Old-time musicians

Chapter 177 Those who live must die, and those who die must be resurrected!

Chapter 611 The living must die, and the dead must be resurrected!

".Even with such an attendance rate, there are probably more than a million listeners around the world who have listened to this performance tonight?"

In the seat of the San Perto Theater, Roy still held the ampoule containing the strange liquid.

As the performance reached the final chapter, she couldn't help but think about the number of theaters and seats built in various counties, cities, and towns, and then estimated the number of people affected and witnessed by this incomprehensible "Qiming Church Radio".

A very special, almost miraculous performance.

It is definitely another milestone in the history of serious music performances that deserves to be recorded in the annals of history!

The break and continuation of history, the tribute to the great deceased, and the common witness of millions of people, I don't know what impact it will have on the parties involved!

With a "bang".

Roy gently pulled the stopper of the ampoule in his hand!


"It seems that Fanning's sudden return will bring me and the leader more unexpected gains than I thought."

A lazy laugh floated out from the empty space between Laxus and Owen again.

Fanning's gestures were very low. In the uneasy silence, the six percussionists in the back row of the band bent over and held their breath to hammer.


The weak rolling of ppp gradually heated up within three bars.


The crescendo sound came like a tidal wave. Fanning made trivial circling beats with his left hand, gradually rising to the top of his head, and then cut down with the "old days" in his right hand.

The six percussionists' faces turned red, and their hands swung their hammers and knocked almost crazily and uncontrollably!

"Bang!!! ————”

The real apocalyptic scene was revealed, the ground shook in the wilderness, the tombs cracked open, the dead stood in rows, and the mountains and plains joined the march.

Under Fanning's command, the band's "Judgment Motive" showed a ferocious edge; the "Ascension Motive" with scale elements was pure and radiant; the "Pleading Motive" tore the semitone relationship of the VI-V level, which was very distressing; the "Doomsday Sutra" theme was like a solemn march of medieval hymns, starting from the short-lived seeds of the first movement's development section, and evolved into the current "Resurrection Hymns" full of hope and power.

When their images were initially established, they were thrown together mercilessly. The chaotic fight gradually evolved into a long march of bizarre and frantic steps, until everything was almost collapsed and exhausted.

The earthly life showed the last trembling posture, the trumpet of revelation was calling, the sound of nightingales came from afar, and the flute and piccolo sang alternately with mysterious brilliance.

Fanning slowly stretched out his hand and looked up.

Towards the choir seats, to the top of the symphony hall, to the higher part of the world, to the dome of the Hui Tower.

Although more than 700 days and nights have passed, this breathtakingly beautiful turning point and rebirth section, like the revelation of the Holy Spirit, is still the most proud and conceited work of his life.

"Resurrection, yes, you will be resurrected.

My dust, after a short rest!

The Lord who called you to his side,

Will give you a new life.

You are sown until you bloom again!

After we die,

The Lord comes to take us in,

Just like harvesting bundles of grain! "

At a certain moment after the chorus began, Fanning suddenly felt that the Huita above was like a kaleidoscope.

In the sound of the hymn that swirled like a starlight disc, countless spiritual vibrations of the audience adjusted the rotation of each mirror in the tube to a certain state combination, and then, the bizarre colors and shapes instantly became neat and regular, and some of his chaotic memories about the abnormal area and the intracranial trauma infected by the secret history also became clear because of the smooth lighting.

"Believe it:

Your birth is not in vain!

Your survival and suffering are not in vain!"

The world appearance of the symphony hall is also the world will of the Enlightenment Church. Fanning slowly guided the third verse with the "ascension motive" as a deformation with gestures.

At this time, with his unique observation angle, he "saw" that the hinge of a door was shaking higher up the "candle" phase climbing path in the Huita!

"The door of rotating fire? "

The revelation of relevant spiritual knowledge overwhelmed Fanning like a tide.

The word "spinning fire" in ancient Janus is similar to the English word "Ecstacy".

Or, it can be translated as "ecstasy".

The door of ecstasy.

This word can be said to be a synonym of "climax", but its focus is not on sex, but on religious origin.

In fact, in Fanning's previous life, this was a special term that appeared in the Baroque era, referring to a kind of intoxicating mysterious religious experience brought about by the arrow of faith piercing the body of the believer - the great pain , extraordinary joy, sublime fear, human consciousness is completely released in the folds of spirituality, and the spiritual satisfaction of a flood peak is felt in the tension of the inner strength!

