“Will the Grail really grant your wish?” Skaha stared closely at the little blonde girl in front of him.

“But it is precisely because the Grail has answered my wishes that I am here in this world, and if it cannot be fulfilled, then why…”

At this time, Artoria looked extremely lost.

“No, I’m not saying that the Grail can’t fulfill your wishes, but the point is, how does it fulfill your wishes? The Grail can’t take you back to the fifth century AD, otherwise the Grail itself might not even exist because of the huge butterfly effect. ”

Skaha patiently explained to Saber.

“Then the words of the Holy Grail may concoct an illusion that allows you to save the fate of Britain’s destruction in the fantasy world, or send you to a parallel world and let you save Britain in a parallel world.”

After listening to Skaha’s words, Artoria felt as if a string had broken in her heart, could it be that the pillar that had been supporting her progress for a long time was false?

Her face was gloomy and ugly.

“No, you can’t do this, you can’t just believe in your own side of the word, the Holy Grail is a universal wishing machine, as long as you have the Holy Grail, you can fulfill any wish, you can achieve it…”

As if stunned, Artoria kept hinting at herself in her heart.

Seeing her state, Skaha also sighed and said no more, she thought that her words could make Artoria see reality clearly, but she was too naïve, only cruel truth could crush her bone-crushing obsession.

She really took on too much.

The prosperity of the kingdom, the expectations of the people, the friendship of the round table, and Mordred, Guinevere, and the ill-intentioned sister Morgan, she is just an ordinary person.

“Caster, you are a true sage, if it were in the kingdom, I am afraid I would hire you as a priest.”

Gilgamesh said after drinking the last glass of wine – just kidding, of course, the last glass of wine is only qualified for him.

And he finally put away his contempt at this time, even if he is as powerful as he can’t easily kill the gods, and this queen of the Shadow Country seems to have killed more than one god

Judging from her understated expression, it seemed that there was no difference between killing gods and killing pigs. Although he is only Caster, he must not be taken lightly.

In the magic workshop of the Tosaka family.

“So far, Rider and Caster’s treasures are very mysterious, but Caster is only Caster after all, you use the spell to let Assassin test Rider’s treasures, don’t care about consumption, I have already decided.”

Shichen touched the bright red Writ on his hand, and the feeling of uneasiness grew heavier and heavier, he had decided not to hide his strength anymore, and tomorrow, he would use the Spell to order Archer to destroy the other Lords and Sevent, and finally ordered him to commit suicide.

Gilgamesh, who has only C in mana, does not have the ability to resist the orders of the spell, which is why Shichen is confident. “It’s just a pity that I wasted a spell on the first day…” And he didn’t know that his apprentice had an arm.

A dart flew from nowhere near Rider.

Then, I saw that more than eighty Assassins had surrounded the garden from nowhere, and under the A+ level aura, none of the followers found his traces.

I’m afraid that’s the only thing Assassin can show off.

“It’s Assassin, how can there be so many Assassins!” After seeing so many Assassins, Alice Phil and Webb were shocked, after all, so many people still look terrifying.

Gilgamesh’s face seemed to be a little unhappy, and this guy had become more and more excessive.

Artoria quickly stood up, and the invisible sword in her hand immediately appeared in her hand.

“It’s really difficult, just come uninvited like this, I said, do you want to come over for a drink?” As if not being annoyed by Assassin, Iskandar beckoned them over for a drink.

“Hey, King Conqueror, you don’t have to invite them to a drinking party as well.” Gilgamesh said with some displeasure.

“That’s nature, and as a king, nature has to have fun with the people.”

It’s just that reality is always cruel, Assassin responded to him with a dagger that flew from nowhere, but unfortunately the dagger was still flying halfway and was held by Rider’s hand.

“I said, although you came uninvited and made such a sneak attack, but as a king, I still forgave you and invited you to the banquet together.”

“But since you don’t listen to advice like this, then there is no way, if you don’t make some counterattacks, I’m afraid people will think that I, as the king of conquest, am a weak guy.”

Iskandar stood up, and a red plush coat appeared on his body, naturally no longer wearing casual clothes when fighting.

At the same time, a huge air stream burst out from his body! Under that powerful airflow, Assassin was even a little unsteady on his feet.

“In that case, then—”

PS: Ask for flowers and collections

PS2: 588 Tip Plus One More Chapter ~

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