
Chapter 658 Orcs will never be slaves!

The storm camp that Ye Chui and his party are going to is on the east side of the Godumu Wilderness, near the Doomsday Mountains.

The Godumu Wilderness is a large wasteland in the territory of the Bloodhammer Empire. There are only five large towns and countless small villages. Stan City is one of the five towns, but Stan City is located in the west of the Godumu Wilderness. There is no small distance from the camp.

And in the east of the Godumu Wasteland is the territory of the Steel Fang Orc tribe.

With the prosperity of the human race, the orc race, as the dominant race on the mainland, is now gradually shrinking its sphere of influence, and the Gangya tribe can only linger in a relatively fertile area from the east of Godu Muhuang to the foot of the Doomsday Mountain Range. .

Some scholars claim that the orcs will be completely extinct in a short time. This is by no means alarmist. In fact, apart from the human race, all other races on this continent may cease to exist in a few years.

The weakness of the orcs is because the most powerful totem technique in this race is constantly disappearing and lost, and the most powerful inheritance power of the race has been lost. The majesty and dignity of the orcs no longer exist...

It takes three days to rush from the imperial capital of Asshai to the Stormwind camp, and it needs to go through several big cities, jump over the Wenshui River, and travel hundreds of kilometers on the wasteland. Such a long distance requires a long journey. Degas and Lothar also took an imperial guard army with them. When they returned to Camp Storm this time, this army would naturally have to bring it back, and this was naturally very difficult for the army, but this is the age of magic, so naturally It cannot be judged by common sense.

Lothar came back to the imperial capital for rescue this time, and brought a full 10,000 imperial guards. Khadgar originally owned 3,000 imperial guards. These guards were placed in the guard bracelets on the two wrists. The guard bracelets are A mobile space world, using the space world to transport troops, is the most common way in the magic world. This kind of space world is full of self-sufficient barracks, which can survive in the space world for a long time.

Of course, such a space world is different from space rings after all, and it is still very difficult to move them. It is not a small burden for generals who wear guard bracelets, and they need to constantly input sword energy or magic power into them to maintain the space world. According to Ye Chui's speed, he only needs one day and one night at most to go from Asshai to the Stormwind Camp, but because of Lothar, Khadgar and two orcs, Ye Chui's pace had to be slow down.

That's right, although Ye Chui has a high status now, he doesn't know much about many towns in the Blood Hammer Empire. He just took this opportunity to appreciate the customs and customs of other places, and it also gave him the opportunity to teach the Lil Elf Magic and Thrall's totem spells.

Aegens City, Rorschach City, Lahn City...

Ye Chui and his party pass through the large teleportation arrays that are only equipped in big cities, and they continue to pass through the cities. They gradually come to the eastern border of the empire. The cities and geographical features here are very different from what Ye Chui has seen before. What is always shocking is the situation of the orcs in these cities——

The time was the evening of the second day after Ye Chui's group set off, in Wenda City, a human town near the north of Wenshui River.

"Sir, your two orc slaves look very good. Do you want to sell them? I am willing to buy them for one gold coin!" When Ye Chui and his group were walking on the street, looking for a place to have dinner At that time, a short and fat man suddenly walked up to Ye Chui, pointed at Sal and Kara and said to Ye Chui, since Ye Chui first stepped into this city, he noticed that this short and fat man was paying attention to them .

At first, Ye Chui thought it was the man who recognized his identity, but it was obviously not the case. Although the residents of Yashai and several cities near Yashai were very familiar with Ye Chui's image, but for the relatively remote and distant Wenda City , but no one recognized that Ye Chui was the legendary almighty magician.

"Orc slaves?" Ye Chui was stunned for a moment before realizing that the man was talking about Thrall and Kara. He shook his head, "Sorry, they are not slaves."

"Not a slave? What else can an orc do other than being a slave?" The short and fat man showed a very incomprehensible expression, "Sir, don't lie to me, I, Jorah Mormont, have never misunderstood However, your two orc slaves are top-quality, sir, the price is negotiable, please give them to us."

Ye Chui couldn't help frowning, and looked at Jorah with some displeasure, and it was only at this time that Ye Chui also noticed that the human races, orc races, and dwarf races in the cities of Stan City, Asshai, and Angor City lived in harmony. The situation is different. Although there are many orcs and dwarves on the streets of Wenda City, most of them are dressed in shabby clothes, and most of them wear shackles that represent slaves. This scene shocked Ye Chui.

