Olympic Super Champion

Chapter 213: Dressage Riding

The event on the first day is dressage riding, also known as dressage riding. During the competition, horses and riders have to complete a series of prescribed and optional movements within 12 minutes in a field 60 meters long and 20 meters wide. Riders are scored based on their posture, demeanor, difficulty and other skills and artistic level, and those with the highest scores will be ranked first.

Dressage has been described as a ballet performance for horses. This event is Li Hao's best sport, and it is also Li Hao's favorite event. There will be 25 places in the first round of the competition to enter the second round.

As the music sounded, Li Hao and his Haoyun came on stage. Haoyun's flowing dance steps and the tacit coordination between Li Hao and Haoyun made the audience applaud frequently, especially without Li Hao's deliberate influence at all. , Haoyun can follow Li Hao's hands, the strength of his feet, and the soothing music to show his graceful posture and posture, and finally the high score ends in Haoyun's dance steps.

Hua Tian followed Li Hao on the stage. The national emblem was greatly embroidered on the clothes. The black dress and black knight hat set off Hua Tian's deep facial features, which were extraordinarily charming and three-dimensional. Hua Tian's war horse was called Don de Janeiro , ~ very consistent with the temperament of Rio.

Hua Tian's demeanor on the horse race is like a real prince, with every frown and smile, every move is so charming and extravagant. Watching Huatian's appearance, Li Hao kept clapping his hands and never stopped. He didn't even go back to change his clothes. He just watched Huatian's game from the sidelines.

Huatian's posture, demeanor, and artistic level are all very high, making other contestants unmatched.

The dressage competition in the event requires the horse and rider to perform a series of movements in a 20x60 meter competition field to demonstrate the horse's obedience, agility and coordination with the rider. Each combination performs the same 23 actions, and the judges score each action.

On the first day of the race, Li Hao ranked first with 37.00 points, continuing his leading position. However, Huatian and the 9-year-old Don de Janeiro, the youngest participating horses in the equestrian triathlon of the Rio Olympic Games, made two mistakes in the 23 "actions" of the regulations. High, but at the same time, the three referees also scored the highest score of 9.5 points for one "action". In the end, they scored 74.63 points, 70.56 points, and 70.00 points at points E, C, and M respectively. 42.40, ranked 12th among all 65 riders.

The Australian rider Christopher BURTON, who is currently ranked second in the world, is behind Li Hao by 0.6 points, ranking second. The pressure on Li Hao is also very great. At the same time, Li Hao has to encourage Hua Tian, ​​although Hua Tian is not very satisfied with his own However, in the Chinese equestrian Olympic arena, apart from himself, Huatian's results are still very good.

"Li Hao, congratulations. I'm so happy for you to be ranked first on the first day." Hua Tian said to Li Hao with a smile.

Li Hao patted Huatian on the shoulder and gave Huatian a big hug. He didn't say anything, but they both understood each other.

Soon it will be the second cross-country competition day. The first French rider Mathieu LEMOINE replaced the current world No. 1 Michael JUNG, but only ranked third. In the 2012 London Olympic Equestrian Triathlon The German rider Michael JUNG, who is the defending champion of the race, currently ranks fifth, and our Li Hao is leading the first place.

Huatian's grades on the second day were not very satisfactory. Seeing Huatian's depressed mood, Li Hao helped Huatian improve his grades, but according to Huatian's stubborn character, he would definitely not agree.

Li Hao pondered in his heart and finally came up with a plan.

After the second day's race, Hua Tian settled his love horse hall. De Janeiro, and he was blowing the wind around the racetrack, and Li Hao walked silently with Hua Tian in the distance. After going round and round, I don't know how many laps Hua Tian finally returned to his residence. Li Hao didn't follow Hua Tian back, but went straight to the stable to optimize Don de Janeiro.

Although Don de Janeiro's own function and quality are already very good, but the coordination and cooperation with Huatian are still a little lacking. The first game was due to a mistake and too many penalty points, which caused the score to drop suddenly. draw closer.

……ask for flowers…

So Li Hao decided to unlock horse racing and improve his skills to optimize for Don De Janeiro. Although optimizing gold coins for animals costs more than optimizing humans, Li Hao didn't care about his gold coins at all.

A total of 300,000 gold coins, and the skills purchased in the system mall give Tang De Janeiro's physical optimization beyond the level of tacit understanding between ordinary horse racing and knights.

After finishing all this, Li Hao went back to Huatian's residence full of joy. Huatian had already fallen asleep, but he still kept the door and the light for himself. Looking at the not-so-bright light in the house, Li Hao felt in his heart. It turned out to be warm at this time.

After a good night's dream, the next day's game is about to begin.

The competition for the most suspenseful and also the most difficult cross-country obstacle course in the equestrian triathlon will start at 21:00 on August 8th, Beijing time.

Li Hao came third and Hua Tian came in fiftieth.

At 9:00 pm on August 9th, the preliminaries of the first round of the jumping competition started first. According to the rules, only the top 25 players in the individual competition can enter the second round of finals. Li Hao still played his own level steadily and took the lead. Hua Tian also played steadily with "Don de Janeiro" in the competition. He temporarily ranked 8th with a penalty of 4 points for a shot and entered the final smoothly. .

Seeing that Hua Tian and himself successfully reached the final together, Li Hao was very happy in his heart. His own efforts were still useful. Although Hua Tian didn't know it yet, Hua Tian was able to achieve such a good result in the competition. Hua Tian was very happy , I am also very happy.

"Hey, Li Hao, it's great. I actually made it to the finals. I'm very satisfied with today's results, and I feel that Tang. De Janeiro's quality in all aspects is much higher than that of the previous few days. It seems that he is still very good. It’s human nature, knowing that today’s game is very important to me.” Hua Tian patted Li Hao’s shoulder as he walked happily.

Li Hao silently looked at Si in the distance. .

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