Chapter 597 "World Radio"


"What do you mean? What do they have to thank you for?" Sheeran was confused.

These barely formed letters on the table soon turned into a puddle of disordered wax stains.

When the waiter who came to present the dishes saw it, he attributed it to his previous negligence and quickly pushed it away with a cleaning spatula.

"They should indeed thank me." Fan Ning slowly screwed the corkscrew into the oak stopper of Gabeviller's sweet white wine. "The vested interests least want to see the collapse of order, and I have provided them with too much There are many high-quality assets to fight against the abnormal area: chain theaters, basic music theory, the popularization of 'Ning-style teaching method', thousands of 'moths' and 'grooms'. Now, there will be one more 'new groom' here soon. Yue', no, haha, there may be more surprises waiting for them at the Harvest Art Festival."

"This sentence of thanks is appropriate and appropriate. Not only does it not damage face, but it demonstrates the top-down authority and demeanor of the 'leadership agency'. Irving must not be able to say such words."

The two touched the liquid in the wine glass to reveal a star-like color, and Xilan tasted the elegant and luxurious sweet layers in it, including peach, apricot, honey, clove buds and freshly picked cantaloupe.

"But why did you receive 'thank you'?" She frowned and asked, "I mean, how did it arrive under your nose at such a time and in such a place?"

"You see, this is the second meaning -" Fanning lifted the plate and added parsley, juniper berries and butter shreds to the stew pot.


"I'm not sure how this was done. We didn't share a secret agreement with each other, and we were not 'communication liaisons.' Even not long after I came back, my own messenger was still in a state of almost 'rejection.'"

"But I smell a hint of 'secret history' in the light smoke of these candles. It's hard to describe its characteristics. Maybe it's like the radiant poisonous mist, the chords superimposed with psychedelic intervals, the fleeting trembling... I am always extremely sensitive to the sense of fragmentation or the faint smell of corruption in food after it comes out of the abnormal zone.”

"Perhaps just guessing that the city of Ufranser has a lot of history about me. I came back and took the ferry to leave temporarily. Coming and going, the continuous subtle entanglement was sensed by the chief secret historian. He He parsed out a secret contract that could represent my direction, and then sent his messenger out."

Just like, if you know someone's email address, the information can be sent to the other person through the network (astral realm).

But it does not mean that the sender must know the other party's true location, and that he always knows what the other party is doing and who he is talking to.

"'We have some knowledge of your whereabouts, we are always monitoring you, and it is not so easy for you to detect' - this is what they want to express in the second sense of gratitude." Speaking of this, Fan Ning He smiled calmly and said, "Unilateral claims always have the meaning of exaggeration and arrogance, but they always have some means or have grasped part of the situation."

Sheeran nodded thoughtfully: "It still sounds a bit tricky. I'd like to warn you not to do anything outrageous all the time? What's a better response?"

"I wasn't going to respond."

“The concert in Seven Days is my response.”

Fan Ning looked out the window at the lighthouse belonging to the South Pier area fading away.

He was relieved by that.

This is what the Special Patrol Office should be like, and bad guys like Irving are just an exception.

This is the level of a dictator.

Confrontation is also divided into three levels.

Reaching a consensus, repositioning, and focusing on higher-level games will be beneficial to both parties.

To take a step back, even if the Special Inspection Office can or intends to conduct more real-time surveillance of the situation around Fan Ning, they had better inform Fan Ning again. Otherwise, Fan Ning will just ignore the news as he does now, causing some people to fall into self-doubt about whether the letter was sent successfully or failed.

"Caron, I think I may have an occupational disease." Sheeran finally nodded suddenly, and then sighed softly, "Whenever I receive something in writing, I always try to organize my thoughts to draft a thoughtful, well-worded, A watertight reply.”

She already understood that this letter was both a statement and a threat.

The objects of "thank you" include many aspects, and the most direct and specific one is the comeback concert that Fan Ning is about to bring!

This concert is an entry point for examination, isn't it?

Don't look at the way they seem to be very talkative and gentle.

This is because they predicted Fan Ning's status to a higher position, "qualified for dialogue".

Wouldn't it be better to wait 7 days?

Then let’s see what kind of splash we can make and how big our “contribution” is.

And once the actual response is lower than expected, when the time comes to officially "engage with each other", the other party's domineering strength will be revealed as always.

He even went so far as to dig out the "old accounts" one by one!

So volume and momentum are very important now. Sheeran turned to professional thinking again and tapped her fingernails on the wall of the cup:

"Carlon, for this comeback concert, our theater chain's joint promotional resources must be fully utilized, and some additional ritualistic links can also be designed in. However, no matter how huge the pre-event hype is, no matter how overwhelming the reports are afterwards, it is still just a two-hour performance starting at 7 pm on April 18th with an audience of thousands of people."

"The box office is at most sold out. If it sells out faster, you will only receive flowers and cheers. More flowers and cheers, and even too many celebrities will be invited to attend, which will squeeze out some normal fans' seats. The space limitation of the performance determines its ceiling in form."

"And the abominable thing is that now 'adding seats' is becoming less and less useful! In order to strengthen the fire and public security safety of public art venues, the Empire has issued a series of strict restrictions."

In fact, from the overall situation of the performing arts industry, the need for additional seats is very rare.

Moreover, Turner Art Cinemas has its own mysterious means to deal with the fire and security issues of venues in big cities. In fact, venues backed by official organizations have corresponding guarantees, and adding seats is a minor factor.

Many colleagues in the theater chain suspected that they were being targeted.

"Carlon, just now many local theater leaders have asked me about the allocation of internal quotas. Generally, there will be about 300 to 500 tickets. In addition, according to convention, we have to reserve 100-120 tickets for celebrities and 280-340 tickets for commercial sponsors. At present, our renovated and upgraded symphony hall has 2,840 seats. If these are subtracted-"

"Except for commercial sponsors, the rest of the internal quotas will be cancelled and market sales will be released." Fanning said.

"Ah, is that so?" Sheeran didn't understand his idea.

"They will hear the performance normally." Fanning smiled meaningfully, "This morning, I have arranged for Director Walter to coordinate this work."

"Several countries, seven days, using our rudimentary four-level theater network, supplemented by the latest technology of the Guidance School, plus some special mystical methods, laying out one thing, one attempt, one pioneering move layer by layer, I believe it will not disappoint the discussion group and the Special Patrol Hall-"

"Old Symphony Orchestra World Radio Concert, the first show!"

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