A few days had passed since that ministry commission, and Yukinoshita and Otosaka Yuyu also began to teach Ogata Riju and Fumino Furuhashi

It didn’t happen that the duo decided who taught the good in the competition, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

In the past few days, the girl has not looked for Otosaka Yuu, and Otosaka Yuyu has also searched for the girl with his super powers, but there is no trace, which also causes his originally tight nerves to begin to relax

However, this teaching process is often inevitable with some trouble, such as Miyano-san, who is screaming like a monkey at the moment.

”Master, when do we start special training?” ”

”Miyano-san, I will teach you how to become a person with irresistible charm today!”

It’s true, I was entangled by this rebel disciple as soon as the class started, but I want to help you find a teacher! This traitor is a bad man and a good thing.

”Wow! What is it? Please tell my master!”

”Mature feminine first style: temperament. ”


”That’s right, temperament is something everyone has, but they are all different. The temperament of mature femininity is… It is…. It’s maturity!”

”Wow, although I don’t understand, I always feel so good!” ”

Hearing Miyano’s answer, Otosaka Yuyu almost laughed, not to mention her, he himself couldn’t understand what he was saying.

”So, Miyano-san has to mature first. ”

”Oh, doesn’t that sound simple, leave it to me Master!


I saw Miyano stand up with a snort, take two small short legs and run outside

Otosaka Yuyu exhaled and immediately rushed to the service department.

Miyano who left the school was a little confused, and just now he enthusiastically promised his master to make Miyano transform, but now he doesn’t even know how to do the first step.

The streets are full of people, Miyano thinks for a moment, of course, the mature temperament has to find social people!

However, at this point in time, those office workers have basically not left work, so the range of options has become smaller.

Walking on the road, Miyano looked around, and the pedestrians around him did not have the so-called mature temperament.

“None of them seem to be attractive.” ”

It’s no wonder, after all, Yuyu Otosaka hasn’t said one thing about the basics of charm, that is, the face!

Miyano, who hadn’t figured it out yet, was a little lost, but suddenly she saw a scene that shocked her heart

”That man…’

The next day,

Otosaka Yuyu came to the school and saw Yukino under the snow at a glance, so he smiled and stepped forward to say hello

”Good morning, Yukishita-san. ”

”Good morning, Otosaka-san. ”

In a good mood, Yuyu Otosaka chatted casually with Yukishita, and then prepared to change into indoor shoes

Suddenly, Yuyu Otosaka’s voice stopped abruptly.

Yukinoshita, who did not receive an answer, looked back at Otosaka Yuyu in confusion, only to see that he was holding a letter in his hand, and his arm was still trembling slightly.

Seeing the words on the envelope, Yukinoshita smiled:

”Ah, Otosaka-san is really popular, and the challenge book is not for everyone. ”

Otosaka Yuyu’s face is naturally not good-looking, inexplicably there is a challenge letter early in the morning, and he thought at first that it was a love letter he usually receives

But the white envelope and the three powerful black characters written with a brush made him pay a little attention

As a result, something bad happened, it was a challenge!

”So, what is Otosaka-san going to do?” ”

Hearing Yukoshita’s words, Otosaka Yuyu casually said: “What to do? him, of course! ”

Opening the challenge book, Otosaka Yuyu looked at the contents nonchalantly, a small high school student, even if he didn’t use superpowers, he could easily knock him out.

[Yuu Otosaka: Today at 12.30 noon, I am waiting for you on the rooftop of the school, teasing Miyano, I want to settle with you properly!]

Tricking Miyano? How did he tease her? Could it be that yesterday’s fooling her to let her not pester him was exposed?

”Master! Good morning. ”

Thinking like this, there was a vigorous greeting from behind Otosaka Yuu, and it was Miyano who was undoubtedly Miyano.

”Ah, Miyano, you came just right, in fact, yesterday….’

Before the words were finished, Otosaka Yuyu’s words were all stuck in his throat, he dripped a mother, what did he see?

Miyano, who is usually cute and lively, has completely changed his personality, not on the inside, but on the outside.

The original brown hair was dyed in color, the eyes were painted with eye shadow, lipstick was applied to the mouth, and the cheeks were like rouge.


”Kill? What do you mean, Master. ”

”Kill Matt!!'”


