asked Xilan to translate various documents. I wanted to know if there was any other way to save Purple Bean Cake."

"Is there a possibility that it is just a false memory in your brain?" Fan Ning put forward a guess, "If a knowledgeable person accepts hidden knowledge, it will be accompanied by various risks, cognitive collapse, and personality deviation. , memory tampering, are all possible.”

Qiong shook his head: "I used to think so, but then I found a secret ritual related to the Lord of Witnesses, 'Winter Wind'. Each operation can restore a very small amount of my memory fragments, and therefore I received its weak response, I knew it was true."

"The operation of this secret ritual requires a large amount of radiant spiritual liquid?" Fan Ning asked.

"Well, so it's difficult. My current collection progress and execution frequency can barely offset the speed of forgetting, and I am beginning to recover my memory very slowly. I can now remember its name accurately, remember that it likes to listen to me playing the flute, remember that it first came out of an abstract painting in the attic of my ancestral home, and I still remember that it looked like a large purple ball of light in the astral world and the migration, with only a pair of long arc green eyes on the surface... Also, I remember its warnings to me several times, it told me: Be careful of the School of Harmony."

"School of Harmony?" Fanning asked in confusion.

There seems to be no such name in the schools officially recognized by Theolian. Perhaps I can pay attention to find relevant documents in the future.

Could it be that the Nehemiah family has had disputes with some secret organizations of the knowers in history?

Fanning turned his head and looked at the little girl shivering in the cold night, and finally understood why she "prefers to die" and repeatedly took risks.

His tone was gentle: "Well, this can barely be regarded as a clarification of the whole story. I will try my best to help you with the matter of the Yaozhi Spiritual Liquid in the future. Maybe one day you can successfully rescue the purple bean cake."

"No, no, no." Qiong looked a little embarrassed, "Carlon, the bottle you gave me before, I can't repay you with the same price for the time being, do you think it's okay to give me money?"

"How can you be sure that you can't repay me?" Fan Ning smiled, "Let's talk about the abnormal area."

"I wrote a little note for you." Qiong's face was a little red, fortunately Fan Ning didn't notice, "but I think the amount of information I have is far less than the value of your spiritual liquid. Well, at that time I thought you were a passerby Mr. Mendeleev, and I thought you didn't care about it, so I hope you are happy..."

Fan Ning didn't know whether to laugh or cry when he heard this.

This girl used to treat herself as a sucker and was fleecing her.

"I haven't had time to read your note since I came out, just say it directly."

Qiong nodded.

"The Abnormal Zone is a topic that the Imperial authorities are very secretive about, and their coordinates are naturally kept secret. However, following the official civilian map and going to the borders of those irregular closed curves, you can see the largest abnormal zone. In addition, there are some uninhabited areas that are not marked on the civilian map, and there may also be small independent abnormal zones."

"The Abnormal Zone has existed for a long time. It is said that some of them have clearly visible strange borders, while others are not obvious. I have not seen them with my own eyes. At the borders of land or near the sea, countries will persuade police officers and curious people not to enter, but due to the large area, most borders cannot be defended."

"So what will happen if you go in? Can't get out?" Fanning asked.

"No, in fact, from the known statistics, as long as the entrants do not sleep inside, that is, evacuate before the limit of sleepiness, the probability of escaping unscathed is quite high... But after they come out, their understanding of the inside is very confused, and their notes are repeatedly altered by themselves, so they cannot bring out particularly meaningful information. In addition, in these abnormal areas, the existing communication and recording methods will fail."

"What is in it?" Fan Ning frowned deeply.

Qiong said: "No one knows. It is said that the Special Patrol Office has been secretly investigating the situation in the abnormal areas. They have a classification of abnormal areas internally. I don't know the specific evaluation criteria. But I have drawn a somewhat scary conclusion from the descriptions of some ancient documents."

"Scary conclusion?" Fan Ning's expression was stern, "What?"

Qiong's next sentence made his eyes stagnate.

"The abnormal areas are spreading."

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