”So the teacher wants me to join this club?” Otosaka Yuu’s expression was clearly reluctant.

Dao Leyan’s baby’s face was full of malicious smiles: “Didn’t you say you wanted to join the beautiful girl club, this club is definitely in line with your lewd idea.” ”

Otosaka Yuu didn’t want to complain, so he looked at the name of the society like that.

”Art Department…'” Otosaka Yuyu is very confused at the moment, this club rarely appeared in those campus dramas in the previous life

”But teacher, I can’t draw.” “That’s really true, in addition to having superpowers, Otosaka Yuyu has only learned a little housework ability in this year

Dao Le Yan smiled and said, “What does it matter, wait until you enter the department and learn it slowly.” ”

Otosaka Yuu was expressionless”’No, please forgive me for refusing. ”

Just kidding, although he likes beautiful girls, he is also a person with common sense, and the art department obviously will not have any famous two-dimensional wives in his previous life

”Is it? But the beautiful girls in this club are definitely the most in the entire Kamikawa High School. Dao Leyan’s tone was full of temptation, like a strange shumer who abducted a child.

No, immediately a fool took the bait. ”Really? Who are they?” Otosaka Yuyu rubbed his hands excitedly, and that smile made Doraku want to reward him with another flying kick

”Of course there are a lot of them, like the magical girl Illya and the like.” Hearing Dorakuyan’s words, Otosaka Yuyu couldn’t help but interject and said, “Is it… The beautiful girl you said…”

”That’s right, it’s your favorite two-dimensional goddess like an otaku!” The smile on Dorakuyan’s face became brighter, and Otosaka Yuyu didn’t say a word, silently walking into the distance.

”Hey, how did you go?” Don’t so many beautiful girls fit your sex? Oops, it’s annoying, Otosaka-san is. Doraku’s tireless mockery made Otosaka Yuyu gradually become angry.

”Sorry, teacher, I’ve decided what club to join.” Otosaka Yuyu’s tone was not so friendly

Dao Le Yan is still the face that makes people want to kick her: “Oh? Which society is it?”

”Home Ministry. Otosaka Yuyu’s tone was resolute, and after speaking, he did not wait for Dao Le Yan to react, and immediately rushed away.

”Hey! Little ghost, no running in the corridor!” Behind him came the voice of Dao Leyan’s anger and corruption

It is now approaching evening, and the red glow of the setting sun fills the entire sky, walking on the streets, and there are pictures from Japanese dramas everywhere.

”It’s all to blame on that legitimate loli, I’m still going to think about what novel to write tonight, waste my time, but also think about what club to join.” “Otasaka Yuyu is a little distressed.

”Gollum—-” The inexplicable voice came to mind, and Otosaka Yuyu’s face blushed, “It seems that I have to buy some ingredients for dinner first.” ”

Coming to the supermarket, Yuu Otosaka was strolling around with a small cart. When I came to a meat store, a noisy voice came

A large group of people gathered around, and the staff was talking to someone anxiously.

Otosaka Yuyu happened to have almost chosen the material, so he watched the show with interest on the side

I saw that the staff was facing a middle-aged woman who said: “Madam, the goods of our department store will be inspected by the staff every night, and there will be absolutely no carrion.” ”

The middle-aged woman looked angry: “Then you mean I lied?”

The staff member was obviously a newcomer, and would only explain that there would be no problem with his own goods, and what the other party wanted to hear was obviously not this.

Otosaka Yuu’s eyes narrowed, and a burst of light flashed, and the memory of the middle-aged woman was presented in front of Otosaka Yuu.

Within seconds, Yuu Otosaka learned about the situation, and the middle-aged woman went to the hospital because her family ate a meat that was about to rot, and she believed that the carrion was bought here.

Otosaka Yuyu felt a little amused, from his onlooker’s point of view, the middle-aged woman’s memory of the carrion was bought in this department store

But it was she who bought it herself and completely forgot about it, causing the meat to sit in the refrigerator all summer.

This made Otosaka Yuyu a little crying and laughing, and he sympathized with the staff a little.

”Hey, let me help you.” Otosaka Yuyu smiled

Whether it is in a past life or in this life, Otasaka Yuyu is only a teenager in high school, plus in this life he is said to be a teenager, in fact, he has lived for more than a year, and he is still in a state of confusion.

Therefore, his youthful blood and youthful frivolity have not changed at all, not to mention that he still has the superpowers of an earth.

I saw the light in Otosaka Yuyu’s eyes again, but the effect was completely different

The aunt suddenly lost her eyes, and her mouth suddenly spit out the fact that Yuyu Otosaka knew.

Seeing the appearance of the aunt hiding her face and fleeing after coming to her senses made Otosaka Yuyu laugh. Unbeknownst to him, there was a little loli standing behind him.

After buying the materials, Otosaka Yuyu hummed a song and walked slowly towards the house.

The sunset has already set half of the horizon, and the river that runs through the city has lost its daytime vitality because it is about to fall into the night.

Towards October, the temperature has not decreased, and the evening air still looks a little muggy.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Yuyu Otosaka was fumbling for the keys on his body, “Ah, there is. Otosaka Yuu’s tone is like a child returning home from a day of play, containing a touch of joy.

Just after pulling the key out of his pocket, a milky voice came from next to him: “Hey, human. ”

Otosaka Yuyu was startled, and as soon as he waved his hand, the key flew out, and at the same time there was a strange cry in his mouth, and the person who had just been born was obviously frightened as well

”Babble! “The timbre is still so soft, I really don’t know how Yuyu Otosaka was so frightened that even the keys flew out.

When Otosaka Yuyu regained his composure, he began to look at the figure in front of him, and then his pupils shrank and exclaimed, “You are?”

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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