Olympic Super Champion

Chapter 9: He Is A Liar Who Takes Medicine 【For Collection】


"The host successfully completed the task, won the men's 400-meter freestyle final championship, won the gold medal, rewarded with a pair of weight-loss swimming trunks, and the skill - dolphin gliding." The sound of the super system prompt sounded in Li Hao's mind.

At the same time, in the space of the super system, there is an extra pair of swimming trunks in the item column, and an extra skill in the skill column.

Weight-reducing swimming trunks: After wearing them, the host's weight can be reduced by 10%, but the host's strength will not be affected.

Dolphin Glide: It can provide an additional 12% speed to the host for 9 seconds. It can be superimposed with other skills and consumes a lot of physical energy. It can only be used twice a day.

Obtaining such props and skills is a great benefit for Li Hao, which gives him enough confidence in the swimming competitions that follow, and feels that he can dominate the swimming world and rewrite many records.

Li Hao is full of expectations for the upcoming swimming competition.

When Li Hao and Sun Yang were being interviewed by CCTV reporters, Horton, who won the silver medal, also came up from the swimming pool, still looking dissatisfied, looking at Li Hao with a bit of fierce eyes.

Despite this, he walked towards the interview area and was interviewed by Australian journalists.

Perhaps, he still has a lot of things to say in his heart, wanting to "expose" Li Hao and return him justice.

When Horton was interviewed, he asked more polite questions at the beginning, but as the interview progressed, his unwillingness became more intense, which made him even more upset and felt that he had to say something.

"I think there is something wrong with this gold medalist. He must have taken prohibited drugs. Otherwise, the speed in the 50-meter sprint behind will not be so fast, it is simply a monster-level speed." Horton directly published in the live broadcast From my point of view, Li Hao took medicine.

"No way, do people in China like to do this? Are they liars who take medicine?" The reporter who interviewed Horton couldn't help but exclaimed when he heard such words. Instead of doubting the authenticity of Horton's words, he was firm Some people think that Li Hao, who won the championship of this event, is a liar who took medicine.

Because he won the championship after taking medicine, he undermined the fairness and fairness of the Olympic Games.

"I think if the Olympic Committee upholds the principle of fairness and fairness, they will take urine tests and make the competition fair." After Horton said that, he didn't change his words, and he didn't feel that he was wrong, so he decided that Li Hao had taken medicine. , to be able to win the championship.

After the interview, Li Hao didn't linger and went to the rest area to wait for the awards ceremony.

Afterwards, there were no disturbances. Li Hao returned to the rest area. His teammates and coaches all congratulated him and were happy for him to win the championship.

After waiting for a while, the award ceremony was held. Li Hao and Sun Yang changed into clean sportswear representing Tianchaohong, and appeared again in the eyes of many audiences to participate in the award ceremony.

After a series of dull and passionate speeches, it was finally Li Hao's turn to stand on the highest podium. The Chinese national anthem was played, and the five-star red flag rose slowly, catching the eyes of many audiences.

Seeing the five-star red flag flying at the highest point, Li Hao felt a sense of pride in his heart, that is the pride of winning glory for the country.

It is a matter of pride to be able to win glory for one's country and win a gold medal in front of so many countries.

Without any accident, Li Hao successfully won the gold medal, ended the awards ceremony, and then left the venue.

This is the end of his first day of competition. It is hard to say what competition he will face on the second day, but he will look forward to it.

Winning a gold medal is not enough for Li Hao, he wants to win more and create a mythical record.

When Li Hao left the competition venue and was about to go back to rest, another disturbance unexpectedly involved him.

When Horton was interviewed by reporters after the men's 400m freestyle final, the remarks he made caused a great uproar.

Horton accused Li Hao of taking banned drugs to participate in the competition, which is why he was able to achieve such a good result. He defeated him and won the championship. Such remarks were not only spread in Australia, but also fermented on the Internet, forming a huge wave. Surge towards Li Hao, trying to submerge him inside.

It is not only foreign media that report on such remarks, even many media in China also report, and they are very experienced in embellishing and adding fuel to the flames, describing this "story" more vividly, and inferring many things based on no basis. possible.

After the domestic media reported this incident, Li Hao had just won the gold medal and had already become a popular figure. Now he has risen to a higher level and has become even more popular. There is no other popular figure comparable to him.

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