Chapter 2 Can I still bully you by playing a game?

[“Don’t! ”

You loudly refuse, but Ma Tong Dirty Inkstone impatiently threw you into the wormhole! You shouted for help, you cried out with fear, but the old man laughed when he saw your pain.

You struggle, you hide, but in the face of countless bugs, you have nowhere to hide! Finally, the first worm crawled on you, then the second, the third … ]

“Don’t!! Whining!! Don’t come over! ”

Sakura outside the simulator was also frightened, what is this, why torture yourself so much! I’m just a child!

Aren’t you your own grandfather? Why are you abusing yourself so much!

Sakura understood that she was dead, and she regretted it. If she had chosen to leave at that time, would everything have been different, but unfortunately there was no if, she chose the wrong one.

Just when Sakura was desperate, the situation changed behind

[Just when you are about to despair, woohoohoo!] Suddenly, a scorching breath came, feeling the heat wave, and those insects that had just crawled over suddenly receded.

“What happened!”

You saw that Matong’s face changed drastically, and then you found that the entire Matong family suddenly turned into a sea of fire!

Someone set fire!

So, frightened, you quickly ran outside the cave, you have to run home, you want to seek protection. However, how could the dirty inkstone make you run away.

He directly stretched out his dry hand to grab you, and at the moment when you saw that you were about to be caught, suddenly, a wave of fire came from the side!

At this moment, I saw a man with a flamethrower on his back next to you! You recognize it, this man is the same man who threw you a note outside your window the day before yesterday!

The man grabs your hand, and then he says to you


At the moment, you choose].

[One: Follow him, he doesn’t look like a bad person.]

Two: Don’t leave with strangers, run home by yourself. ]

Looking at the options that appeared this time, Sakura chose one without hesitation!

At his most desperate moment, it was this man who appeared to save him, while his father let him go, how could he agree.

[Pick one! ] ]


Inside the rental house, Lin Ye shouted excitedly. Finally succeeded, sure enough, you still have to rely on yourself.

“Fortunately, I went to get this flamethrower after I failed to invite Sakura, and poured fire oil outside Ma Kiri’s house in advance, otherwise, it really wouldn’t have been possible.”

In the Moon World, since the dusk of the gods, the mysterious power has become lower and lower, especially for magicians, some magicians who open positions can’t even block bullets, so modern weapons still have a certain role.

However, the Mitong Dirty Inkstone family was a canon a hundred years ago, although the magician class does not represent strength, but it is difficult for those without strength to reach a high position, so Lin Ye does not think that a flamethrower can extinguish the Cotton!

So, Lin Ye immediately decided to run with the little loli!

[The two of you ran out frantically, many bugs rushed out from all directions, but they were all killed by Lin Ye’s flamethrower, and you finally ran outside Matong’s house! ] ]

“Ran out!” Sakura looked at the simulator in her head excitedly! Did you escape from it?

However, Sakura thought things simple.

[However, you suddenly saw an endless sea of insects floating out of the Matong house, these insects gathered, and the dirty figure of Matong appeared in front of you again!]

“You’re looking for death!” ]

It’s over.

Seeing this, Sakura also understood that she and her big brother were probably going to die, Sakura was the child of a magician, and she naturally knew the strength of a magician.

[Looking at the dirty inkstone in front of you, at this moment, the big brother next to you suddenly pushed you away, and he said the last word to you


“Let’s go! Don’t look back! ”

You run frantically, behind you, the heat wave appears again, you can’t help but look back, what you see is a figure in the fire, countless insects fell on his body, biting his body full of holes, but he still did not flinch, he could not make a sound because of crying, you can only see from his mouth shape that the two words he said are

Come on! ]

“Woohoo! Big brother! ”

Sakura cried, and no one could understand her mood now. Her father didn’t want her anymore, her new grandfather wanted to harm her, at this time, this big brother who only had one side was willing to give his life for her, how could she not dare not move.

She wanted to run over and die with her big brother, but she knew that only if she ran back and called her father over would it be possible to save her big brother!

So, Sakura ran desperately!

And at the moment, inside the rental house

“Yes! Run! Good run! ”

Lin Ye was excited, he was really afraid that this Sakura would run back and cry and cry to die with him like those brain-dead women of the bloody drama, then wouldn’t he be worthless to die!

Seeing Sakura running, Lin Ye was also excited to look at the options below

[You see that Sakura has run away, so you choose


One: Fight to buy time for Sakura to escape.

Two: retreat with surplus fuel. ]

Looking at the two options in front of him, Lin Ye decisively chose one.

“Lean! I can still make you an old bug bully by playing a game! If I ran away, wouldn’t I have lost my face! Pick one! ”

[You see that the old bug wants to give up on you to chase Sakura, so you decisively rush to the old bug, and your flamethrower burns the old bug’s bug to a crisp, but the angry old bug is merciless! ]

Thus, the sea of insects appeared. ]

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