After a while, Otosaka Yuyu finally washed Miyano’s face and returned it to its original state. But this hair can’t be helped, can’t use superpowers to change her back.

”Miyano, how did you think of going… Cosplay? After thinking about it for a long time, Otosaka Yuyu could only think of such words that did not hurt people.

Because the master said that if you want to be attractive, you must first have temperament. Didn’t the master say that people with outstanding temperament tend to be the fastest in the crowd to attract the attention of others?

Then I found a big brother on the street, and he attracted me at first sight…”

”Ah, I didn’t expect Otosaka-san to have such a cute little apprentice.” Miyano-san, don’t be fooled by this man. ”

”Ah! You are a first-year J class student, thank you for the reminder, but I believe that the master will not lie to me!”

Yukishita looked at Miyano with pity, this silly Bai Tian, didn’t he just be fooled by Otosaka Yuyu to join the funeral family?

Otosaka Yuyu was inexplicably moved, Miyano-san, I was wrong to fool you so much yesterday, I will definitely teach you well next time!

”Ah! Master, you took it…”

Otosaka Yuu hid the thing back, but Miyano immediately trotted over, Otosaka Yuu had to raise his arm high, and Miyano jumped and waved to get the challenge letter.

”Master, that’s written by Xiao Yue.” ”

”What Xiaoyue?”’

”Master don’t pretend! That’s Xiao Yue’s challenge book for you! ”

Hearing Miyano’s words, Otosaka Yuyu asked, “Could it be that Xiao Yue, the person you said you liked before?”

”Yes Master. ”

Otosaka Yuyu gave the letter to Miyano, and Miyano immediately spoke after reading it: “Master, don’t go to the rooftop, I’ll go and explain to Kokoshi, he will definitely listen to me.” ”

Otosaka Yuyu waved his hand: “Then please. ”

After Miyano left, Yukinoshita, who had not spoken, asked:

”Aren’t you going to do something?” ”

”What to do?’

”Rob someone’s girlfriend, go to the rooftop and let that guy experience what despair is, this is a good member of my service ministry.” ”

”Is my character so bad in your eyes?” ”

”Yes. ”

Otosaka Yuyu and Yukinoshita looked at each other, and suddenly both of them laughed.

The teenager and the girl laughed as they walked towards the classroom.


On the other side, Xiao Yue, who heard Miyano’s explanation, blushed and hugged the little loli in front of him

”Miyano-san, it’s so cute! However, in order to determine whether that guy is worthy of being your master, let me look over!”


Hearing Miyano’s reply, Otosaka Yuyu laughed bitterly helplessly. Haruhara Yohei came over at this time and asked:

”What’s wrong?” ”

Otosaka Yuyu explained the current situation, and Haruhara Yohei laughed

”As a man, you must not lose!” ”

”Ahhh. The voice full of energy even made people wonder if Otasaka Yuyu would do it directly, and he wanted to let him go, but he was looking for abuse, and he would not be polite.

At noon, on the rooftop, Otosaka Yuu and Haruhara Yohei stood on one side, and Echizen and Miyano stood on the other.

”Huh? How is Echizen you?”

”Wow! It’s Haruhara, why are you here?”

Ignoring Haruhara and Echizen’s reunion, Otosaka Yuu stared at Echizen with wide eyes

Confirmed eyes, people who do not bring handles.

”Damn, I don’t have time to pay attention to you!” Otosaka Yuu! Let’s duel! ”

The person in front of him looked like a bad girl, with the same dyed blonde hair as Haruhara, a long skirt and even leather shoes looming, slightly fierce eyes, and straight features, at least much better than the public face.

After confirming his gender, Yuu Otosaka felt completely unmotivated, and said lazily: “I think it’s better to forget it, because no matter what, I have the confidence to fail.” ”

”Huh? How so, that’s at least better than a poker. ”

The originally imposing Echizen tone also weakened, Haruhara Yohei looked shocked, worthy of Otosaka, this move is really


Although he didn’t want to play, Otosaka Yuyu reluctantly agreed, Haruhara Yohei and Miyano also clamored to join, and in the end, the good duel turned into the Tendai Dou Landlord.

Well, it’s good to do this occasionally, Yuu Otosaka smiled happily.

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