“The battle on the master’s side should also be over…” Shen Qiu gasped while thinking that the entire villa of the Matong family had been frozen into a large ice sculpture by him.

“It is estimated that after this body is killed by me, he should be able to settle down for a few days.” After slowing down for a while, Shen Qiu said with a wry smile, it seems that he must find a way to kill this guy from the root.

Otherwise, if you fight like this every time, I am afraid that even if you grind it, you will be able to grind yourself to death.

And in the woods on the side, the battle continues.

Skaha looked at the strange follower in front of him with a serious face, the huge black and red dress and silver-gray mask covered his appearance tightly, if it were not for Shen Qiu’s answer, she probably really didn’t know who the man in front of her was.

[Antonio Salieri].

The most famous musicians and composers in history, their students include such famous figures as Beethoven, Schubert, Liszt, etc., and they are also talented celebrities in the 19th century.

If nothing else, his own talent should be the brightest star of that era.

But the appearance of another genius shattered all this, and that person was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

The names of musicians who have left a strong footprint throughout human history are still imprinted in textbooks of various countries, and many piano music, violin music, and musical theater composed are still compulsory courses for many people who study music.

And he himself, an all-round master of piano, flute, viola, and violin, some people say that his brilliant talent even God is jealous, so he was hastily summoned when he was 35 years old.

Beginning in 1792, however, a message gradually spread in Italy.

“Salieri murdered Mozart!”

It is no longer possible to know from whom this rumor first circulated, perhaps it was some people’s idle talk after tea, or some people feared that the world would not be chaotic, but what is the truth, and who cares? People only believe what they want to believe.

As a result, this rumor spread at a very fast speed, first in Venice, then Vienna, Italy, and finally spread all over the world, which also made Salery bear unbearable gossip.

What is even more frightening is the persecution of fellow artists.

Pushkin wrote the non-existent event “Salieri murdered Mozart” into verses, and Rimsky Ksakov wrote the verses into operas, and after several transmissions, the fact that “Salieri murdered Mozart” seemed to be a firm fact.

As a result, the Royal Music Troupe where he worked fired him, and later even the Venice police station summoned him for questioning, which seemed to be even more true.

“He was a composer who was less talented than Mozart, extremely jealous, and designed to kill Mozart.”

This became widespread in later generations, and although several attempts were made to rehabilitate him, they had little success, and no one even wanted to play the pieces he composed.

No one would play a murder suspect, even if that person was a teacher of Beethoven and Schubert, even though he attended all the major events of his time involving music, and even though he could not find even the most basic evidence of Mozart’s murder.

But who cares?

At this time, Salieri looked very embarrassed, as Avenger, he himself did not have the existence of magic power, if it were not for the A-level inherent skill [Weeping Appearance] as a defense, I am afraid that he would not be able to support even ten minutes under the repeated attacks of the master.

“It’s time to fix you.”

With a solemn face, the master put away the red spear in his hand, and replaced it with a spiral-shaped staff about seventy centimeters in length, and on that staff were engraved a large number of Lune runes.


Salieri suddenly let out a strange cry, and in the end it actually turned into a maniacal laugh!

The next moment, a large number of red flames suddenly appeared above the black cross long sword in his hand to envelop it, and he himself rose in the air!

A huge black piano appeared behind him, and actually began to play music automatically, but the music seemed to be like a requiem that tempted mankind to hell, making people feel the pain of cutting the flesh and cutting the heart.

“I… I am the one who kills God’s dependents. ”

Saleri’s voice seemed to be mixed with a large number of instruments, and each word carried a different rhythm.

And then – he stalled.

“O Most High God, please grant me mercy!”

The eerie sound in the black piano became louder and louder, and then something like white flame poured out of Salery’s body, burning everything that stood in his way, like a raging fire!

PS: Ask for flowers for flowers

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