Chapter Twenty-Five Brothers! Dear family and friends!

[September 18, 4th year: Finn takes the Knights of Fiona to Serban, and you take Granny to the Forest of Two Trees, although Dilumudo is brave. But! In the face of Finn’s siege, Dilumudo was defeated after all!

At the critical moment, a figure quietly arrived! I saw Lin Ye suddenly appear, and when I saw Lin Ye appear, you were extremely surprised, and you threw a gun and a sword to the other party!

Once again, you are fighting side by side, just like the Yamanashi Tree Palace back then!

Finn is powerful, but he is defeated by the two of you, so the three of you successfully escape!

September 27, 4: An angry Finnda finds her nursing mother, Bodmol, the goddess of the Nu goddess.

September 30th of the fourth year: Bodmor killed in front of the three of you, facing Bodmor with both swords and guns! Bodmor was nailed to the ground directly by you!

Finn killed again, and looking at the defeated Bodmour, he was finally disheartened. And at this moment, Lin Ye also stood up, and he looked at Finn and said loudly

“Finn! Are you going to die with your two lifesavers for a woman who watches your nursing mother die? ”

Hearing this, Finn also knew that his general trend had passed, and finally, he ordered to abandon the hunt for Dilumudo. But Finn doesn’t want to see you again, so you take Granny to your Kaishkoran territory, while Lin Ye wishes you happiness and leaves directly. He said he was going to the Duberro Forest to find rejuvenating berries.

Year 5: You and Granny’s first son is born.

Year 6: You and Granny’s second son is born.

Year 7: You and Granny’s third son is born.

Year 8: You and Granny’s first daughter is born.

Year 9: Your and Granny’s fourth son is born. ]


Is he a stallion himself? Can’t you get down to business other than having children?

[April 3, 10: There is a demonic boar on the hill of Benburben, and Finn invites you to go with you, and you feel guilty of Finn and agree.

You brought cursed yellow roses and subtle ripples.

April 6, 10: You and Finn meet on Mount Bourburn. You finally meet the demonic wild boar, seeing the wild boar the size of a small mountain, you are not afraid to ask Finn’s help to solve this wild boar together, but to your surprise, Finn actually refuses your invitation, and in desperation, you can only face the wild boar alone. ]

“Finn! Alas~”

Dilumudo sighed helplessly, what else could he do? Who made himself feel guilty about Finn?

[You tried your best in the face of the terrible boar, but you found that the boar’s defense and strength were so strong that you regretted that you did not bring a sword and spear.

But you don’t have a chance to regret it! When you are about to die under the teeth of a wild boar! Suddenly, a figure appears in front of you!

Black hair and black eyes, handsome figure, just like back then!

Lin Ye! ]

“Lin Ye! It’s Lin Ye! ”

Dilumudo was as excited as crazy! Lin Ye, he is like a god, every time he encounters difficulties, he will fall from the sky!

He has saved himself countless times! This man! Describing it as a best friend is not enough! I must be a brother with him!

[He threw the spear and sword at you, and you immediately changed your weapon!] I saw Lin Ye’s eyes suddenly brighten, and then, the demonic wild boar was directly frozen in place!

Lin Ye shouted at you! “Quick!”

You immediately clench your sword!

The sword light flashed, and the wild boar turned into a rain of blood, and under the rain of blood, the two stood opposite each other. ]

“Lin Ye… Lin Ye…”

Dilumudo didn’t know what to say anymore, where did he not understand, if it weren’t for Lin Ye, he would definitely die here, but Lin Ye’s appearance gave him hope again.

[You look at Finn, you didn’t say much, just left a sentence


“From now on, we don’t owe each other.”

After that, you left directly with Lin Ye.

Postscript: Your fate has changed completely, the curse of love has been completely lifted, and you and Granny have spent their lives happily and happily. You avoided dying from the curse of a wild boar.

Your four sons and daughter Bai Lin Ye are righteous fathers, and Lin Ye also happily left you and Granny a rejuvenation berry, and you and Granny are dead. Whether to select Inherit memory.


“Yes!” Dilumudo did not hesitate, such a beautiful life, don’t it go too far?

So at this moment, a large number of memories all flooded into his mind. At this moment, he seemed to see himself and Lin Ye fighting side by side in the face of countless strong enemies! He seemed to see Lin Ye releasing water to himself again and again, and then waved goodbye to himself with a smile! He seemed to see that at the moment of life and death, Lin Ye fell from the sky and saved himself from water and fire from under the hooves of the demonic wild boar.

Unconsciously, Dilumudo suddenly cried with a low headache.

“Dilumudo, what’s wrong with you?” On the side, Oscar couldn’t help but ask worriedly.

And Dilumudo said without raising his head, “You don’t understand, you don’t understand.” ”

He didn’t understand, he didn’t understand why his heart was crying, he cried because he didn’t know if he would have the chance to see this Lin Ye again. He had already avoided the cabin, wouldn’t that be…

“Nope! There must be a chance! There must be a chance! ”

Although none of this happened to others, for Dilumudo, who inherited his life, this is a real experience.

[You end this simulation and get achievements: fly away, children and grandchildren, brothers and sisters


The overall evaluation is: A+

You can choose two rewards from the following rewards].

“And the reward!” Dilumudo didn’t expect that he was so happy and gave a reward?

Dilumudo hurriedly looked down, and at this moment, he saw four options shining on the virtual screen

“This reward … It’s a little too hearty. ”

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