
Chapter 509 The story that has to be told between Ye Chui and the female giant

"The collision of the Titans' divine power during the battle between Sauron and Gloria caused this space world to collapse. However, I have found a way to strengthen some of the space matrices here. It should be able to support another year and a half. I will trouble you during this period. Help integrate the tree people here."

On the third day after arriving at Hobbiton in Sichar, a banquet to see off Ye Chui and Freya was being held on a flat land in the space world. Ye Chui said to Frodo with a bit of drunkenness: "Wait for me After finishing the work at the Tower of Time, I will start preparing a large teleportation matrix to transfer all the trees and Gloria here to my lord world."

"Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Hammerhead. If these tree men appear outside, they will definitely cause a sensation. Mr. Hammerhead is willing to protect them. I want to thank you on their behalf, but..." Frodo suddenly showed an unspeakable expression on his face. He looked at Gloria who was sitting next to him.

Now Gloria has put on a new dress. Although it was rushed out in three days, she has to admire the craftsmanship of the clever women in Hobbiton. The dress is beautiful in style and looks very durable. The 100-meter giant There is nothing wrong with it at all - this piece of clothing would definitely have been in the Guinness Book of Records in a previous life.

Gloria has now fully accepted her identity as a Titan. She spread her palms, and Jarvis, Freya, Celty (her body finally no longer needs to be made into clothes...), Tuco, Meiping and others are looking at them. Sitting on the palm of her hand, she was holding a large piece of bread four to five meters long in her other hand, eating it while chatting with Freya and others, with a sweet smile on her face.

Frodo then continued: "Mr. Hammerhead. Do you... want Gloria to be your warrior?"

Frodo thanked Ye Chui for solving a big hidden danger here. Without Ye Chui, Gloria would have been killed and sacrificed by Saruman sooner or later, and then the Titan Sauron would have been completely resurrected. Becoming a fighting tool for the Demon King's unknown purpose, such a result is unimaginable.

But Frodo has always regarded Gloria as a sister. He knew that Ye Chui had made countless enemies on the road, and he was afraid that Ye Chui would use Gloria for other purposes...

"I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, I won't let her do anything she doesn't want to do." Ye Chui comforted Frodo with a smile. "But Gloria is a Titan, and she has her own mission. Although I don't know what it is, I can already feel that her power will play a decisive role in the future... I will teach her how to fight, and I think she also wants to control her Titan power." Ye Chui patted Frodo on the shoulder, "If you are worried about her, you can come to my place as a guest at any time. My world of lords welcomes you at any time. "

"Then I will definitely not refuse." Frodo immediately said with a smile, he chose to believe Ye Chui.

He raised the large wine glass in his hand (the wine glass was not originally very big, but now that it has shrunk by half, it is indescribably huge): "Mr. Hammerhead, you are about to leave soon, let us Eat and drink to your heart's content, the hare cooked by Sam is the best in Hobbiton. Don't miss it."

"That's right, Mr. Hammerhead, my craftsmanship will never let you down." Sam, who was busy working on the earthen stove nearby, said with a smile.

"Then I won't be polite." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Then Ye Chui talked a lot with Frodo. Now Frodo finally knew what the big secret his father found in Alexander's tomb was, and also knew why he wanted to write the Hobbiton but had not started writing it. , but now that the secret has been solved, Frodo decided to help his father complete the story of Hobbiton and describe the story of his father Bilbo Baginson getting the Lord of the Rings.

Of course, Frodo also revealed to Leaftree that he also had new inspiration. Want to write a story called The Lord of the Rings - Frodo has been creating the story of The Adventures of the Ring, but now he has new inspiration to combine Sauron, the tree people, the evil wizard Saruman, Gandalf and others have all joined in their own stories. The main line of the story is that Frodo destroys the Lord of the Rings as the Fellowship of the Ring.

Ye Chui expressed his expectation for this, and under his suggestion, he also asked Frodo to add elements such as Smeagol, dwarves, and elves into the story.

Frodo readily agreed.

At the end of this farewell party, Ye Chui and Freya were about to go on their way.

The terrifying trio of Celty, Faceless Man, and Jarvis wanted to temporarily separate from Ye Chui. They took some Shadow Weaver grass, a specialty of the Alexander Tomb, to continue to complete their mission as the king of killers - they came to the Alexander Tomb, Originally it was just to get the Shadow Weaver Grass in the tomb. This task was actually not that difficult. However, because Gloria pretended to be a ghost in the past, people felt that this was a very dangerous thing. As for Jarvis III, It is beyond the imagination of others for people to be involved in this spatial world.

When Ye Chui and Freya were preparing to leave, the terrifying trio also took Shadow Weaver on the road.

"Mr. Hammerhead, can you stay for three more days? Not just two days, but also one day..." When leaving, Gloria held Ye Chui in both hands with tears and snot flowing down her face. He couldn't tell how reluctant he was to leave.

No wonder she is like this. After she grows into a Titan, she will naturally feel an unspeakable loneliness. In this world, she can only find Ye Chui who fights side by side with her (fighting side by side?) against Sauron. Some sense of identity also made her particularly reluctant to let go of Ye Chui.

"Okay, coward, I will be back soon. I promise you that I will take you to my lord world." Ye Chui stretched out his hand to form a huge palm and wiped away Gloria's tears, "No need. How long will it take, don’t worry.”

"Mr. Hammerhead, wuwuwu..." Gloria cried loudly.

"Okay, okay, don't cry anymore..." Ye Chui comforted him quickly.

