Chapter 82: A Date with Bud 2.

Tokyo is an international city, and there are countless fast-food restaurants like Kent Chicken and Fort Macdan, but sometimes it is important what you choose.

Just like Otosaka Yuu and Haruhara Mei, originally just wanted to eat something, but did not expect to encounter a gang of rioters.

I saw about seven or eight men in black special attack suits sitting in the center of the fast food restaurant, each of them looking fierce and vicious, and one of them had a black dragon tattooed on his head.

It can be found that the atmosphere in the entire restaurant is not very good, many customers are quickly finished eating and leaving in a hurry, and you can even see many customers retracting just half a foot after stepping in.

Haruhara seems to be afraid so sitting on a stool with Otosaka Yuu, and even clings to Otosaka Yuu’s body, and the warmth from Haruhara Nha Yi makes Otosaka Yuu unconsciously dismiss the idea of leaving here, and even eat lunch as usual.

And Haruhara Yai, on the other hand, does not have the same good psychological quality as Otosaka Yuyu, she is afraid to cry at the moment, and the hand holding the burger is constantly shaking.

“Brother Otosaka, let’s go.”

Looking at Haruhara’s shivering appearance, Otosaka Yuyu couldn’t ignore it even if he coveted this warm little body, so he nodded: “Okay.” ”

Hearing Otosaka Yuu’s promise, Haruhara Yai’s face was happy and joyful, and he immediately couldn’t wait to stand up and pull Otosaka Yuu’s arm.

Until the two walked out of the restaurant, Otosaka Yuyu was still wondering, what about the classic gangsters looking for fault? How does this make him feel good? Otosaka Yuu, while despising the current mob for not being dedicated at all, walked side by side with Haruhara on the street.

Compared to the warm restaurant, the outside world is helpless. The cold wind seems to never end. The snow-covered road is very soft, and it’s fun to step on something and keep making a “poof” sound.

Otosaka Yuyu was very distressed about the afternoon’s schedule, and he really didn’t have any ideas after going to the shopping street.

“Nha Yi, where do you want to go now?”

“Hmm… Bud Yi wants to go…”


Before they finished speaking, there was a sound of tires rubbing against the ground and the whistle of cars behind them, and Yuyu Otosaka’s superpower nerve reflex immediately activated automatically.

Throwing Haruhara down sharply, the two fell on a snowdrift on the side of the road, and in the corner of Otosaka Yuu’s stunned eyes, a large truck slipped by.

After realizing it, Yuyu Otosaka was now covered in cold sweat, and looked at Haruhara Yayi, who was holding his head under him, and a nameless anger rushed up.

In particular, the owner of the car who just lost control and crashed over did not stop, but immediately wanted to drive away, and did not even give them the apology they deserved.

Without having time to think about it, the driver had already started the car and was ready to escape, and Otosaka Yuyu stared at the car fiercely, with coldness in his eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Haruhara Nyai’s confused look when asking, Otosaka Yuyu directly explained the details, and hearing Otosaka Yuu’s description, Haruhara Yaiu also understood the cause of the matter.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the distance, like summer fireworks, dispelling the harsh winter cold.

Countless pedestrians were attracted to it, and Otosaka Yuyu also pulled Haruhara Bud Yi over to make a splash.

In the eyes of passers-by, this is just a scene of a moving truck “banging” without warning, and in the eyes of Yuu Otosaka, the reason for the explosion of the truck is entirely because he broke the internal circuit of the truck with his super powers, causing problems inside the truck.

Although this was beyond his expectations, the truck did not fail due to a faulty circuit and hit somewhere, but exploded halfway because of a short circuit that caused the truck, which was not well maintained.

Otosaka Yuu protected the driver with his mind at the moment of the truck’s explosion, and although Otosaka Yuu can watch indifferently, he does not want to arbitrarily deprive others of their lives just because he is a superpower.

Looking at the truck still burning in the center of the road, Otosaka Yuyu’s eyes showed disdain, but the hand holding Haruhara Yai’s hand tightened slightly, and it seemed to be a little nervous.

The driver’s life was saved, but because of the previous hit-and-run behavior, Otosaka Yuu asked the driver’s hands not to want to hold things tightly in this life, and it is estimated that he will never want to drive again in his life.

“Bud Yi, let’s go.”

“….. Well. ”

Among the hundreds of onlookers, Otosaka Yuyu led Haruhara Bud Yi to leave the scene, a man and a woman did not attract anyone’s attention seemed to know that their lives were hanging by a thread just now, Haruhara Nha Yi’s expression was a little pale: “Brother Otosaka, are big cities so dangerous?” ”


Hearing Haruhara’s cute speech, Otosaka Yuyu’s gloomy mood was swept away: “How come, this is Tokyo and not a free United States.” ”

However, there are many yakuza in Tokyo, and it cannot be said that it is a very safe place.

Haruhara laughed because of Yuyu Otosaka’s funny statement: “But I’m still very scared.” ”

Otosaka Yuyu smiled and said, “How about we go to the shrine to pray for blessings, the Nezu Shrine in Tokyo is very grand.” ”

“Really? Bud Yi is going! ”

Receiving an affirmative answer, Otosaka Yuu laughed, it seems that the next date with Haruhara is set at the shrine.

About 20 minutes later, Otosaka Yuu and Haruhara arrived at the shrine, which seems to have been rarely set foot since the New Year, the snow on the ground has left no footprints, and the white land will welcome teenagers and girls.

After cleaning their hands, Otosaka Yuu and Haruhara went to the shrine’s blessing office, and they each threw 500 yen, clapped their hands together twice, and began to pray.

As for what they promised, only they know.

“Wow! Brother Otosaka, look quickly, I’m Ojiya! ”

Otosaka Yuyu looked at Haruhara’s smile and smiled forcefully, and he was still holding a note in his hands behind his back, and with the cold wind, he could faintly glimpse the word “great murderer”.

Haruhara immediately stuffed the note drawn into his pocket, and Otosaka Yuu took Haruhara’s hand again and walked to the back of the shrine, just after the two left, a note paper with the word “big murderer” floated over, and miraculously tied himself to the prayer tree [in neon, it will be tied low for unwanted signs].

Behind the shrine is a place to sell things, mainly selling things like various amuletes.

“Wow! So beautiful. ”

Haruhara picked up a four-leaf clover pendant and looked at it, it was dazzling in the daytime sun.

“Boss, I want this.”

On the way back, the two were still holding each other’s hands, and there was no change from when they came, except that there was an extra green pendant around Haruhara’s neck.

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