Omega Summoner

Chapter 251 - Covenant With The Death God

All the undead present in the castle of the Undead King are currently bowing in respect of the regal Arthur. Creepysoo and all the undead that were not present is suddenly summoned to the castle thereby making the huge spacious throne room a bit cramped.

"Today is momentous day for all of us. Today, we shall no longer be bound or controlled by that demented Arch Lich. Today is the day that we become free from that blasted Arch Lich' control." The Undead King Arthur shouted out loud and the undead shouted energetically in response.

"Today, I ask you my brothers and sisters. I will once again pledge my blade to the God of Death. If you want to be free then you are free to live however you want but I will not take away my blessing upon you so that you will not be controlled by the Arch lich. Step forward if you want to be set free." The Undead King Arthur stated but no one stepped forward.

"It seems that no one want to leave for that I am forever thankful my loyal retainers. We shall now form the Covenant of Death in order to be the sword of the God of Death in the mortal plane. We should not delay any further as our enemy grows stronger if we hesitate." The Undead King Arthur stated and all the undead just stood quietly in place not raising a fuss.

"Champion Equinox, we are ready!" The Undead King Arthur stated proudly.

All gazes went toward Adrian as he walked to the center of the throne room where the Undead King Arthur is standing. Adrian nervously waked to the center but he did not show it. Why was he nervous you ask?

"Why the hell am I the one supposed to do this covenant thing? I was not even given procedures on how to perform this covenant thing of whatever it is called." Adrian thought to himself as he just smiled at the other who were bowing to him while he walked passed them to the center of the throne room.

As Adrian is standing on the center of the throne room, the Undead King Arthur was stating something because but his ears did not hear it as his mind is in full blown panic mode. He kept trying to recall if he encountered this covenant thing before and it just slip his mind. He was panicking inside but he kept aup a smiling face towards everyone in the room.

Creepysoo is even giving him thumbs up with both hands to cheer him on but it just added more anxiety to him. He finally decided to be honest and would rather just face humiliation that he does not know to form this covenant or whatever it is called. He does not want to let the undead down but then again the God of Death never even mentioned to him anything to do with the preparations for the covenant.

"Everybody, we must be silent as we need to be in prayer to the God of Death. Champion Equinox, we are at your grace." The Undead King Arthur stated as he also knelt on the floor using his right leg while holding his sword with both hands.

"I am majorly screwed. I do not know what to do and now the Undead king Arthur is kneeling in front of me. I will just play along and spout some random words. I should also make it flashy and just blame it on the God of Death if he does not respond." Adrian thought to himself as he just brushed off all responsibility.

"Oh, God of Death Abaddon. The Champion of the Twin Gods asks for your help in binding your devout followers and form a covenant towards you." Adrian stated but in his mind, "Why do I sound like I am going to lead a strange cult.

Adrian was about to spout another sentence but a sword came dropping from the sky and pierced him directly at his heart. The blade is made of metal that is blacker than black with runic symbols glowing in a pale violet light. The undead were shocked and Creepysoo even came running towards Adrian because he thought his big brother was attacked.

A shadowy aura then covered Adrian while preventing others to even come near him in a one meter radius. His figure suddenly rose up and became coated with this shadowy aura. Adrian's body is suddenly became bigger as his body undergo transformation.

[The God of Death Abaddon has descended upon your body in your behest.]

[Your soul will be transferred to the Nether Domain while the God of Death Abaddon is borrowing your body.]

[Body Integrity: 99/100]

[If your Body Integrity drops to zero then your character will die.]

"Great. Here we go again." Adrian stated as his vision changed to the three colored mist of the Nether World.


The undead are now in the presence of a god and Creepysoo can attest to that as a system message stated that.

[You are in the presence of the God of Death Abaddon.]

"Wow! Big brother is really amazing. He really did manage to summon a god. Even father thought it would be impossible so we were even going to sacrifice some of the undead we captured to aid in summoning." Creepysoo thought but he did not expect that the God of Death would borrow the body of a player.

"Wait? Does that mean that the god and goddess that descended back then were the twin gods?" Creepysoo thought but his thinking was halted by the overbearing aura that the man in front of him released.

Abaddon successfully descended on Adrian's body in his full form but that also meant that the body integrity will not hold for long. It would only be enough to finish the covenant that will be fulfilled at this point in time.

"Tell me, my followers. What do you desire in exchange for your undying loyalty?" Abaddon stated with a deep and powerful voice that made even the ghost type undead shiver.

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