Old-time musicians

Chapter 175 What the price paid

Chapter 609 What is paid for

"How can he?" "How dare he?"

Laxus and Owen were both surprised and asked two questions at the same time but from different angles.

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The "Old Days" wreckage may appear in the form of a baton - this is the information that the leader and Mr. Wax have speculated in recent months. After the information came out, recalling Fanning's performances in the past few years, things became clear.

The wreckage is indeed in his hands! He seems to have used it for a while and abandoned it for a while.

The problem now is that the contamination of the "Old Days" wreckage will not only implant a large number of abnormal inspirations into the brain of the exposed person, causing painful physiological reactions and severe schizophrenia, but also make the exposed areas and performance venues frequently connect to the abnormal area, becoming a hole for the "worm" to drill into the world. How did he suppress it to a level where "at least temporarily it looks like nothing happened"?

Furthermore, since he dared to use it to conduct the performance again, he should have considered it.

"Issue an arrest warrant and take him down?"

Owen narrowed his eyes, propped up the armrest of his seat, and his buttocks had slightly left the seat.

Even Laxus, who had always been at odds with Owen, looked thoughtful at this time and did not immediately say no.

Destroying this performance, making enemies with the artist, and forcing the audience to break their appointments, this is a huge price for the Special Patrol Office, a price greater than the raid two years ago.

I am afraid that only the cost of the South Country is higher than that.

But what if the price is the "old day" wreckage?

"Don't worry." A lazy man's voice floated out.

"Mr. Wax? What do you mean?" Owen looked at the empty audience seat next to him.

"He has more than one piece of the wreckage of the source god." The lazy voice continued to respond.

"In addition to the 'Old Days', there is at least the 'Fountain in the Painting' that was taken away from the ruins that time, and there may also be the 'Hidden Lamp'."

"What the leader needs is all the seven pieces of the artifact source god debris. Now the collection progress has been greatly delayed. You should know that for the 'Demystification Ritual' in the right position or the 'Anti-Rebellion Ritual' in the reversed position, if one or six pieces are missing, the result may not work."

"Hehe, you should talk to him about it in detail later."

Fanning has already stepped onto the podium.

Amid the expectant cheers of the whole hall, his eyes seemed to be looking at Owen.

In fact, he was not.

He was looking at the empty seat in the middle of the VIP area.

After looking at the air for a while, he suddenly smiled inexplicably.

Turning around, swinging his arm, all the musicians and chorus members who were seated stood up in unison.

Fanning signaled this orchestra created by himself to follow him to salute the audience.

Theolian, several small towns and towns in the administrative area of ​​Eagles County.

"The signal is coming!"

"It's on, the radio is on."

In the neat, bright and modern medium-sized theater, dozens of listeners' long-awaited calls came.

Because the form of this so-called "radio concert" was not very understood by many listeners who had never been exposed to it, the attendance rate was not particularly high.

About 70% of the audience came. The ticket price was 1 penny in a small town and 1 shilling in a small town. Even the theater with the highest operating income in Eagles County was only more than 20 pounds, and this was the result of establishing a stable audience and publicity channels in the early stage.

"Twenty pounds, to put it bluntly, although we didn't hire performers, this is only enough to cover our gas bills, consumables and personnel organization costs." The manager in charge of finance was calculating.

"No, that's not the point." The director of the theater chain looked around and thought, "According to the instructions of the superior theater chain, the function of the ticket is more of a 'statistic'!"

"Or, witness!"

The branch of Turner Art Hall in the imperial capital of Santarambu, has the same high specifications and quality as Uflancel.

But today the radio station uses Hall No. 2, which has 1,000 fewer seats than Hall No. 1, and the attendance rate is also about 70%.

Because Hall No. 1 had scheduled another performance a month ago, the headquarters meant that there was no need to break the appointment or change it, and the venue could be used.

Moreover, many fans of Santarambu went directly to Uflancel nearby, and most of the people here were those who did not get tickets for the live show or had no time to split up.


"What kind of magical radio station is this!?"

Four pale golden fold lines suddenly flashed on the stage floor.

Many listeners found that real and clear applause came from all directions.

Suddenly, a very faint transparent figure in a tuxedo appeared on the empty stage, raising the baton in his hand!

South Continent, Porto Baquerizo, the former city of Mixin.

The air in the hastily rebuilt city is hot and dry. The art gallery built here has not even had time to level the ground, and there is reddish-brown gravel under the hundreds of seats.

"Poet, I seem to see the scene on the other side of the radio station."

"Is that the old symphony orchestra conducted by Walter?"

"If the Southland still exists, will Mr. Scheller's music also resound throughout the world in this form?"

People wearing thin cotton striped linen clothes waved fans and looked at the canvas built around them fluttering in the hot wind.

The rustling sound of sand and stones hitting it overlapped with the sporadic coughs in the hall in the far north.

The eyes of the survivors of the Southern Kingdom were filled with sadness and reverie.

Western Continent, Holy Janus Kingdom, San Perto Cinema.

"This 'World Music Radio'."

"It seems to have some profound mystical connection with the scene in Uvlancel thousands of miles away. No, it's every scene with a radio station!"

Roy, wearing a dark blue evening dress, couldn't help but look up at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling of the hall.

She held a strange and slender "ampoule" in her hand, and the light-colored liquid in it kept changing colors, and on her dress and the back of the seat in front of her, a bunch of blooming fireworks were reflected.

But her attention was still on the changes around the stage.

Just now, when the radio equipment was powered on and a light golden light flashed on the ground, she felt that another circle of transparent layer background suddenly burst out in the circular stage space where she was!

"How did he do it?"

"Also, why does this background of phantom look so familiar?"

Roy watched the transparent silhouettes of the musicians he had worked with jump out from his side, and then Fanning, who was standing on the podium, making gestures as if ready to go, as if he was there.

Did Mr. Fanning also project the background of the symphony hall at our headquarters? No, these people are the people, but the background is not.

Ah, I know why this silhouette looks so familiar

Roy suddenly cried out in surprise, and then hurriedly covered his mouth with his left hand.

"This is the Qiming Church!"

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