
Chapter 437 The smell of roasted lamb kidneys came out

Biquge, the fastest updated Almighty Magician!

In the palace filled with heads, more than thirty hours have passed since Debbie, Dakins, and Alfia left the test of lust. It has been more than a day.

Vivian set up a tent in the open space in the palace for rest. During this period, several girls rested for a while, but most of the time they were anxiously waiting for others to leave from there. out of a dark corridor.

After Freya and Baby Dragon, only Ye Chui, Li Er and Jarvis were left in the group.

What they were most worried about was Li'er.

This little elf is only a few months old. It’s hard to imagine what she will encounter if she is asked to participate in the test of original sin.

Time passes slowly.

Seven hours later, a wounded Jon Snow walked out of the dark corridor. During the test of the Original Sin of Hatred, he fought with Mance on the Great Wall, and finally won the battle. , left the Secret Realm of Trial with an injury, but his gains were also great. Under the influence of the Original Sin of Hatred, he fully showed his potential. Originally, he was a ninth-level peak swordsman, but now he is a swordsman. He is a master, and he is also a very powerful swordsman.

After Jon, another full eight hours passed before Triston stumbled out of the dark corridor.

A total of four people participated in the Pride Sin Trial, and only Triston passed the final test.

But at this time, Triston's appearance had completely changed - his body and face were densely covered with strange lines, which were a kind of magic technology studied by the Tower of Time: magic lines. The magic matrix can be burned into the skin, making it more powerful and releasing the spell faster. There are many magic lines on Dokaya's body.

But Triston didn’t have such means before.

I don’t know what happened in the Secret Realm of the Test of Pride and Original Sin. So many magic lines suddenly appeared on his body, and there is no doubt that although he is still at the peak of the ninth level, his combat power has definitely become much stronger.

Along with the change in his appearance, his personality seemed to have undergone earth-shaking changes, giving people a more cold and decisive feeling, which was completely different from the rich young man who took the initiative to be tricked by Ye Chui.

The original sin test of four people. He was the only one who passed, and no one knew what happened.

Dakins was a little worried and asked Snow and Triston, and finally confirmed that Li'er did not appear in their original sin test. There are only seven original sins, which means Li'er is with Ye Chui. This makes Several girls felt a little more relieved. No matter what, as long as she is with Ye Chui, Li'er's safety will be guaranteed.

Ye Chui has never let them down.

But why hasn’t Ye Chui come out yet?

Time passed quietly, and more than ten hours passed. Ye Chui, Li'er, and Jarvis never came out of the dark corridor. However, what made Debbie and the others feel a little relieved was that the hall where the head was enshrined was also Nothing has changed. This seems to indicate that the original sin test is not over yet, and Yetriel and Jarvis should both be still alive...

Debbie, Aifei, Da Jinsi and Vivian were naturally not in the mood to continue playing mahjong at this time - they started to barbecue.

At this moment, you must try your best to fill your stomach and regain your strength. God knows what will happen next?

Perhaps it was God's will, or perhaps it was because of Ye Chui and his party that the other four people who passed the test of original sin were all allies, acquaintances or younger brothers of Ye Chui and his party: Harawain, Jon, Triston and Grid Wen and Debbie then invited them to join in the barbecue feast. The group placed the barbecue rack directly at the entrance of the dark corridor.

In Debbie's words. Maybe the leaves come out after smelling it?

While Debbie and the others were waiting anxiously, the unknown existence on the Iron Throne in the mysterious palace was also full of anxiety at this time. In the secret realm of the seven original sins test, lust, hatred, and arrogance have all ended, while loneliness, rage, and fear have all ended. Although this test is not over yet, it seems that the remaining testers are no longer able to come out.

As for the final secret realm of the Original Sin of Greed test, until now, unknown beings have not been able to peek into any of the scenes.

He tried countless methods one after another, but still couldn't make anything appear in the mirror screen. He could sense that Ye Chui, Li'er, and Jarvis were all still alive. Smeg's life characteristics seemed to be somewhat special. It's like he's half dead...but he just can't detect any scenes happening in the secret realm, and time magic prevents him from any visits.

"What happened in the Secret Realm of Greed?" The unknown existence was actually more anxious than Debbie and others. "According to the regulations, we have to wait until all of them pass the test of original sin before they can conduct the next test together, but now we have to wait forever. I don’t know how long it will take until the Greedy Secret Realm test is over. I can’t tell whether Hammerhead and his friends can pass the test... What exactly did Hammerhead do inside? There is a source of magic in his secret test realm. Is it possible that he is preparing to change the flow of time in the Greedy Secret Realm test and fully understand all the mysteries of the source of magic? How is that possible!"

The unknown existence is so puzzling that I almost want to curse.

"Ignore Hammerhead for now..." Soon, he decided to ignore Ye Chui and the others for now and let the other trialists continue with the next procedure.

But at this moment, the body of the unknown entity suddenly moved: "They are coming out!"

"Debbie, why are you roasting so many lamb kidneys? No one eats them..." Vivian couldn't help but said when she saw the barbecue that Debbie was cooking.

