Chapter 159: Connor is angry!

“Then, I’ll take my leave.”

After discussing the signing party, Otosaka Yuyu immediately left the café.

Unexpectedly, Kenjiro Doki and Machida Enko openly spread dog food, and every time they talked about the signing party, they could always touch on other aspects, wasting a lot of his time.

In the empty alley, Otosaka Yuyu directly used [Teleportation] to appear in front of his house.

Because he had been chatting with them for too long, it was already dark now, and it was roughly estimated that it should have been around seven o’clock in the evening, and he hadn’t made dinner yet!

Unfortunately, it was still a step late, and as soon as he opened his door, he saw a bulging bun face appear at the entrance, which really startled him.

“How… What’s wrong Connor? ”

Otosaka Yuyu looked at the little loli in front of him with some weakness.

“Yuyu-sama is an idiot!”

Little Connor glared at him angrily and didn’t say anything, and directly snatched the door out, and before Yuyu Otosaka could react, Connor had recovered and flew into the sky.


Otosaka Yuyu swallowed a mouthful of spit, he felt that Connor was really angry this time, he really didn’t dare to chase after 497, so he quickly ran to the fifth floor of the apartment for help.

“So, you Connor and Connor runs away from home?”

Kobayashi’s house, Thor was holding Erlang’s legs, and his scarlet eyes did not carry any emotion.


Otasaka Yuu knelt in front of her, hanging his head and looking at the carpet spread out in the living room, as if there was something on it that attracted his attention.

“Here, head up.”

Thor’s voice was full of teasing, and Otosaka Yuu directly ignored her mocking tone and still looked at the floor.

“Youyu-san, you’re not well-behaved.”

Seeing that Otosaka Yuyu did not react, Thor showed a mocking smile on his face, and directly raised his long legs wrapped only in a layer of white stockings to provoke Otosaka Yuu’s chin.


Otosaka Yuyu looked a little stunned, he really didn’t expect Thor to do this.

“What did you do to make Connor so angry?”

Thor didn’t care about Yuyu Otsaka’s strange eyes, and asked slowly as he pulled his hair.

Otosaka Yuyu’s eyes drifted: “Probably, probably, should, maybe, it’s because I’ve been too dead recently to have time to play with her, right?” ”

He silently added in his heart: Have you given her dinner yet?

Hearing Yuu Otosaka’s answer, Portal sighed and withdrew his feet at Yuu Otosaka’s regretful gaze.

“Don’t look at Connor sometimes has no heart and lungs, in fact, that child’s feelings are very delicate.”

Thor stood up, looking a little reminiscing: “I still remember when I met Connor ten thousand years ago…”

Thor slowly describes her encounter with Connor, a magnificent otherworld that is showing itself to Yuu Otosaka. Magicians, humans, dragons, gods, ancient cities·

Just as I was mesmerized, there was a sound of the door opening.

Thor stopped recalling directly, and the clear and moving voice stopped abruptly.

“I’m back.”

Xiao Lin walked into the entrance with a tired face, and then saw a pair of sneakers.

“Thor, are there any guests at home?”

While silently thinking about the trouble in his heart, Xiao Lin walked slowly into the living room.

“Hello Sister Xiaolin, excuse me.”

“No, no, it’s okay.”

Xiao Lin waved his hand, then approached the refrigerator and took out a bottle of beer. Since the guest is Otosaka Yuu, then she doesn’t have to be too serious, just as usual.

She was about to sit on the sofa when she noticed the strange posture of Thor and Yuu Otosaka.

One kneels on the floor and the other stands straight in front of him, looking like a wife is lecturing an ignorant husband, wouldn’t it be better [interesting] if Otosaka Yuyu added a keyboard under his knees?

Seeing Xiao Lin’s frowning and contemplative appearance, Thor thought she was angry, and quickly showed a fawning smile: “Xiao Lin, it’s not like you think, I just…”

After listening to Thor’s explanation, Xiao Lin understood the situation and turned to look at Otosaka Yuyu: “So, Connor was angry with you?” Otosaka Yuyu stood up from the floor calmly, and after hearing Xiao Lin’s words, he was not pretentious, and nodded lightly. ”

Anyway, even though there are many incredible things in this world, it is undeniable that the danger that can pose a threat to a dragon like Connor does not exist at all.

Therefore, he was not very anxious to find Connor, but because he had not accompanied Connor for a long time, he felt that it was better to take this opportunity to let Kang go out by himself.

Xiao Lin took a sip of beer, and there was not much expression fluctuation on his straightened face: “Otosaka, you still have to divide some time to accompany Connor, otherwise…”

Xiao Lin paused: “Otherwise, I will take care of her for you unceremoniously.” ”

Otosaka Yuyu smiled: “Even if it is Sister Kobayashi, I will not give up the custody of Connor!” ”

Thor watched as Otosaka Yuyu and Kobayashi chatted happily, seemingly forgetting her completely, and his anger immediately rose.

Thor: “Hey Otosaka, do you still want to get Conna back?” ”

Otosaka Yuu: “Yes!” But I have a book signing tomorrow, and Thor will help me. ”

When Thor heard this, he immediately jumped more than three feet high: “You don’t want to think about it!” Tomorrow Xiao Lin rests, it will be a rare alone time for me and Xiao Lin! ”

Xiao Lin held the beer bottle and said with a smile: “Thor, you just go, just tomorrow Otosaka book signing party I also happened to rest, just go to the scene.” ”

“….. All right. ”

Hearing that Xiao Lin also let her leave, Thor immediately showed a pitiful expression, and saw that Xiao Lin was indifferent and had to agree.

Otosaka Yuyu smiled and watched the originally domineering Thor turn into a docile kitten, which only felt very interesting. Before leaving, Thor glared viciously at Yuu Otosaka.

On the other side, far from the neon sky.

A snow-white dragon streaked across the night sky, and below the dragon was a sea that seemed to turn into ink, calm and strange.

“I quarreled with Yuyu-sama…”

Connor regretted it a little, but she was angry at the thought that Yuu Otosaka had either gone on a trip these days without taking her or chatting with others and forgetting to cook for her.

After flying for about a quarter of an hour, Connor suddenly saw a new continent, and the sky turned from night to day.

After a little thought in his heart, Connor decided to go to that continent first, and after converging his breath, he could not find Yuyu-sama, enough to change his mood.

Just as Connor flew to the New World, she didn’t notice that she was followed by a light green dragon.

“All of them are really unsettling guys.”

Looking at Connor, who was speeding up in front, Thor sighed secretly and hurried to follow.

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