Chapter Seventy-Nine Sword Eight, Hotaru descends.

The spiritual pressure that burst out of the Moon Slashing Knife instantly split a crack in the street in front of him. Fortunately, the speed of the reaction of the other Shinigami is quite fast.

The power of Crescent Heavenly Chong seemed to be huge, but it did not cause harm to anyone. On the other side, Kenhachi and Yachiryu face Gu Yutori and Judge, respectively. The four of them fighting together can be described as wonderful.

More Mu Jianba released the sword pressure, and the slashing knife named Ye Sun emitted a fiery aura around his body. The umbrella sword in Gu Yu Bird’s hand swung quickly and returned fire at Jian Ba.

The speed of the bird’s umbrella swing was very fast, and a long umbrella was in front of Jian Ba’s eyes, forming countless shadows. Jian Hachi took out the wild sun for defense.

With the blessing of sword pressure, Kenba believed that Ye Sun could touch the other party’s umbrella and burn the broken umbrella to ashes, but Gu Yu Bird seemed to see through his trick.

The umbrella sword can perfectly dodge the attacks of the wild sun with every attack.

After dozens of rendezvous, Ye Sun actually did not touch the other party’s sword.

On the other hand, the bird seems to be playing with a monkey, and every time the umbrella sword tries to pierce his skin, it will immediately retract it.

Once or twice may also be described as a coincidence, but dozens of times 06 is like this, so that Jianba is sure that this guy is intentional.

This made Kenba angry.


Genmu Jianba is the first captain in the corpse soul world who does not understand “swastika solution”, and the reason why he can become a captain is because of his fearless character and strong spiritual pressure.

Until just now, Jianba suddenly heard the sound of a slashing knife.

After hearing the sound of the slashing knife, Genmu Jianba also entered the realm of slashing naturally.

The skin on the whole body of Kenhachi at the time of the swastika is blood-red, there are two black lines from the forehead to the bottom of the eyes, and two horns grow directly above the forehead, and the appearance becomes like a demon.

In the state of swastika in the state of swordsmanship, the consciousness is blurred, and it seems that he cannot maintain rationality, and can only attack the enemy according to the instinct of battle.

“Kendo Two Breaks!”

Jian Eight held the hilt of the sword in both hands, concentrated all his strength to swing the sword at the enemy, and smashed the enemy with a golden spiritual pressure giant slash.

“Tianxiang Crane Slash!”

Gu Yu Bird also fought back with a big move.

The captured bird cut down by the Tianxiang Crane will gain extremely fast speed. The birds in the air spread their wings and move quickly. The phantoms of countless captured birds appeared around Jian Ba.

In this state, the bird did not stop attacking in his hand. The bird still wields the umbrella sword in his hand while moving quickly. Every second, hundreds of swords were stabbed out of the captured bird.

Finally, the bird fell from the air, and at the moment of landing, the bird quickly put the sword in his hand into the umbrella. Jianba, on the other hand, was covered in sword wounds all over his body and fell straight to the ground.

Seeing this, Yachiryu had no intention of continuing to fight with the judge.

She now just wanted to check the injuries of Captain Sword Eight for the first time.

However, the spells emitted by the ink pen wielded in the judge’s hand made it impossible for Eight Thousand Streams to get out at all!

“Captain Zongban has a life, everyone stop attacking!”

Snake Pill Silver arrived in time to stop the attack between the two sides. A group of gods of death look at each other, what is the situation?

Didn’t the people above let us expel the invaders? Why did you suddenly stop us from attacking?

Naturally, there are Kurosaki Ichigo and others who have the same doubts.

It’s just that when Kurosaki Ichigo saw the ghost black behind Orochimaru Silver, he showed a look of joy. He saw that the ghost made the black not follow, and he thought that the ghost made the black encounter something unexpected!

Yoruichi saw some clues.

“It seems that the mysterious adult made a move!”

Orochimaru Silver came to Kurosaki Ichigoku and said, “Regarding the matter of Rukia Kurumi, we have resubmitted the application to the Central Forty-Six Room, and I believe that the sages of the Forty-Six Room will soon be able to make a fair ruling!” ”

“And as for you guys to give me a rest in a nearby hotel first!”

Hearing Snake Pill Silver’s words, Yachiryu was not happy.

She stopped in front of everyone and said, “Wait, you can’t just leave it at that!” They wounded Kenhachi! ”

Snake Pill Silver didn’t want to care about it.

Just said casually: “It’s good that Jianba is handed over to a nearby hospital!” ”

Yachiryu didn’t expect that Snake Pill Silver would actually say such a thing.

“How can you just leave that alone?”

As soon as Eight Thousand Flow’s words were finished, a fog suddenly appeared in front of everyone’s eyes.

“What people? Sneaky there, don’t you show up soon? ”

“Yes, I’m sorry!”

From the fog came the voices of delicate girls.

When the fog cleared, I saw a little loli in green, holding a huge dandelion in her hand, standing there nervously.

“You, hello! My name is Hotaru! It was the adults who specifically asked me to come and save people! ”

Hotaru’s cute appearance, coupled with her shy personality, makes it hard not to feel pity and self-isolation. However, this is only the appearance.

As we all know, Hotaru is a seemingly weak little loli on the surface, but in fact, she is addicted to the output of inextricable monsters, which can be seen from Hotaru’s passive “attack”, the higher the amount of healing].

In the early days, there were also players who successfully singled out the top ten soul snakes with firefly; Coupled with the fact that there was no group milk-style god in the early days, Hotaru was almost a person, and the importance even exceeded that of some SSRs, so the nickname “Grass Daddy” was born.

“Save people?”

How could Snake Pill Silver not think of such a seemingly weak youkai, how to save people?

“It turned out to be Hotaru! I believe that with your strength, there is absolutely no problem in saving these people! ”

Hearing the ghost envoy’s praise, Little Hotaru’s face turned red.

“Thank you Ghost Brother Black! In other words, Sister Yan Devil really wants to see you! ”

“Hades is coming!”

Hearing the words Yan Demon, the ghost made Hei look very nervous! As the boss of Hades, the boss of the ghost makes black.

For the leader of Yan Demon, the ghost envoy is still very resistant in his heart.

“That firefly, saving people is important! You better cast a spell to save people first! ”

On the issue of “old woman” [Yan Demon], Ghost Envoy Kuro does not want to discuss too much.

Hotaru walked up to the wounded sword and said very shyly, “Also, please take care of it!” ”

After bowing, Hotaru raised the dandelion in his hand and said, “God, please apply the grace of healing!” ”

A green light emerged from Jian Ba’s body, and the green light turned into a huge dandelion that enveloped Jian Ba’s entire person.

As the light dissipated, all the scars on Jian Ba’s body were healed. Jian Hachi also sat up with a confused look.

Looking at the eight thousand streams that rushed towards him, Jian Ba was even more confused. Wasn’t it still fighting just now?

It seems that he is also injured, why is it all of a sudden? And why can’t you feel any pain in your body?

Three questions popped up in a row until Kenba saw the snake pill silver in front of him.

“Jianba, Captain Zongban has already ordered to stop the attack!”

You also take your people to the team!

“As for what questions you have, just ask Captain Zongban!”

After that, Snake Pill Silver led everyone to the residence he had arranged in advance.

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