Old-time musicians

Chapter 69: Theory of “Illusionary Man”

"The secret technique of illusion?" Fan Ning frowned deeply.

It sounds like something similar to a secret ritual.

But it doesn’t quite look like it?

According to the investigative information Roy brought to him, Teacher Anton was inspired by some extreme means, and then when he was promoted to a knowledgeable person, he was deprived of the "light of first acquaintance" and became insane.

"What is its ultimate purpose? Is it used to absorb people's spirits and souls? In the description, are there any strange keywords involved, such as the Lord of Witness, Phase, Ritual Vessel, etc.?" Fan Ning tried to confirm.

"Not very clear; no; not found in the text yet."

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Sheeran shook his head and denied three questions raised by Fanning.

"According to the opera singer and spiritual practitioner 'Banshua', the 'Secret Art of Illusion' was learned in a 'hidden corner deep in the dream' during his journey. Its principle is to call upon one's own powerful With his concentration and vivid imagination, he continues to fabricate facts that do not exist at all, and brings something to life that should only exist in the imagination of his mind!"

This sounds a bit strange and cultish.

However, Fan Ning repeatedly compared it with the previous information in his mind, and indeed did not feel that it had any connection with the content of the documents mentioned by the Bologna School.

"What happened later? Did he succeed in his attempt?" Fan Ning continued to ask.

"Well, that's right." Xilan nodded lightly.

"It is recorded in the long poem that the opera singer 'Banchuva' planned to give a name, smell, voice, shape, character, characteristics, and even past experiences to a non-existent thing. According to that acquisition method, he imagined Practice, but at first nothing came of it, it just felt like setting up a role for my own script.”

"However, he insisted on following this method and continued to experience a series of special meditation, spiritual practices and secret experiences. About half a year later, at dusk, he heard the voice of 'that existence' in his mind for the first time! "

Is this because I was too immersed in my imagination and was hallucinating? When Fan Ning heard this, his expression was very strange.

Sheeran turned another page of the translation manuscript and continued:

"The unexpected surprise made 'Banshua' feel refreshed. He tried to talk to the voice in his head. At first, it was only a weak response, making it difficult to communicate effectively, but later it became clearer and more logical. That The character reflected in the voice is consistent with the characteristics of my own imagination, and more importantly, it is indeed an independent personality! "

"At this time, 'Banshuwa' was sure that he had really succeeded in initially embodying the 'phantom man' that did not originally exist in the real world. He communicated regularly with the 'phantom man' in his mind, and also worked for It plays music and the 'phantom' representation can hear it and give its own feedback."

"But later, 'Ban Shuwa' noticed that this 'phantom man' gradually had some disturbing changes."

Sheeran turned the pages of his manuscript.

"It began to appear directly in the field of vision as a distorted black shadow, a weird outline or a hazy mist. Its movements began as unconscious squirming and gradually gained personality. It would float, walk, climb, look left and right, and lean down. Laughing and crying loudly, what’s even more shocking is that at first its face conformed to its own settings, but then it gradually deviated from imagination and became clear and ugly.”

"The final concrete existence began to gradually materialize. It could push down objects, open doors and windows, kick away stones, and leave bruises on itself. It even once appeared as 'a friend' in 'Banshua' ' social occasion."

"The opera artist finally realized the seriousness of the matter. Fortunately, although the 'Phantom Man' showed signs of gradually losing control, its behavioral abilities and character motivations were generally still within the framework of the opera artist's original imagination, and had not reached the stage of He is completely free to do whatever he wants. While using this principle to control and balance, he secretly seeks external help."

"The poem records that 'Banshua' met a secular monk who claimed to be an 'enlightener' in the Western Continent. With his relief, 'Banshua' gave up his plan to open 'a door with a price' . He spent more than a year meditating, forcibly regressing the materialized 'phantom person' back to the concrete stage, gradually collapsing into thick fog, black shadows, outlines, and then back to smells and sounds, and finally completely disappeared from his mind. inside."

"It sounds like a near-miss experience." Fan Ning sat back on the sofa and commented, "What happens next?"

"Later, he still went crazy." Sheeran's clear voice was also filled with fear at this moment.

"His personality and cognition have shifted, and he has gradually regretted it. He feels that he should not personally obliterate the 'personal life' he created. His aesthetics has gradually become distorted, and he believes that all the handsome men and beautiful women around him are filthy illusions. Only 'illusions' are real and beautiful things..."

"The original words of the poem record, 'With awe and regret, he cut open the hot blood vessels, drowned himself in the blood in the basin, seeking the last glimpse of the real thing...', the final narrative perspective change of the long poem, the tone Also leaning towards the heavy side, the lay monk 'Initiate' warned of the dangers of pursuing knowledge and senses, pointing out that 'certain doors are paradoxical traps' and should not be forced to be 'opened at a non-specific time period.'

After Sheeran finished speaking, he pressed the dozen or so pages of translation manuscripts, came to sit down next to Fan Ning, and leaned against him: "Caron, to be honest, I'm a little scared."

"It's normal. I feel scared just hearing this." Fanning smiled bitterly, "But this is what the knower contacts day and night. If you really want to enter this mysterious realm in the future, this atmosphere will accompany you all day long."

Shilan bit his lip: "Well, I was afraid when I was translating alone before. It's much better since you came."

Fanning tapped a few fingers on the armrest like playing the piano, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

The characteristics of "Banshuwa" going crazy and the warning of the monk who returned to secular life in the poem are actually more in line with Dupont's previous description of the risks and costs of studying "hidden knowledge".

"Hidden knowledge" is the rule of calling invisible power, and it is also the shadow that always shrouds the world of knowers. Although through the appropriate transmission form and the protection of the corresponding secret rituals, its direct damage to the spirit can be reduced...

But the learners will eventually receive the "hidden knowledge", and they will always be there. Their changes in cognition, personality and values ​​are subtle and difficult to reverse.

Fanning has not heard of any way to fundamentally avoid risks.

He made a decision: "Shiran, from now on, you stop sorting out the appendix, and teach me Turangalian and several other common languages ​​in historical research. When the time is right, or when some protective measures are taken, we can translate and sort it out together. Um Joan can also join as a helper, and she can get started directly."

"Language, language" Fanning repeated this word, and suddenly an idea came to him.

"By the way, you just said that the languages ​​used in the appendix are ancient Chaniz?"


"Where is it? Let me see."

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