Olympic Super Champion

Chapter 291: Complain

After returning to the Olympic Village, Zhang Jike was still in the room. Zhang Jike said that he was surprised to see Li Hao come back: "Li Hao, why did you come back so early. Don't you have a rematch in the afternoon? Is the game over already?"

Li Hao said to Zhang Jike: "The game has just ended, I rushed back. I will come back to clean up, and I will go out in a while. I will have something for today's dinner, and you can solve it yourself!"

Zhang Jike was also very unhappy when he heard that Li Hao asked him to solve the dinner by himself: "You let me solve the dinner by myself on the first day I came here, do you think this is appropriate? Besides, I won't be able to stay for a few more days, you Why leave me alone."

Li Hao smiled: "It's not impossible for me to do this. I've been pushed many times by others and I can't push it back. No, you can't solve your own dinner, so you go out with me at night.


Zhang Jike looked at Li Hao angrily, he didn't want to go out with Ji Jie to meet those messy people.

Seeing that Zhang Jike didn't intend to make any further comments, Li Hao said, "Then it's best, I'll take a shower and change clothes first. If you want to go out together later, just take the key with you. I may not be back at night. .”

"What? You won't come back at night, do you want me to live here alone? Maybe Zhang Jike was so excited when he heard the news that he yelled out loudly.

Li Hao felt that it was strange for Zhang Jike to say this: "You are a big man, you can't live here alone. There are no ghosts here, so what are you afraid of!

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'm going to get ready, I don't have enough time for a while." Li Hao hurried into the bathroom.

Now that Li Hao has said so, Zhang Jike has nothing to do but let him go. Originally, Zhang Jike couldn't live with Li Hao for a few days, and Li Hao had to compete and train during the day so how could he have time to accompany him. It is only at night that you can stay with him for a while, but even if it is like this, he will not return at night.

Zhang Jike didn't know that Li Hao had Sharapova as a friend. Of course, Li Hao never mentioned it to Zhang Jike, because he thought it was unnecessary.

After all the preparations, Li Hao went outside the Olympic Village to give Sharapova a call. After the call was connected, Li Hao said: "I'm done with the game now, do you have time now? We can come out and have a talk`~.

Sharapova on the other end of the phone heard that Li Hao finally had time to make an appointment with her today, and she was very excited and replied: "I have time now, we can make an appointment.

Li Hao thought for a while and hesitated for a long time: "It's still in that bar, everyone knows it. And it's the most convenient for me to go there, what do you think?

For some unknown reason, Li Hao still chose the bar where he and Sharapova met! Just now I still didn’t want to go there, “I don’t know what’s in my mind, so I blurted out that’s the right place.

Sharapova on the other end of the phone was shocked when she heard Li Hao say that she still wanted to go to that bar. I don't know if Li Hao still has feelings for her?

After a while, Sharapova said: "Then at that bar, I will wait for you there first when I go. Or order the same thing, Red Lover."

But Li Hao didn't go back to Sharapova's last question. After hanging up the phone, Li Hao hailed a taxi and rushed to the place where he and Sharapova had agreed to meet for the first time. .

Unexpectedly, this time, it was Li Hao who arrived at the bar first. Because it was still daytime, Li Hao saw through the glass window that the bar was empty and there was no one there.

Li Hao opened the door and walked in. Even the bar owner was surprised that someone came so early today, because the usual customers are at night or late at night, let's come together!

Li Hao saw the place where he and Sharapova met for the first time at a glance, and he walked over. Sitting in the position where she and Sharapova met for the first time, he remembered what happened when she and Sharapova met for the first time.

In fact, his feelings for Sharapova have always existed. It was only because Sharapova had a different choice that he decided to give up.

But Li Hao, has never regretted that Sharapova chose to inherit his father's career instead of continuing to accompany her. Because Li Hao knows very well that everyone's path is different.

Sitting in that position, Li Hao recalled the first time he helped Sharapova and helped Sarah avenge her ex-boyfriend. Thinking about it now, Li Hao thinks this is a very funny thing, and he doesn't know how he agreed to Sharapova at that time.

It may be that God created this fate for them, which made their relationship heat up rapidly during this period of time. but. But good fortune also tricks people, "fate gave them different choices.

Li Hao sat there, ordering nothing. He is still recalling the glass of red lover that was put on the table when he first met Sharapova.

It was after winning the game that time that Sharapova cooked for her, and the two had a candlelight dinner. Li Hao really felt that that was the first woman in his life who had given him this kind of dedication, and she had already decided to give her heart to Sharapova.

Now in this same place again, the two ex-lovers (of Qian Qian) are about to part ways. The matter in front of me is like this, there is no room for maneuver, there is no way, life is like this, everyone will have their own choices

Li Hao waited patiently for a while, and he saw Sharapova pushing the door and coming in. Liu Hao's heart suddenly felt distressed, he wondered if he should end this relationship with Sharapova here today.

When Sharapova came over, neither of them spoke to each other. Sharapova saw that Li Hao was still sitting in the seat where she met her for the first time, and she didn't know how his heart would be extinguished.

Sharapova was sitting there, but the two still didn't have any verbal communication. At this time, the waiter came over and asked: "What do you two need? We have launched a new first love here, do you want to try it?"

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