Let enough audiences have the experience of ecstasy, which is the key to pass through this door.

In the conventional climbing path, "Ecstacy" requires sufficiently powerful clergy to rely on religious rituals to guide believers to achieve, so that they can achieve the three levels of profound understanding.

Then for Fanning himself, taking a different approach and relying on art can also meet the requirements of intensity and quantity!

"The living must die. The dead must be resurrected!"

"End the trembling, stop the fear..."

"Prepare for the new life!!!"

The choir sang the "Resurrection Hymn" of the fourth verse, first with a heavy voice and low mood, and then with the heavy beat, they shouted the second half of the sentence to the world without reservation.

One low and one high, one depression and one rise, the world was eclipsed!

A golden vortex of flames emerged in Fanning's eyes. His body in the symphony hall was still directing the chorus, while the spiritual part in the Qiming Church took off directly and broke the window of the top attic.

When he responded to the torture of the door's spiritual knowledge, the fleshy barrier on the outer layer of the Qiming Church seemed to be non-existent.

He flew straight to the Hui Tower above!

"On the wings won by the power of ardent love,

I will fly away!

I will die until I am reborn!!!"

In the sixth and seventh verses, the human voice and the orchestra overlapped and entered in succession, climbing layer by layer, and the counterpoint parts intertwined, setting off a white-hot climax that swept the sky and the earth.

The other designated group of brass played a triumphant song, and the bells rang loudly, rising higher and higher!


Among the shadows surrounding him, Roy noticed a musician sitting on the organ platform high up.

It didn't matter whether the musician was sitting high up in the symphony hall or high up in the Qiming Church. What mattered was that his hands and feet had all fallen on the organ keyboard.


The whole world was shaking in resonance!

This meant that the chorus had reached the last verse, the eighth, the most dazzling "Resurrection Hymn"!

The entire orchestra and choir opened their arms and sang loudly:

"Resurrection, yes, you will be resurrected,

My heart, in a moment!

Everything you strive for,

Will lead you to see the glory!"

Countless sacred sounds shone together, and the tremolo became crystal clear, as if the stars were crushing and colliding!

Roy raised his head decisively and pointed the opened ampoule at his mouth.

She quickly drank the psychedelic liquid in it. At the same time, the four coffee-colored "Bologna Shadow Diamonds" inlaid on the bracelet on her white wrist, which looked like diamonds and jade, burst into shadowy dust one by one.


Her body burst into countless gorgeous fireworks and disappeared from the San Perto Cinema.

First, she appeared at the radio station of the theater in the small town of Lepichi, and then she disappeared with fireworks again, and appeared in the theater seat of the Lowland Laubken Parish.

The key of the second door of the "Yan" phase climbing path, "Fireworks Gate": take an auxiliary spiritual potion in several places as far apart as possible in the shortest possible time.

Although this key belongs to the "feat" category and has no direct relationship with Fanning's performance, all door-passing behaviors require the most appropriate spiritual state.

Roy judged very accurately that during the period of time when she was promoted to "Forged Lion", her spiritual state has never been comparable to the current one!

After the fourth fireworks exploded, she returned to the seat of the San Perto Theater.

"What's going on? The city hall didn't say there would be any fireworks show in the evening today?"

The citizens walking near the concert hall were stunned, because a large number of strange fireworks appeared in the night sky and exploded and fell simultaneously!

That's right, when Fanning successfully promoted to the third level of the profound xiao, Roy in the overseas Western Continent was promoted to the second level of the profound xiao at the same time!

At this time, in the symphony hall, the timpani was rolling with thunder at the end, and the golden color in the air had turned into a white incandescence that made it impossible to open one's eyes.

The transcendental part rose rapidly, and the sound of the horn extended to the end of the world.

When Roy opened his eyes, he saw Fanning's arms on the podium ending in a perfect posture.


The band ended with the strong sound of the E flat major chord.


In addition to the regular cheers, Roy also heard other unusual sounds from the audience.

Not including the scene around the phantom that was "rebroadcasted" at the right time, even in the San Perto Theater where he was at the moment, several audiences with "famous artists" and above stood up and shouted loudly:

"Maestro, Maestro!!!"

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