There are countless ingredients in Frodo's Lord of the Rings. Hobbiton has reserved more than a dozen special dwarf sheep. Because Debbie prefers mutton, Ye Chui had eaten all the mutton in one go. After getting Debbie's space ring, Debbie is now cooking barbecue according to the method taught by Ye Chui, eh. According to Ye Chui, roasted lamb kidneys are a delicacy that is good for men...

"Hammerhead likes this."

Debbie concentrated on roasting the lamb loin and said, "I have to roast it for him first, so that he can eat it as soon as he comes out."

"Debbie..." Vivian curled her lips and gently hugged Debbie from behind.

"Miss Debbie, I think it's better for you to express your condolences..." Gwen came over and said at this time. The child looked apologetic and seemed to be trying to comfort him, but he really didn't know how to speak...

"What did you say!?"

"If you dare, say it again!"

"Believe it or not, I asked you to express your condolences first?"

Several girls glared at Gwen fiercely, and Debbie's body shone with golden light. This was the rhythm of directly transforming into a golden statue and beating someone up...

"..." Gwen trembled all over and waved her hands quickly. "Sorry, sorry, I was wrong. Hammerhead will definitely come out of the test unharmed..."


Debbie snorted coldly and continued to cook the lamb kidneys in her hand, sprinkling seasonings on them.

There is no cumin in this world, so we can only use a condiment called purple fragrant flower instead. I don't know if it was because of her excitement, but Debbie seemed a little unable to control herself. She sprinkled purple flowers on the lamb kidneys with her small hands, and her eyes became moist.

Weiweian, Aifeia, Dajinsi, and Freya all felt a little uncomfortable standing nearby. Then, not knowing if they were infected, several girls also started to sprinkle the lamb kidneys one by one. Purple fragrant flowers.

A strong aroma of roasted purple flowers spread out, which completely covered the aroma of roasted lamb kidneys...

The other trialists in the hall wanted to cry when they saw this scene - they were smoked.

Those heads became restless one by one.

Then a voice with a faint smile came from the dark corridor: "How many times have I told you. The most important thing about roasted lamb kidneys is to have the original flavor. Too many condiments will greatly reduce the taste. How can you still do this? How can you let people eat it?"

"I want you to take care of it..." Debbie muttered unhappily, and then suddenly raised her head, "Hammerhead!"

I saw Ye Chui's figure walking out of the dark corridor. Behind him was Jarvis wearing a tattered blanket and dressed as a Western Ranger. In Jarvis's arms, he was holding the sleeping elf Li'er. .

Ye Chui looked at the girls with a friendly smile on his face: "I'm out."

In the secret realm of the test of the original sin of greed. After Ye Chui, Li'er, and Jarvis killed the demon, Li'er was accidentally attacked by a headless monk and died, so Ye Chui had to let Li'er's time reset. When the child version of Li'er appeared, Ye Chui immediately asked her to fuse the thousands of years of memories of adult Li Er in the dragon crystal. This process took Li Er a day.

Ye Chui returned to the high mountain with Li'er and Jarvis. While packing the things in the warehouse into the Lord of the Rings, he waited for Li'er to completely integrate his thousands of years of memories - before, Ye Chui just accepted all kinds of information. It took three days. That's because the information Ye Chui stored in the dragon crystal was not only memories, but also insights into the source of magic. Those things took up too much capacity, and Li'er's memory was much simpler. Now: sleep, practice using elf magic to spawn magic plants, and then eat them, play with explosions, and get tired of being around Ye Chui...

That's basically it.

So it only took her one day to complete the fusion, but then she fell into a coma. This was the process of accepting memories. At this point, Ye Chui and Jarvis took Li Er back to the place where they appeared, where A portal had appeared in the open space, which was the place to leave the secret realm of trials, so they approached the portal and returned to the dark corridor.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chui came out smelling the smell of roasted kidneys...

After seeing a few girls, Ye Chui was also indescribably excited: He had spent more than 1,200 years in the secret realm, and he was afraid that things would be different outside after leaving the secret realm, but fortunately there were a few girls. It seems they are all there.

Ye Chui jumped directly over the barbecue grill and hugged Debbie hard in his arms, followed by Aifeia, Dajinsi, Vivian, Freya, and finally almost even Gwen who was standing next to her gave him a warm hug. He hugged him, but when he saw this kid’s face approaching, he slapped him away...

"Hammerhead, what did you go through in there? How could Li'er fall asleep, and Jarvis..." Debbie's face was filled with joy again, and she kept mumbling. Then she looked up and down at Jarvis, who was holding Lil, "Hey, Jarvis, your new look is quite unique. This rusty look is so cool. I can't even recognize you unless I look carefully." "

——No one who has passed the test is considered an outsider, and Jarvis now has his own personality and self, so Ye Chui does not keep him away anymore.

"It's a long story." Ye Chui said with a smile. It was definitely a long story. It wouldn't take ten days and a half to finish it, so he skipped this section. "I'm relieved to see that you are all safe and sound. How long has it been since you left the secret realm of testing?"

"Our test took about two or three hours, and we waited for more than thirty hours after we got here." Dakins explained on the side. She glanced at Jarvis with some confusion, "Others' The Secret Realm of Testing seems to be synchronized with the time outside, doesn’t seem to be the case in the Secret Realm of Testing between you, Liel and Jarvis?”

