”Well, see you tomorrow, Yukishita-san.” ”

”See you tomorrow, Otosaka-san. ”

After parting with Yukinoshita at an intersection, Otosaka Yuyu began to walk towards the apartment.

”Oops, it’s too late to get home. Little Connor won’t be angry. Otosaka Yuyu was very worried at the moment, and looked around a little hesitantly

”Ah! Is that… Dessert shop. What a surprise, Yuu Otosaka immediately ran over.

”Ah~ I hope Connor likes it…. Otosaka Yuyu smiled stupidly, looking at the extra pack of paper bags in his hand, needless to say that it must be sweets.

”Let’s eat curry for dinner today, just yesterday I had a lot of vegetables leftover. “Thinking like this, for some reason, Otosaka Yuyu somehow feels like crying… Isn’t this Nima a family cook?

Even if the family cook husband is not enough, there is no strong woman wife outside the main family, but she has a lovely daughter….

Shaking his head to drive these strange thoughts out of his mind, Yuu Otosaka raised his head and looked into the distance

Half of the sunset had disappeared on the horizon, and the sky had darkened, and Otosaka Yuyu exclaimed and hurried home.

Seeing the apartment complex, Yuyu Otosaka relaxed his tense nerves

Walking quickly into the building, Yuu Otosaka praised himself for not using his superpowers even if he was in a hurry, as a superpower, not anxious because of a little thing is the rule to maintain grace.

Yes, be elegant.

”I’m back, Connor-chan!” Especially in front of this cute creature absolutely can’t… Loss of elegance!

However, after opening the door, Otosaka Yuu’s smile froze, and in front of him was an empty room

No longer caring about elegance, Otosaka Yuu stumbled into the house, looking for a disappearing dragon lady one by one.

”No, no, no!” Can’t be found anywhere, Otosaka Yuu is going crazy! Suddenly, the anxious teenager held his head and screamed, and his body also erupted with bursts of blue light, and the surroundings began to vibrate

In the end, he is still a teenager, even if he has the strength that ordinary people do not have, his mind is still so big, and this kind of person’s mental defense line wants to let it collapse, often at that moment.

However, even if he is only a teenager, Otosaka Yuyu is a person who has lived two lives.

The blue light gradually disappeared, and the surroundings also stabilized, and Otosaka Yuyu gradually calmed down, in fact, if you think about it, with Connor’s strength, there should be no danger in this world.

Perhaps, she found Thor’s dragon lady and left.

Thinking like this, Otosaka Yuyu’s heart was not comforted, but he gritted his teeth, he had known Connor for less than a day, and he was not qualified to decide Connor’s whereabouts.

However, he still felt sadness and… Lonely. After Connor left, he was left alone in the large apartment

But isn’t this his original state of life? Now it’s just a restoration!

He wanted to divert his attention: “I also have to go and see how the Void Realm is doing online.” ”

Unsurprisingly, the realm of emptiness has caused quite a stir online.

”What novel is this?” That’s awesome!”

”This novel definitely opens up a whole new path!”

“For some reason, I felt a sense of loneliness in this book. ”

”Who is the author?”’ Flower picker? Haven’t you heard of it, is it a new writer? But it’s great, and I’m looking forward to your next story. ”

Quickly browsing the comments of netizens, Otosaka Yuyu’s mood has not improved because of the praise on the Internet.

”Codeword bar. “Tonight is destined to be another sleepless night.

Early in the morning, Otosaka Yuu opened the curtains, because he had not slept all night, he had dark circles in the corners of his eyes, his clothes were disheveled, and his hair was unkempt.

The harsh sunlight made Yuu Otosaka close his eyes directly. It took a while to slow down, and the scruffy boy yawned

Coming to the kitchen, Otosaka Yuyu made himself a cup of coffee, and then slowly walked to the window with the coffee and drank it lazily in the morning sun.

The computer on the table shows that the second chapter of the Empty Realm (overlooking the scenery) is also finished

”Already, morning?” “Otosaka Yuu thinks about life while drinking coffee

In fact, he stayed up all night last night not only to update the realm of emptiness to keep it hot, but also to paralyze himself through work

Of course, the main thing is that he still has a trace of illusions, Connor just went out to play, maybe come back later and so on, but unfortunately the fantasies ended in tragedy, and Connor did not come back in the end.

Otosaka Yuyu sighed, put the finished cup on the desk, and listlessly went into the bathroom to wash.

After changing into his school uniform, Yuu Otosaka looked in the mirror, his shaggy hair and dark circles under his half-closed eyes.

Helplessly smiling bitterly, Otosaka Yuyu walked out of the house without even eating breakfast.

