At Kamikawa High School, within the Ministry of Service, Otosaka Yuu taught Fumino Furuhashi and Riju Ogata as usual.

The monster envoy incident a few days ago has not been heard about recently, and even Ibuki Fumiko has not reappeared as if he had disappeared.

Otosaka Yuyu is still very satisfied with this situation, and recently, not having to face those troubles has become his most desired thing.

In the blink of an eye, it was time to leave school, and several people in the classroom packed up their things and left the club together.

Walking out of the classroom, Yukinoshita whispered, “I’ll go deliver the keys, you guys go first.” ”

The three of them looked at each other and smiled, and Fumino Furuhashi spoke, “We’re waiting for you.” ”

Yukinoshita was a little embarrassed, but still responded: “No thanks, I…”

Without waiting for her to finish, Furuhashi Fumino smiled playfully: “Okay, Miss Yukinai, go back quickly, don’t make us wait too long!” ”

Yukishita smiled helplessly but happily: “Well, I can’t help you.” ”

As Yuyu Otosaka was watching Yukishita prepare to go to the faculty office, he felt someone pulling his sleeves, and suddenly he looked back

”Fuzuko Ibuki?’

”Ah! Hello, strange Otosaka!”

”My name is Otosaka! Don’t put a strange prefix on me!”

The other three beautiful girls present watched the interaction between Otosaka Yuu and Ibuki Fumiko, and they couldn’t help but ask: “Do you know?”

Otosaka Yuu had to smile awkwardly, completely unable to answer.

Ibuki Fumiko also ignored the questions of the three, but walked straight to the three under the snow

I saw that she took out three identical wooden carvings from the pocket she was holding in her hand and handed them to the three people under the snow

Immediately afterwards, Ibuki Fumiko bowed again and said sincerely: “Please accept the gift, and then please attend my sister’s wedding!”

Under the confused snow, the three looked at each other, and finally Fumino Furuhashi asked, “Otosaka-san, what’s going on?” ”

Hearing Fumino Furuhashi’s question, Otosaka Yuyu could only tell the identity of Fumiko Ibuki, of course, concealing the car accident and her most likely a ghost.

Yukinoshita Yukino said softly, “Since it is the trouble of our students, it is naturally within the scope of the help of my ministry, and we will help you get more students to your sister’s wedding.” ”

At this time, Ogata Riju, who had been silent, interjected: “So Otosaka-san, you just asked about Ibuki Koko-sensei a few days ago.” ”

Otosaka Yuyu nodded slightly, he obviously decided not to care about this matter, but unfortunately he still had to help in the end.

The Ibuki Fengzi on the side looked very confused, which made Fumiko Fumiki Fumito’s temperament flood, and directly hugged the Ibuki Fengzi, and what was still saying in his mouth, anyway, the people present almost couldn’t understand.

However, in the end, the three of them accepted the wood carving, which still made Fuzuko Ibuki breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing them accept the wooden carving, Otosaka Yuyu had a strange expression on his face, and then pretended to ask casually: “What is this carving?” ”

Hearing Otosaka Yuyu’s words, Fumino Furuhashi was the first to laugh: “Otosaka-san, you are so stupid, of course this is a star!” ”

Yukinoshita Yukino also looked at a fool in his eyes: “It won’t be a starfish, Otosaka-san. ”

Who knows, Ibuki Fumiko suddenly applauded: “Oh! So amazing, you actually know it’s a starfish. ”

Fumino Furuhashi: ”….”

Yukinoshita Yukino: ”….”

Riju Ogata: ”….”

Otosaka Yuu: ”Hahaha —–”

After the joke went on, Otosaka Yuyu asked Fumiko Ibuki a very important question: “Ibuki, you are still in school at this time, where are you staying at night now?”

Fumiko Ibuki replied in a casual tone: “I live in the school. ”

Sure enough, because it is a ghost, I can’t go back to Ibuki Koko-sensei’s house.

The glow of the sun outside the window was already weak, but now it was winter, and a petite girl wearing the winter uniform of Kamikawa High School stayed at school every night, which made the three of them frown under the snow.

At this time, Otosaka Yuyu opened his mouth and proposed, “Fengzi, how about coming to my house for a while?”

This is just right for Thor to help check on Fumiko Ibuki.

However, accidents are always twists and turns, and the three of Yukinoshita strongly oppose Otosaka Yuiyu’s suggestion, but they do not even suspect why Fumiko Ibuki lives at the school.

Yukinoshita Yukino immediately said that it was really dangerous to put Fumiko Ibuki in the house of Yuyu Otosaka, and it happened that her house was her alone, so she asked Fumiko Ibuki to go to her house.

Fumino Furuhashi and Riju Ogata are even more excessive, saying that Fumiko Ibuki can go to anyone’s house, but he can’t go to Otosaka Yuu’s house.

In the end, it was decided that Yukino Yukinoshita would take in Fuzako Ibuki, and Yuyu Otosaka had no opinion.

”Can it really bother you?” ”

“Well, of course, this is also a necessary activity of the Ministry of Service. ”

Although she felt a little confused, Fumiko Ibuki did not refuse Yukinoshita Yukinoshita’s invitation, after all, it was really uncomfortable to shrink alone in school at night in winter.

The five left the school together.


Aoyama Apartment, the apartment building where Yuu Otosaka lives

At this time, Otosaka Yuyu is asking Thor to sneak into Yukinoshita Yukino’s house to check on the situation of Fumiko Ibuki

For Otosaka Yuu’s request, Thor refused with a look of disgust, and in the end, Otosaka Yuyu still told her about the situation of Ibuki Fumiko, plus Kobayashi also asked her, Thor reluctantly agreed to help.

The moonlight was thick, and Yuu Otosaka flew towards a luxurious apartment building on the back of Thor, who had transformed into a dragon form.

Thor hides his figure with cognitive obstruction, and Otosaka Yuyu uses perspective and long-sightedness to see through Yukinoshita Yukinoshi’s house.

In the middle of the night, Yukino and Fumiko Ibuki had already slept, and Yuyu Otosaka took Thor to touch Fumiko Ibuki’s bedside, and then Thor checked it

Long time,



‘‘… She looks like a normal human being, but she seems to have a connection to something. ”

Otosaka Yuyu raised his eyebrows: “Where is it?”

Thor casually pointed out, and Otosaka Yuyu showed a confident expression

What Thor was referring to was exactly the direction of Chiba!

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