Olympic Super Champion

Chapter 320: The Curtain Comes Down

"Now it's time to grab his left hand and let go. Then grab his right hand and throw him over the shoulder.

Liu Zhiyuan grabbed Watanabe Junichi's left hand first, then quickly let go and grabbed his right hand. Watanabe Junichi reacted and took a step back.

Li Hao said to Liu Zhiyuan: "Now use leg skills, first attack his left leg and then attack his right leg, making him lose his balance and fall to the ground."

Unexpectedly, Li Hao suddenly changed his attacking method and used his legs to attack Watanabe Junichi. But this was indeed effective. After Liu Zhiyuan made these two actions, Watanabe Junichi fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of the trend, Liu Zhiyuan also pressed on Watanabe Junichi, and he tightly controlled Watanabe Junichi.

At this time, Li Hao told Liu Zhiyuan not to control it so tightly, but to relax appropriately. When he wants to get up, you do a flip on his 28 [press his back to the ground.

Of course Liu Zhiyuan understood what Li Hao meant, so he didn't deliberately control it. I slowly relaxed my strenuous limbs, not deliberately trying to control Watanabe Junichi.

Of course, Watanabe Junichi also caught this signal. He was about to flip over, trying to get up on all fours.

While he was exerting force, Li Hao told Liu Zhiyuan: "Take countermeasures against him, hug his waist from below and forcefully turn him around, and control him on the ground.

After doing this series of movements, Junichi Watanabe failed to achieve his goal of standing up. Moreover, Liu Zhiyuan pressed his back to the ground, so that Liu Zhiyuan would have a chance to get the score of a book.

Watanabe Junyi didn't want to be given the chance to get a copy by Liu Zhiyuan just like this, he kept struggling to get up from Liu Zhiyuan's body. However, this is all to no avail. Despite his strength advantage, it was just that Li Hao told Liu Zhiyuan a big secret before Liu Zhiyuan came on the field.

That is, in the competition of sleep skills, if you want to control your opponent, you have to control the opponent's upper body with both hands, then kneel on the ground with your legs, and ride on the opponent's body. This will not let him use his strength to escape from under his body.

Liu Zhiyuan used this method to control Watanabe Junichi.

Off the court, the coach shook his head again and again, he really didn't expect it. Liu Zhiyuan performed so well under Li Hao's words, he didn't understand

He glanced at Li Hao, and Li Hao watched everything that happened on the field calmly, as if he had known it in advance. No expression was revealed, nothing could be seen on his face.

Maybe Li Hao has become calm after participating in many competitions. But guiding Liu Zhiyuan to have such an ability really made Coach Shi feel inferior.

There is still one minute left in the game. Watanabe Junichi became more and more anxious, and he would definitely lose the game if this continued.

His movements were obviously a little flustered, and he was out of order. If things go on like this, Liu Zhiyuan will be left with great opportunities.

Li Hao wants to end the game now, he doesn't want to procrastinate any longer. In case, there will be some unpredictable results again, so all previous efforts will be wasted.

"The final decisive battle is about to begin now. This time, you must seize the opportunity and not leave him any breathing time."

Li Hao then said to Liu Zhiyuan: "From now on, you have to keep making fake moves. Your ultimate goal is to hug him to the ground" and get ten more chances to score.

After listening to Li Hao's words, Liu Zhiyuan began to make various fake moves on the court. But he doesn't really attack Watanabe Junichi, but only moves without strength.

Watanabe Junichi couldn't tell what move Liu Zhiyuan was planning to use, and he was also dealing with him on the court, but he didn't have much time left.

After Watanabe Junyi followed Li Hao and Liu Zhiyuan around the field for a few laps, he began to take the initiative.

His target was Liu Zhiyuan's legs. He wanted to use the strength of his lower body to make Liu Zhiyuan's center of gravity unstable before attacking.

"Liu Zhiyuan, pay attention to Watanabe Junichi's leg attack. This is a very powerful move, so be careful to avoid it." Li Hao reminded Liu Zhixuan.

Hearing Li Hao's reminder, Liu Zhiyuan began to adjust his position with Watanabe Junichi to avoid his leg attack.

After such adjustments and preparations, when Watanabe Junyi was about to attack Liu Zhiyuan's leg, he missed. This very powerful action did not cause any harm to Liu Zhiyuan.

After that, Junichi Watanabe prepared to attack again, and this time he planned to use the method of hugging and throwing.

However, Watanabe Junichi was completely just a battle of trapped beasts this time. The time was less than a minute, how could he make Liu Zhiyuan fall to the ground in such a short time!

Li Hao began to remind Liu Zhiyuan to be cautious at the last moment. Junichi Watanabe couldn't be allowed to find an opportunity to get another 700 points.

Of course Liu Zhiyuan would not give him such an opportunity, as long as Watanabe Junichi can avoid attacking him personally, then this result will not happen.

Watanabe Junyi tried to get close to Liu Zhiyuan, but Liu Zhiyuan kept avoiding him. Liu Zhiyuan constantly changed the pace and direction of his feet, just to avoid closer contact with Junichi Watanabe.

Watanabe Junichi's coach was also very anxious, looking at the two athletes on the field. They didn't expect that this game turned out to be such a result, and it was impossible to change anything in the remaining minute.

It was different here for coach Shi, he was very happy to see that Liu Zhiyuan was about to win the game. But he didn't know what method Li Hao used to make Liu Zhiyuan improve so much in this game.

The final result, of course, was that the blue player Liu Zhiyuan won the game and was able to advance to the semi-finals smoothly. But Watanabe Junichi sat on the ground without saying a word, not knowing what he was thinking.

Liu Zhiyuan was not dazzled by the victory either, he knew that if Li Hao hadn't been helping him this time, it would have been impossible for him to advance to the semi-finals. .

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