Omega Summoner

1990 The Territory Seems Different?

Adrian returned back to the administrator area in the castle where Dodu was finished doing the paperwork. When Dodu has seen its master, it rushed towards him and transformed back to its humanoid child like form. Adrian patted Dodu's head and told it that it did a great job.

[You have completed the quest Replace me for a day.]

[You now have the privilege of borrowing the Helm of Darkness from the God of Death Hades for one visit to Olympus.]

"Finally done! I can now go out from this gloomy place." Adrian stated as the God of Rebirth Zagreus and the Erinyes looked at him.

"No offense but the dark colors here are beautiful but I prefer a bit of green in my vision. I really like the Goddess of Life Persephone's Garden. Best place here. Without a doubt." Adrian added.

"Says the guy that is made of dark colors, but I will tell my mom that you liked her garden the most." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated.

"Father." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he bowed slightly.

"Master Hades, welcome back." The Erinyes stated as they bowed towards the God of Death Hades.

"It seems that you have really kept your word, Mediator Equinox. You have my permission to use my holy relic to swipe that spatial relic from my brother. I have verified what he did in the mortal realm, and I can only say that you better get it quick." The God of Death Hades stated as he suddenly appeared behind Adrian.

"Do not tell me that he used it again. How many times?" Adrian asked.

"I counted five more times. I have no excuses but make sure not to use Realm Inversion on Olympus. We do not want to have the gods residing there suddenly become angry and unleash their wrath upon the world." The God of Death Hades stated as he can picture his brother doing something like that.

"If that happens then I will unleash the Titans from Tartarus myself." Adrian stated which suddenly made the God of Rebirth Zagreus and Megaera twitch in nervousness.

"I doubt you can do that, but it is such a joy speaking to you as you are playful in banter." The God of Death Hades stated as he did not think that Adrian can release the Titans even though he has the power of a mediator.

The way to unleash the titans is none other than a spell created by the Goddess of Life Gaea herself. The God of Death Hades did not know why his son and one of his subordinates started sweating bullets, but he just thought that it has something to do with him returning. In reality, the God of Rebirth Zagreus and Megaera was thinking that the mediator might even have that privilege.

"Well, since you are back, dad… maybe you should get back to work. Mediator Equinox has done a great job so much that the Erinyes have some processes they want to fix. You can even read a detailed report here." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he wanted to stop his father from extending the conversation. He actually did not want to learn another thing about Adrian as all the powers he witnessed has already made him go on edge.

"You are correct. The dead may wait to reincarnate but even they cannot wait forever. Thank you for your services, Mediator Equinox. My wife and I had a really great time in your territory as it was beautiful. The people there were also incredibly hospitable even though we made sure to disguise ourselves as normal humans." The God of Death Hades stated.

"I… see. I am glad that you liked the ambiance in my territory. I would tell you to please visit again but you are very busy." Adrian stated.

"If you wish to swap with me again then I might! Ho ho ho!" The God of Death Hades stated as a joke.

"Maybe you should not bother the mediator too much, father. The other death realm rulers might think that he is showing favoritism if he keeps coming to our realm." The God of Rebirth Zagreus stated as he started to shiver at the thought of Adrian returning again as it is not good for his heart.

"Yes! We should not trouble the mediator too much." Megaera stated hurriedly as she almost fainted at what she saw in Tartarus.

"I was just joking, my son. I know full well that the other rulers of the underworld would not take kindly to the mediator always visiting and taking over my role. They might even lodge a complaint about him that they also wanted to wander in the mortal realm.

This is just a special arrangement since your mother, and I have our anniversary tomorrow. I just wanted to have a special time with her without your grandmother being a pain. Maybe I should not say that since the mediator has her relic." The God of Death Hades stated.

"Do not worry as she cannot hear it. I tried communicating with her from here but there was nothing. Anyways, I should return as well since I already have the item I need to take the Head of Janus. Thank you once again." Adrian stated as he vanished from the death realm.

The God of Death Hades would then read the most absurd of things in the compiled report. He actually found the compiled reports very easy to understand and read as it was written very legibly. The things written in the report about Adrian is what he could not completely grasp. He thought that his son and Megaera was exaggerating but even the three kings supported what was written.

The Hades death realm was a bit disoriented for the next few days. Not only did the God of Death Hades learned of what Adrian can do when given full control, but he also learned that a mortal was able to sneak inside Tartarus. Seeing that the God King Odin might have played him, he barred all gods from ever entering his death realm.


Meanwhile Adrian returned back to his territory or at least he thinks he did. When he returned, his territory looked extremely beautiful as flowers and even some trees could be seen in areas where there was nothing before. The smell of the flowers also wafted his nose which made the air even purer than it already was. The territory looked lively except for the pile of elven elders sprawled next to the fountain.

"Why are all of the elven elders look like they were put into a labor or concentration camp?" Adrian asked as the elven elders looked dead tired.

"Champion Equinox! Why have you only come now!? We waited for your arrival since forever." One of the elven elders stated weakly.

"I was only gone for a day because I had to take over the God of Death Hades' death realm for the day." Adrian stated which suddenly made all the elven elders groan in frustration.

"A little bit of heads up would be nice for us. We were incredibly scared that a god and goddess of their stature would suddenly destroy the territory if they were offended." Another elven elder stated.

"I see. The God of Death Hades told me that they disguised themselves as humans, but I thought of the possibility that their identities would get exposed by your lot. Sensitive individuals would easily find out that they were gods in disguise." Adrian stated.

"Why would we not do so? I felt my entire body tremble at the sight of the God of Death. I may be old, but I am not old enough to die yet." One of the oldest elven elder stated.

"We are even scared to even dare to approach and what stressed us the most were the other people. They talked casually to actual gods, and they do not even know of it! I thought that the normal people might say something offensive, and they might die on the spot! They might even get fed to a tree by the goddess! My heart drops every time they talk to someone!" The elven elders stated in unison as of they were talking about all their misfortunes.

"You will most likely become a plant if you offend the Goddess of Life Persephone but that is besides the point. Thank you for making sure that the territory is safe from harm. Feel free to get water from the fountain near the Tree of Life and Death as a reward. If you even have some renovations in mind for the church, then feel free to say it as I will shoulder the price." Adrian stated as he can see that the elven elders worked hard.

"Now that you say that we do have some renovations in mind. Since you will shoulder the price, we will make sure that the temple in the territory is the best one!" The elven elders stated as they rose back up with energy.

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