Olympic Super Champion

Chapter 45: Defying The Sky【For Collection, Flowers】

Linia, who shot an 8.7 ring, twitched slightly after hearing Li Hao's score, obviously not expecting it, but not worried.

After all, the competition has only just started now, and the best show is still to come. No one is sure that they can win the final championship.

Although he scored 9.2, Li Hao was not very excited, but kept calm, his eyes fixed on the target, and after a slight pause, he fired the third air bomb.

The third gas bomb struck out and landed on the target, which was still close to the center of the red heart.

"Li Hao, ring 9.5."

After a few seconds passed, the referee announced the result accurately.

The third air bomb was a score of 9.0 or higher, which made people feel moved. They felt that this was no longer just luck, but a manifestation of strength.

When the other athletes heard this, they were all a little shocked and felt uncomfortable.

Although Li Hao did not perform well in the first round, he was able to achieve very good results in the next two rounds of air bombs. In isolation, they were all first. Now the results of the third round of air bombs have saved him from the final One, came fifth.

If he continues to develop like this, and he can always achieve a score of 9.0 or higher, then it is very possible to win the championship.

In the third air bomb, Linia had already achieved a score of 9.0. He thought he could overwhelm Li Hao, but he didn't expect that the latter got a better score, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Riniya knew in his heart that Li Hao's success with two air bombs in a row was definitely not just good luck, but also a manifestation of strength, so he felt the pressure and dared not underestimate this young man. opponent.

Li Hao ignored other things and still focused on the game.

The second group of 150-second three-shot air bomb stage started, Li Hao still kept the same movement, holding the air rifle and shooting.

The fourth air bomb was fired and landed on the 9.8 ring.

With the announcement of such results, it has already caused a shock, and many viewers exclaimed, unable to remain calm.

Li Hao's current performance is really stable, and it is still rising steadily. If he continues to perform like this, then he is very sure of hitting the gold medal.

Those Chinese audiences who watched the finals on the spot didn't have much hope at first, they didn't think that Li Hao could hit the gold medal.

They originally planned to see what kind of results Li Hao, who came from the swimming team, came to participate in the 10-meter air rifle final. If it is not too bad, they can accept it and there will not be too many requirements.

However, Li Hao has now shot four air bombs, and has reached the fourth place in the overall score ranking. If he continues to perform, he has a great chance of hitting the gold medal.

“Li Hao is awesome!”

"If he can maintain it, then maybe he can really win the championship and win the gold medal."

"He can be regarded as a cross-border competition now. If he wins the championship, I don't know what kind of sensation it will cause."

Many Tianchao audience members started discussing in low voices, their moods were already very excited, and they felt like their blood was boiling.

They are now looking forward to a miracle and witnessing that great moment.

The fifth serve, 9.9 rings.

Sixth serve, 10.0 ring.

Since the first serve was not good, Li Hao played steadily, and his results were very good every time, no less than 9.2 rings, and his results were improving.

The reason for this is that Li Hao has mastered Eagle Eye and Hundred Steps Piercing Yang, and gradually became familiar with these two skills.

Moreover, Li Hao feels that his condition is getting better and better now, and he can achieve better results, and he also has this confidence.

After the six air bombs in the first stage, Li Hao's ranking has soared to the first place, while Linia is in the second place, but the lag is not too big to make Linia despair.

The two of them already had a bet, but now that one is number one and the other is second, it is more interesting and suspenseful.

Seeing Li Hao catching up from behind, Linia felt a little uncomfortable, but she was not discouraged and remained calm and confident in herself.

Although he was a little anxious before, he calmed down quickly, knowing that under such circumstances, if he was edgy, he would only get worse results.

After a little adjustment, the eight athletes take a break before continuing to compete for the second period.

"Li Hao, don't worry, take it easy, you have a great chance to win the championship." Taking advantage of Li Hao playing again, the coach said to Li Hao, encouraging the latter.

At the beginning of the second period, each finalist fires 14 single scoring shots of 50 seconds. Elimination starts from the 8th round, and then eliminates one finalist every 2 rounds, until the gold and silver medal winners are finally determined.

In the absence of extra matches, the two players competing for the championship and runner-up shot a total of 20 rounds in the final.

Li Hao didn't waste time, confident and confident. After the short-term air rifle, he adjusted his breathing, aimed slightly, and locked the target.

This time, he's going to hit the bullseye!

The air bomb was shot out, and it did not hit the target accurately, but it was still a bit off. It was not a score of 10.8, but only a score of 10.2.

However, to be able to achieve such a result is already very against the sky. After a game, few people can achieve such a number of rings.

After the first stage, Li Hao was already ranked first, and now he has achieved such a result, which has directly opened up some distance.

It's just that when Li Hao is really against the sky, from now on...

After scoring 10.0 rings, Li Hao's shooting results have not yet fallen out of the red heart area, and all of them are above 10.0 rings.

In the next seven air bomb shots, Li Hao's scores were 10.2, 10.3, 10.3, 10.4, 10.4, 10.3, 10.5.

After such a result was announced, no matter the audience, the referees around, or even the coaches, they couldn't calm down. They all became excited, and some even exclaimed, unbelievable, unbelievable.


Moving today, there may not be many updates, and the update time is also uncertain. I will try my best to keep the four updates, but it may not be achieved. It will be fine after the move.

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