Old-time musicians

Chapter 75: Watch Factory

Looking at this female classmate who had been at loggerheads with him at the door of the auction house the day before, and bowing to him and his group today, Fanning was thinking secretly in his heart.

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"I didn't expect that the Jinlangnia Machinery Factory related to the mysterious incident was Julius's family business. Isn't this too coincidental? Well, I really didn't pay attention to this information before..."

Fanning's previous focus on her, in addition to a series of unpleasant things in the symphony orchestra rehearsal, was mainly "Uvlanser Art Review" - this is the mainstream music review media controlled by Julius' family. In Uvlanser, it, together with "Theoline Cultural Weekly" and "Hoffmann Gramophone", influences the artistic dynamics and aesthetic trends in the music industry.

After Anton's death last time, this media criticized the value of Professor Anton's artistic career with sharp words.

But it's not just this time, there has always been yin and yang before.

For example, the most impressive one was the day after the premiere of Professor Anton's "Fourth Symphony". The media commented on the song "brass, brass, and boring brass", the string writing "all depends on shaking", and the slow third movement sounded "like staring at a cow for 20 minutes".

You should know that Julius herself was also a musician participating in the premiere, and she was the first violinist!

The success or failure of a symphony premiere is at least 50% of the work and the orchestra.

Even if she had no obligation to protect Professor Anton's artistic personality, even if the two sides disagreed on artistic concepts, she allowed the media to comment on the premiere in this way, which undoubtedly also damaged the reputation of the St. Lenya Symphony Orchestra.

"Extreme shirking of responsibility, and making the rehearsal style of the symphony orchestra a mess." This is what Fanning said to Teacher Anton privately afterwards. It's a pity that at that time, except for sitting in the audience and listening to the whole process, she did not have any power to help the teacher in a substantial way.

It's true. Whenever I recall this, my thoughts keep coming...

Fanning pulled himself back from his thoughts and smiled meaningfully at the female classmate in a purple woolen coat:

"It's a beautiful Sunday. Please forgive me for disturbing you at night."

Hearing that Fanning also acquiesced to the identity of a classmate, the factory owner Stanley said with surprise: "You're welcome. Mr. Fanning is really young and promising."

This well-informed factory owner had already keenly caught the small details: Fanning was not wearing the police uniform of the two people behind him, but was dressed like a gentleman like Dupont and Monroe, and stood side by side with them in front.

It's just that Fanning's public identity was a student at St. Lenya University.

If Fanning is really a member of the Guidance School, he knows very well what this means.

College student? ... Obviously, he is on par with the more than ten people in the upper echelons of St. Lenya University!

Stanley looked at his daughter: "Dear Julius, you are so lucky to be classmates with such a senior."

Julius nodded in agreement and restrainedly.

"Yes, yes." Fanning responded with a sigh, "It's a pity that some workers are not so lucky."

"There are always accidents in the world, people will die, factories will go bankrupt... Speaking of which, our company has always been ahead of the Uvlancel industry in implementing various labor protection laws in the empire, including reducing wages instead of layoffs for workers over 35 years old, and giving priority to the 3-day maternity leave welfare policy for female workers... To a certain extent, we use business pressure to bear the personal risks of workers..."

Looking at Fanning's eyes staring at him, Stanley gradually felt a little mental oppression as he spoke, and his face was stern: "Of course, we will cooperate with the investigation according to your instructions."

At this time, Lawyer Monroe smiled slightly: "What a coincidence, there is such a layer of fate, why not let Carloen take over the next work?"

"Good suggestion, Carloen, you will take the lead tonight, and I believe the communication will be more efficient." Dupont agreed.

"Follow the arrangements of the superiors." Stanley smiled again, even narrowing his eyes. "Julius is only one and a half years away from graduation. She is an excellent child and has gradually helped to relieve the worries of the family's business management..." He turned his head, "Dear daughter, why don't you guide Mr. Fanning first."

This is the standard growth path for the children of chaebols in the industrial era: recommended to prestigious schools, learn the code of conduct of gentlemen and ladies, let the values ​​resonate with the upper class, expand more connections based on background connections, and start to take on the management of the family business before graduation...

"Mr. Fanning, this is about an 8-minute walk from the factory gate. Let's talk while walking." Julius made an elegant guiding gesture, "Our Jinlangnia Machinery Factory is involved in the fields of mid-to-high-end daily necessities, and has a good response in the market of middle-class and above families. Later, I can tell you the distribution of dealer stores, when necessary..."

"Tell me about the distribution of product production lines." Fanning interrupted her.

"Okay, Mr. Fanning." Julius smiled sweetly. "There are currently 22 production workshops in operation. Workshops 1-10 are our original classic product, the Kinronya brand light bulbs; workshops 11-12 are wet clothes dryers, a must-have for wet weather in Uvlancel; workshop 13 is a vacuum cleaner; workshop 14 is a flush toilet; workshop 15 is the Kinronya series watch production line; workshop 16 is the electric vibration belt with health care and resuscitation functions that was newly developed this year..."

Julius spoke faster and faster, but maintained the clarity of the content until she had reported all the products of the production lines skillfully.

This information was true and correct, because the written materials were clear and traceable, and there was no need to hide anything.

Dupont and Monroe looked at each other, and both read some of each other's feelings.

It was a bit troublesome. The place was too big and there were too many things. Progress might only be slow.

"Mr. Fanning, do you think we should take the gentlemen to check in order from tonight? Or..." Julius asked her classmate in a polite tone of inquiry.

She was prepared for Fanning to make two different requests.

Either routinely investigate in order of serial numbers, or aggressively question her and ask her to take Fanning directly to the workshop where the workers died strangely recently.

Either way, due to the information gap, she could take a certain initiative to deal with it.

If Fanning really didn't play by the rules, it would be acceptable to randomly assign him.

"Go to workshop No. 15." Fanning stared into her eyes.

"...Okay, it would be better if Mr. Fanning had a plan." Julius still kept smiling.

But Fanning's spiritual sense read a trace of panic that was extremely difficult for her to detect.

This female classmate really didn't expect Fanning to point it out directly!

People with weak psychological qualities will avoid eye contact when they have something to hide. Julius is obviously not inferior to this, but when Fanning mentioned Workshop 15, he saw that her emotional body light and shadow had fluctuations that contracted and radiated toward the outer astral body.

In the second volume of "Investigation of the Deeds of Beresinsky", this kind of spiritual sense is explained as "people try to hide the facts that they want to deceive in their conscious mind into their subconscious mind."

"Thank you." Fanning smiled at her as always.

It must be said that Julius has a very strong psychological quality. Fanning looked at Dupont and Monroe's puzzled eyes looking at him, and knew that they didn't notice the abnormality of this female classmate.

He knew that she had a problem completely because of preconceived ideas, and made a confirmatory observation on it.

"Workshop 15, watch production line..." Fanning repeated in his heart.

Yesterday at noon, Joan and I performed a regression ritual in Sheeran's bedroom.

Could this be the meaning of the incomprehensible wall clock revelation image?

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