Chapter 595 "Aspirator"

"A distress signal delivered directly to someone's head by a messenger"

Owen looked at the gray and black screen on the wall, feeling that this matter was becoming more and more evil and incomprehensible.

Messengers are a special type of migratory creatures with various shapes and forms. Most of them wander around the star realm all day long and have no contact with the waking world.

Only a very small number of people, after establishing a secret bond with a specific enlightened person, will be willing to travel through the star realm while wandering and deliver messages for them.

On the one hand, this correspondence is almost impossible to repeat. These Insights in the official organization all know the special appearance of their respective messengers; on the other hand, if the Insight dies, the secret relationship will naturally follow. disappeared, and no one will call them out.

From this point of view, He Meng, who died in the "disintegration field", is now more inclined to be in a "living" state?

"There is a stack of similar nitrate films, Ho Meng's or Gang's, the time is longer or shorter, the situation is basically the same." Lasus said, "For the time being, the recipient does not seem to have encountered anything substantial with it. There are dangers associated with it, but you definitely don’t want to receive these ghost things yourself, and no one wants it, so Carmen Leon later issued a ‘silence’ warning.”

"The contents that the recipients get are similar to the help-seeking texts written on the wall in the video. The mood of the writing is a bit neurotic and lengthy, repeatedly asking the recipients to 'come to them quickly', 'help each other' and 'discuss the truth' , and said that he had 'paid part of the price and understood part of the truth', and also expressed sufficient confidence, 'Since the recipient has noticed this place, he will definitely meet him.'"

Owen recalled seeing the words on the wall of the room in the film.

Yes, this recourse is part of it.

The images in the dream are blurry and the handwriting is scrawly and wild. Most of it cannot be seen clearly, and even the language cannot be identified clearly. In addition to these repeated requests for help, there is also a small part that can be discerned, which seems to be really " "Discussing knowledge": keywords such as focus, glow, door, tower, phase, and dome have a certain frequency of occurrence.

But most of the words that writers put in front of these occult terms are unfamiliar, confusing, and meaningless spellings or strokes.

"谰", "彁", "孴吜门"

Self-made phase names and door names.

"The image has no sound?" Owen asked.

The person inside has obviously been mumbling something. If the sound can be heard, a large part of the written information will be supplemented and inferred.

"No." Lassus shook his head, "When P. Boulez and Carmen Leon designed this occult device for photographing dreams, the dominant phase was 'Desolation', with a small amount of 'Candle' and 'Key' If a projector and a gramophone are used together, it violates the principle of silence and may cause phase disharmony."

There is really no good solution.

"You see, these are the things that are really difficult to investigate and deal with." Seeing Owen fall into silence, Lasus sighed again, "I have already reported the problem of Carolne Van Ning to Mr. Wax. Next, you We should try to learn more about working methods under the new situation and see how our superiors deal with such unruly 'escaping' artists."

"Again, the art of mysterious leadership is not a 'service', but it is not an art of 'killing' either! What the leader really wants to 'kill' are things like the Divine Advent Society, 'Intruders', the source of the spread of the abnormal zone, and Those who blindly climb the Phaeta are the real threat to the order of our office——"

"Wait a minute." Owen suddenly raised his hand in silence.

He motioned to Lasus to reinstall the half-packed projector.

"Would you like to see other discs?"

"No, just this, play it back again."

Owen narrowed his eyes.

After the candles were lit, the crunching sound of the turntable sounded again.

The screen started again with a trembling and bloody "Silence!"

The perspective of sitting up from the bed and turning around, the unfamiliar and cramped room, the restless squirming on the surface of the world, the radiant ooze, and He Meng's strange behavior with unclear purpose

The next moment, Owen made a silent gesture of "stop".

Under Lasus' control, the image temporarily freezes at a point where the character moves away and the camera stays.

This angle incorporates a fairly large area of ​​the wall and is relatively close.

Next, Irving signaled several times to continue the screening, and signaled a pause where several shots lingered.

He stood up and walked to the screen, put his finger against the screen, moved slowly, and looked carefully.

After the projector was turned off again, he finally spoke slowly and lowly:

"This word, this word in all caps."

"The frequency of occurrence is very high. It is certain three times and seven or eight times uncertain. Although the spelling is different every time, it should be the same one."

"The context that appears every time involves keywords such as 'Home Ownership', 'This Door', 'That Door', and 'Dome'." His finger circled the screen that had turned black, "The last time The expression "XX Gate" is used in the paused position, which is basically discussing the hidden knowledge about the door. "

Lasus also frowned. He used a pen to spell out the words from memory on a piece of paper.

The writing method of Hoffmann is derived from the word formation of Noa language, which may not necessarily be accurate——


"The words in many places have the expressions 'Gate of XX' and 'Phase of Characteristics, but this all-capital word appears steadily, and secondly, I feel a bit familiar. It seems to be an existing vocabulary, but it is a bit unfamiliar and does not belong to the category of daily lexicon." Owen thought.

"Look for subject-related books, leaning toward natural sciences, especially life sciences."

The breadth and erudition of the Insightful One allowed Owen to quickly make a directional judgment.


In the private screening room of the tavern, which was full of romantic decoration, Fan Ning's eyes were filled with light, and the fingers of his right hand kept tapping on the table.

"That's what it means, a subject word."

The soundproofing effect of the private screening room is very good and very quiet. The colorful lights above the head shine through the grid, casting slowly rotating light and shadow on Sheeran's fair cheeks.

The tip of the pen in her hand was writing quickly, correcting several spelling errors in the word in the image:

"Haustorium, known as 'haustoria' in Botany or Microbiology, usually refers to a structure formed by a parasitic bacterium that invades host cells with hyphae and changes its morphology in order to absorb nutrients."

"Inhaler? What do you mean?" Fan Ning picked up the wine glass on the table and took a sip. "How could this word appear in such a weird occasion, with keywords such as 'home ownership' and 'dome' as well as a bunch of inexplicable phases and terms? The door names are connected”

Just two hours ago, he learned a shocking piece of information about the Guidance School from Sheeran, and obtained a stack of films produced by his mentor Carmen Leon and recorded by President P. Boulez.

The unknown shadow from the abnormal zone is rooted in the dark side of this world like a nightmare.

He Meng and Gang are actually still sending distress signals to the outside world! ?

These two people obviously died in the "disintegration field", and one of them ended his life with his own hands!

"The writing on these walls is so messy." Sheeran rubbed his forehead. "They seem to be trying to explain 'what they think is the climbing path', in a way that is almost delusional. For example, I wrote down These have the context of 'Haustorium', if you forcefully translate the understandable parts——"

"Every door has the exception of the dome of 'this door' and 'that door'? It is unreasonable and contrary to logic to witness it personally. The door with the dome at the top of the house, the name of this door, that door port"

She hesitated after thinking: "It seems to be that every door on the climbing path is divided into the structure of this door and the other door. Why is it not discussed in this way when we reach the highest dome door? This is unreasonable. We It has been seen and confirmed that of the last door in the upper part of the house, only the end of the door near the bottom is called the 'Dome Door', and the other end of the other door should be called - "

"The door of Haustorium."

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