Old-time musicians

Chapter 648: Invitation to visit from the Guidance School

"The day Mr. Fanning left for San Pelto?"

Roy followed the retelling, not knowing what he was thinking, and delayed for a few seconds before answering his father.

"It's decided, he said it at a meeting not long ago, September 26th."

"Oh, that's only a week away." McAdam nodded, and Frances added, "That's good, Roy. You can go meet him then. He shouldn't have been to San Perto yet. You I have been a mature guest in this music city for more than a year."


Roy's rhetorical question confused the female speaker of the family.

"He can just do it himself. We'll talk about it when we get there."

"." The two people at the desk looked at each other strangely.

After all, Fan Ning can now be regarded as the boss of his eldest lady.

Have you ever treated your boss like this?

"Roy, why?" Frances asked.

"He didn't tell me."

Didn’t you just say what he said at the meeting?

Now the two of them were even more confused, and Frances chose to move on to the next topic:

"Okay, whatever you want, but since the date of Master Fanning's departure has been set, should we move to set the final discussion date of the "Congress Reform Bill" so that he can meet with Theoline before then? Bian was invited to attend the Upper and Lower Houses of Parliament as a 'parliamentary observer'."

"Oh, sure." Roy casually pulled out an ancient book from the bookcase, flipped through it casually, and agreed casually.

"Roy." Marquis McAdam said seriously at this time: "In three nights, you come to me on the porch of No. 404 of the Corridor of Sighs. I will show you around and have a chat."

Porch 404? Roy frowned slightly as he recalled what he knew about the structure of this shifting secret realm.

She remembers that it seemed like a "dead end."

Unlike some places where there is bright sunshine, and other places where the light is dim or covered with dust, it is a fork in the road that connects to the fog of nothingness. Looking at it faintly at that time, the end of the corridor seemed to be abruptly broken.

However, seeing her father's serious expression, she knew that there must be some secret knowledge of the school that she needed to learn about, so she finally nodded seriously.

Fanning's days at Tioline are indeed numbered.

After leaving in a hurry without saying goodbye, I briefly traveled to some places, returned, and left again in a hurry.

Obviously, the time when I came to this world was only November 22, 912 of the New Calendar, but I actually lived such a wandering experience in three or four years.

Fortunately, I left a lot of different things in this world when I left, and the same should be true now.

"The audit issues are more prominent in the theater chain's interview schedule, um. You should not schedule me based on the level of the theater chain, but based on the conclusion of the rating."

"Operation potential and health are 'excellent', 'good', 'qualified (low risk)', 'qualified (medium risk)', 'unqualified (high risk)'. I will talk about these 'high risk', Others can make their own decisions. I’m not just talking about county or small town cinemas. In fact, I am very concerned about the situation of art stations in small towns and neighborhoods.”

"Oh, which managers have integrity issues? Verify the evidence clearly, prepare the materials completely, and fire them according to the procedures. Notify your organization of the results. The industry you are engaged in has a notification association from an industry association. It is a notification from a congressman corresponding to the Congress or local government. Parliament. If you have problems, ask them to come to me. If you have connections, ask people with connections to come to me.”

"For the September grading exams in the autumn semester, there are still four selected test sites that need to be inspected, right? I will go there, and the confidentiality work must be done in advance. The music theory test questions and the music scores for the sight-reading test in various places must also be kept confidential."

"A meeting is scheduled for tomorrow morning. Regarding the evaluation details of this scoring standard, we still need to make adjustments based on the experience in July. I personally hope that the pass rate for low grades can be higher and the pass rate for high grades can be lower. ."

"Well, how to set up a 'skipping' rule scientifically requires a systematic thinking plan. There are always groups with high ambitions, resulting in low-quality selection work and a waste of everyone's public resources. Let me tell Miss Roy. "

"Suggestions for inclusion in grade examination repertoire? We will not accept it for the time being."

"Our committee has considered all the mainstream music works of the past and present. In terms of modern style, as long as it is interesting, representative, and the skills meet the gradient requirements, we have also reserved a considerable proportion. The teaching materials will be revised early next year. Let’s talk about it when editing. After the Harvest Art Festival ends, a number of outstanding new works will emerge.”

In the last week, Fan Ning first completed the third movement of his "Symphony No. 5 in C sharp minor" according to the previous ideas.

At the same time, he still maintained his previous regular schedule, conveying some important opinions to his colleagues, or asking Sheeran to convey them on his behalf.

At this time, shortly after lunch, after signing some documents, he raised his head from the sea of ​​books and rubbed his face.

"Carolon, here is a letter of invitation for you, from Congress."

Sheeran knocked on the door and handed the dignified, simple and designed envelope to his hand.

"'Parliamentary Observer' invitation?" There was no outsider here, so Fan Ning opened the envelope and read directly, "On the morning of September 24th, there will be a meeting of the House of Lords, and on the morning of September 25th, there will be a meeting of the House of Commons."

I led the team to San Perto on September 26.

These guys were so punctual, could they be here for my next schedule?

He leaned back in his chair and raised his teacup while reading: "Agenda, discuss the "Congressional Reform Bill (Draft)"? Well, I can't remember this kind of thing the most, it's harder than remembering an opera. But I seem to have some impression? Last time when the Special Patrol Office called me for tea, they seemed to have mentioned this thing. Although I was not very interested, I still read it through on that occasion."

"Are you going?" Shilan sat down opposite him and held up his cheek, "If you go, I will help you adjust your schedule. The changes are quite big."

"You don't seem to want to go."

Last time at the "Thistle Medal" awarding ceremony in the imperial capital, I was inexplicably asked those two questions and there was no follow-up.

Especially this question, Fanning was puzzled because it had no beginning or end, and he was too lazy to ask because he was not interested.

Especially in the last few weeks, his work schedule was quite tight.

Once we get to Saint Perto, things on the North Continent can only be "remotely controlled".

"It's actually quite important, Carloen, I suggest you go there. In the history of the development of the parliament of Theolian, this is the first identity that can build a bridge between the upper and lower houses at the same time."

"Really, but the next day is your birthday."

"Then don't you know to take me with you?"

Fanning smiled awkwardly, but then he still thought about it facing the ceiling.


There was silence in the air for five minutes, and suddenly the phone rang.

It was a private phone on Fanning's side.

"Hello?" Fanning lifted the receiver, and the familiar voice on the other end made him change his address, "Oh, teacher? Good afternoon."

Xilan stood by and eavesdropped attentively.

After his father's death, the only person he could call a teacher was the piano master Sir Lee Viadrin.

"Yes, yes. You are in the imperial capital, right."

"The Guidance School invites me to go there?"

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