"Boss, in some cities, orcs and dwarves have no status and are completely treated as slaves..." Kara whispered to Ye Chui with a sad face.

"The Blood Hammer Empire does not allow slaves, which is clearly stipulated by the laws of the empire." Ye Chui said in surprise.

"That's only for the human race..." Kara smiled bitterly, "Orcs and dwarves are treated as beasts in some cities. Boss, you have never been to the towns to the east, so you don't know about these things."

"Does Afia know about these things?" Ye Chui thought of something and asked Kara, these things belong to the duty of the Imperial Affairs Officer.

"She knows it, and she is trying to improve this situation, but it is not a problem that can be solved in a short while. Because of the unique forging ability, the dwarves can still have some status in the human city here, but the orcs... are rude. , only the orcs with brute force can only be slaves in these cities." After saying these words, Kara's voice became a little sad, and the status of orcs obviously made her feel helpless, she looked at Ye Chui, "Go up It was for this reason that Afia was very angry when she met that slave trader Black."

"Hey, do you want to sell these two slaves?" Qiao La asked impatiently when he heard Ye Chui talking to Kara in a low voice.

"They're not slaves!" Ye Chui's voice increased slightly, and he looked at Jorah Larmon coldly.

Feeling the cold aura from Ye Chui, Qiao La froze for a moment, but soon, his smiling face became cold: "Sir, it seems that you are a traveler from the outside world, right? I, Jorah, are not something you can offend in this city—let me ask you again, will you give up these two orc slaves to me?"

Is this a threat?

"I'll tell you one more thing!" Ye Chui's expression turned cold, "They are not slaves, they are my friends!"

There was a sneer on the corner of Jorah Larmon's mouth, he stared at Ye Chui, snorted, nodded and said: "Very good, you are very brave, strange traveler!" After saying this, he turned around Just leave, it seems that he will not let it go.

Khadgar immediately tried to rush forward to say something - as long as he explained their identities to this Jorah, this Jorah's attitude would definitely change 180 degrees. Now that time is urgent, Khadgar doesn't want to cause more trouble .

However, Ye Chui held Khadgar back and shook his head at Khadgar: "It won't take long, let's find a place to have dinner and have a good rest first."

Wenda City is a big city close to the Wenshui River. After passing through this city, there will be the Godumu Wasteland. There will be no city in the next trip. They need to borrow horses to drive overnight, so they must take a little rest tonight. As for Jorah Larmon came back to make trouble...Ye Chui hoped that he would come to make trouble, because now Ye Chui was really angry.

Lothar shook his head helplessly at Ye Chui. He is a general of the guard army, and he is very clear about orc slaves. Although he does not agree with this view of equating orcs with wild beasts, there is nothing he can do about it. , Orcs are undoubtedly barbaric, but they are also noble warriors at the same time. They have their own glory and are treated as slaves. This is an insult to this race, but Orc slaves have a history of hundreds of years in some cities in the east of the empire. Is it so easy to solve?

Riots often occur in the Steel Fang tribe, and the reason is because of the continuous violation of their race by the human race.

After a while, Ye Chui and his team found a hotel and settled their dinner simply. Khadgar and Lothar went to rest in their own rooms, but Kara and Thrall seemed to be in a complicated mood and had no idea of ​​rest. Ye Chui accompanied them They were sitting in the lobby of the hotel drinking wine. Since arriving in Wenda City, Thrall's expression had been indescribably silent. This orc who was raised by humans was learning to think about some things.

"I have been to Wenda City many times. Braque has many business customers here. We transported all kinds of slaves here. I didn't think there was anything wrong with it before." Thrall held a huge wine glass in his hand, eyes Looking at the few people who were passing by on the street outside—they seemed to see two orcs sitting in the lobby drinking majesticly, and they were showing somewhat surprised expressions. The lowly orcs actually sat with humans Eligibility to drink?

Sal raised his head and poured the wine in the glass into his mouth: "During the time I met Kara, she told me a lot, and I gradually realized that my previous thoughts were really wrong, and I realized that there are some things I must Going to finish..."

Ye Chui gave Kara a strange look, he smiled and said to Sal: "What are you trying to accomplish?"

Thrall clenched his fists tightly. Some thoughts have been wandering in his mind since he was a child, but he didn't know how to deal with those too lofty and complicated thoughts. Until recently, leaving the slave trader Black came into contact with other completely different The incident made him know more things, and those things that seemed to be deeply imprinted in his mind seemed to be finally vented by him.

He said to Ye Chui with a hoarse voice: "Orcs will never be slaves!" (To be continued.)

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