"It's indeed not synchronized..." Ye Chui frowned and thought for a while. Suddenly I understood something: they had indeed stayed in the secret realm for thousands of years, but after leaving the secret realm, only more than thirty hours had passed outside, and more than thirty hours, this seemed to be the time that Li Er returned. The time they stayed in the secret territory after being reset.

In other words, the time flow in the Greedy Secret Realm is actually synchronized with the time flow in the outside world, but if there is a time reset in the Secret Realm. Then this synchronization will be calculated from the beginning.

I have to say that this is really the wonder of time magic!

"It seems that you have been in the Secret Realm of Testing for a long time?" Snow has returned to a state of complete victory after more than 20 hours of rest. He looked at Ye Chui strangely, "What are you doing in the Secret Realm of Testing?" How long have you been carrying it for? How many days or months?"

"Haha, one thousand two hundred years." Ye Chui said lightly.

Then everyone was shocked...

"What's wrong with Lil? Is she injured?" Freya asked worriedly as she took Lil from Jarvis's arms.

"She's fine. She should wake up soon, and...she will be a little different by then. But I promise it will definitely be a surprise." Ye Chui said with a smile, thinking about how to explain the Greed Test Secret Realm to others. What happened in the scene, but before that, he took a look around. When he saw the heads displayed on the shelf, he frowned, thinking of the headless monks in the Greedy Secret Realm.

Those guys killed him many times, and even killed Li'er once in the end, which made it impossible for Ye Chui to have a good impression of them... The heads here should be the severed heads of those headless monks. Bar?

Under the influence of some mysterious force, the heads of the headless monks were cut off and placed here. This allowed the headless monks to obtain immortal bodies and turn into terrifying killing machines. Celty's head should also be there. Among these...

"Celty's head is not here." Probably knowing what Ye Chui was thinking, Aifeia said for Ye Chui. She deliberately lowered her voice, "There are a total of 1,340 heads here, but among them There is no Celty head.”

"Hmm..." Ye Chui thought of something and frowned deeper.

At this moment, a "rumbling" sound suddenly came from the side of the hall, and a gate suddenly appeared there. It was a corridor, opposite to the dark corridor they came from, but it was very bright. They didn't know what was going on. Where to.

"Is the next test in the secret realm about to begin?" Ye Chui said, knowing that he, Li'er, and Jarvis should be the last ones to pass the test.

Triston was closest to the portal, and what he discovered first was: "The walls on both sides of the corridor were covered with writings, and they seemed to be names."

Ye Chui suddenly became curious when he heard what he said, and hurriedly walked over to check. Debbie, Aifea and others also hurriedly followed.

Those are indeed names.

"Baile Dondarrion, Thoros Gendry, Jack Merry... I seem to have seen these names there before, they are very familiar." Triston, who had a tattoo on his face, frowned and said strangely.

Ye Chui first glanced at Triston in surprise: What happened to this child? How could he be like this? Is he messing around in a secret realm? He then turned to look at Freya: At this time, a humanoid encyclopedia is needed.

Freya stood in front of those names with Li'l in her arms, her eyes scanning over the names, and a look of surprise appeared on her face: "Baili Dondarrion... This is a holy magician about eight thousand years ago. He He commanded a powerful mercenary group called the Brotherhood Without Banners and was famous. Many legendary novels are about him as the protagonist. There is also Thoros Gendry, who was the commander-in-chief of a superpower seven thousand years ago. He seems to He is a sword master who has done many great things..." Freya's eyes quickly scanned the other names on the wall, and her voice trembled, "Most of the names here are from the history of the continent of Egendas. There are big names who have made illustrious deeds and even legends, but there are also some unknown people.”

"Hammerhead, look here..." Debbie suddenly pulled Ye Chui's arm and pointed to a name on the wall with some surprise: Abena Solorun.

"Abena? His name is here too?" Ye Chui asked in shock.

Abena is the guy who was cursed by the elf immortality that Ye Chui and his party met in the Green Forest. He is a divine magician of both water and earth elements, and he is also a swordsman at the peak of his abilities.

"And here!" Elfia also shouted, pointing to a certain name and said, "Kyler Frey...could this be the ancestor of the Frey family?"

Saying this, she looked at Freya for confirmation.

Freya was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Yes, the ancestor of the Frey family is indeed named Keller."

"Why do their names appear here?" Debbie couldn't help but asked in surprise.

Then, an unknown voice suddenly sounded from the other side of the corridor. He answered the questions in the minds of Ye Chui and others——

"These are the names of those who have participated in the trial of the Demon Emperor's ruins and made it here, and your names will also appear on this corridor. The name of this corridor is: Corridor of the Undead!"


ps: This is another big chapter with 5,000 words. Please recommend me and give me a monthly vote~~~ I saw someone leaving a message saying that she was forced to kill a girl... The death of Lier in the previous chapter was planned long ago, so it was just one more person. A daughter who is over a thousand years old will be stressed, okay? It would be more cute to return to her lolita state... (To be continued.)

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