The morning sun makes people feel warm, and Otosaka Yuu walks on this neon-style street and watches the people around him

The morning air seemed exceptionally fresh, and Otosaka Yuyu took a deep breath and slowly spit it out

“Yo wash, Kangbarde (okay, come on)” It seemed that because of the refreshing air in the morning, Otosaka Yuu began to adjust his state.

The young man walked leisurely to a small stall: “Boss, how do you sell this glutinous rice dumpling?”

Arriving at the school, Otosaka Yuu also recovered and repeated his usual preparations before entering the class.

After changing into indoor shoes, Yuu Otosaka once again resumed his previous straight posture and walked towards the class with his legs spread.

”Huh? That is?” When Yuu Otosaka passed by a classroom, he inadvertently looked inside and saw an unusual scene.

The classroom, which was supposed to be empty, had a petite girl sitting in the corner of the classroom

I saw that the girl was holding a utility knife in her right hand and a star-like wood carving in her left hand.

”Is it someone from the Ministry of Crafts?” Otosaka Yuyu felt a little strange, but now that class is going to start, and it is still morning, the neon high school club except sports thunder, but rarely start club activities early in the morning.

However, Otosaka Yuyu didn’t care about this, just a little concerned, slowly walked through the long corridor, Otosaka Yuu came to his class

”Otosaka, good morning. ”

”Haruhara, good morning. ”

Otosaka Yuu smiled and greeted the blonde boy in front of him

This blond boy is called Yohei Haruhara, he is a friend of Yuu Otosaka, a self-styled bad boy… Students?

In short, Otosaka Yuyu likes this friend with a baby face, and Haruhara Yohei seems to be a boarder, so he has been living in the school dormitory, and by the way, there are also many students in the school dormitory of Kangawa High School

After all, like Yuu Otosaka, his parents are not around, and there are not a few people who do not want to live alone.

”Otosaka, what’s wrong with you?” It seems to be very tired, did you stay up late last night? That’s not going to work! Haruhara Yohei looked concerned.

Otosaka Yuyu was not only not moved, but opened his mouth to mock: “‘Haruhara, you seem to have stayed up late every day a long time ago. ”

Haruhara Yohei prides himself on being a bad boy, and naturally he will do those bad things, such as staying up late playing games and reading novels, but only to arrive at school at noon the next day, and Otosaka Yuyu sometimes advises him to maintain attendance

But since he joined the football club, he has changed his previous appearance as a gangster, arriving at school on time every day, etc., and has become a good student in one class.

Haruhara Yohei pouted: “You guy, I’m still so worried about you.” ”

Otosaka Yuyu smiled bitterly: “Hi Hi (okay, okay), I know, thank you for your concern. ”

The boring class finally ended, and Yuu Otosaka picked up his schoolbag and left the classroom

Walk through the crowds of people and walk towards the Ministry Activity Classroom

”What? Didn’t come under the snow?” Standing in front of Otosaka Yuu is Hiratsaka Shizuki, a woman close to thirty, and the news she brought made Otosaka Yuu a little helpless.

On the way home, Yuu Otosaka had to complain alone: “What, I said that I was a perfect beautiful girl, and I got sick the next day…”

When he returned home, it was almost evening, after all, there were no club activities, and there was still plenty of time, so Yuu Otosaka walked to the bathroom to release the water he had accumulated.

As soon as he opened the bathroom door, Yuu Otosaka collided head-on with a loli.

Otosaka Yuu looked at the creature with horns on his head in disbelief: ”Connor? Why are you here?”

The white-haired loli was stunned, tilted her head and said, “Didn’t Lord Yuyu say that Connor could live here?'” ”

Otosaka Yuyu was a little confused: ”But what did you do last night?” ”

Connor blinked her big eyes and said cutely, “I found Lord Thor yesterday. Fought all night to reclaim the bewildered Lord Thor from humans. ”

”And then? ”

”Kobayashi is a good guy. ”


Otasaka scratched his head: “But Connor, didn’t you say you would leave when you found Thor?” ”

Hearing this, Connor’s tone seemed to change: “Does Yuyu-sama hate Connor?” ”

Otosaka Yuyu couldn’t wait to slap himself wildly at this moment, and quickly explained: “No, no, of course not!”

Xiao Longniang showed a rare smile, the most real and charming smile that Otosaka Yuyu had never seen: “Then Connor, I want to live with Yuu-sama!”

Heartbeat ~~~~

Ah, the mood has really calmed down after a long absence, obviously I have only known for less than a day but it touches my heart so much, it turns out that I have long been fascinated by this little dragon girl

Connor, you are me, an oasis of the heart.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: October 1st to October 7th)

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