Everyone watching this scene from a distance felt very strange. Ye Chui and Gloria had only known each other for three or four days, but she had obviously developed some incomprehensible dependence on Ye Chui.

"Hey, Freya, do you think there is something going on between Hammerhead and this giant?" Celty asked with a strange expression while holding Freya's shoulders.

"What's wrong with the boss being with us all the time?" Freya also seemed a little unhappy. But she still excused Ye Chui, "It must be that Gloria's power is too strong. Only her boss is in a similar realm to her, so she feels a little sympathy for her boss."

"Hahaha. Whatever you say." Celty said with a wink, "Last night I told Debbie about what happened here. You know what Debbie's reaction was when I mentioned Gloria to her. ?"

Freya's eyes suddenly opened wide: "What is it?"

Celty smiled and said, "She said that finally someone has bigger breasts than Vivian."

Freya: "..."

She turned her head and glanced at Gloria's mountain-like figure... That's not in the same dimension at all, okay?

Debbie’s focus is a bit strange...

Finally comforting Gloria's mood, when Ye Chui left, he asked Gloria for a piece of hair - he wanted to use this hair that was tens of meters long to study the mystery of the power of rules, and Gloria naturally did not refuse. , she handed it to Ye Chui along with her injured Lord of the Rings. When the magic ring left Gloria's hand and was put in front of Ye Chui, it automatically shrank to a size suitable for Ye Chui to carry.

Ye Chui said goodbye to Celty, Jarvis, and the Faceless Man, and then took Freya and disappeared into the rippling pastoral scenery of Hobbiton through space teleportation.

The people here suffered a huge transformation not long ago and turned into halflings.

But with the optimistic nature of the Hobbiton people, they will still live happily in the future...

Ye Chui took Freya through teleportations one after another, through the Shire Forest in the middle of the Shire Empire, and beyond the Eastern Shire. Two days later, their figures appeared in the Esize Magic Empire.

Naturally, the city wall on the border of the empire could not stop Ye Chui's pace, but this time he was a guest after all. Ye Chui stayed in a city on the border of the Aisize Empire for half a day, and told the city lord here to deliver the news of his arrival, and also Therefore, when Ye Chui appeared in the capital of the Esize Empire, Triston was already standing at the city gate waiting for Ye Chui. Several other magicians from the Tower of Time also stood with Triston because they admired the all-powerful magician.

Under the leadership of Triston and others, Ye Chui and Freya enjoyed the exotic scenery. The customs and customs here were naturally completely different from those of the Matan Empire, which greatly interested Ye Chui and Freya.

As evening approached, the two arrived in front of the Tower of Time under the leadership of Cui Sidu.

Although the Tower of Time is called a tower, it is actually a rather strange-looking building. The entire building is cylindrical. It is narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, with a weird long column extending from one side and a weird ring structure on the other side.

It stands in the center of a huge square, attracting the attention of thousands of people.

The Tower of Time is the magic center of the entire continent. Its existence is similar to a magic academy. Magicians from the seven countries can practice here. Of course, qualifications are not easy to obtain. Most of the apprentices in the Tower of Time are The people of the Esize Empire are also called the Magic Empire because of the Tower of Time.

The magic strength of the Esize Empire is indeed extraordinary. The current professional magicians of the Matan Empire, including Ye Chui and Da Jinsi, are only ten in total. The number of specialized magicians belonging to the Esize Empire is sufficient. There are hundreds of them.

This is the strength gap.

Ye Chui has been looking forward to the Tower of Time for a long time. Freya has seen articles introducing the Tower of Time in books before, but this is the first time that he has actually seen the Tower of Time. Ye Chui and She stood in the sunset and admired the scenery of the Tower of Time.


"Boss, do you think the appearance of the Tower of Time seems to be a..." Freya suddenly discovered something, but she couldn't express it.

Ye Chui also discovered something strange, and then said: "It looks like...a kettle?"

Damn it, a circular structure, narrow at the top and wide at the bottom, with a weird long column on one side and a ring-shaped structure on the other side... If the decorations were subtracted, it would be clear that it is a large kettle with a height of tens of meters!

"The Tower of Time is said to have been built by the Demon Emperor, but there are also records saying that the Tower of Time itself is a magical creation, which the Demon Emperor found from ancient ruins..." Freya said using the function of a humanoid encyclopedia.

"So... the Tower of Time is actually a kettle? Such a big kettle? Damn it, is this used by the Titans?" Ye Chuina also had an idea, "Could this kettle be used by the two Titans? Something that the giants used to water the World Tree, right?”

Ye Chui and Freya just felt something in their hearts and couldn't help but speak out.

However, the magicians who were accompanying them were all shocked - Ye Chui and Freya accidentally revealed a big secret...

The Tower of Time has long been suspected to be like a kettle, and a magician scholar from the Tower of Time more than 3,000 years ago also proved through a series of studies that the Tower of Time was actually used to water the World Tree. A kettle used by giants, but... the Tower of Time is actually a kettle? This truth makes people’s glasses shatter, right?

Because of this, the magician scholar who came to this conclusion was directly expelled from the Tower of Time. The truth about the kettle was also regarded as a taboo in the Tower of Time. Many people knew it, but no one dared to Say it.

Until this moment, Ye Chui and Freya accidentally discovered the truth...

I have to say that my admiration for the Tower of Time suddenly decreased a lot.


The Titan chapter is finally over...back to the main plot...the final climax of this volume is about to begin~~~(To be continued.)

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