Dimly lit environment, squirming unknown black shadows and “hissing” friction sounds.

– Abruptly!

“Boom, boom!”

In the next second, the wall around the cistern was violently destroyed, and a huge roar spread throughout the underground waterway.

Decaying rubble kept falling from the dome, and the smell of fishy smell came from the front.

I saw that it was an elongated body with smooth skin surface, head, or rather the front part of the body without eyes or other organs, and some bulging shapes resembled sunflower seeds. The whole body has a faint yellow-green color, giving people an uncomfortable sense of déjà vu.

“Faceless snake? No, it’s not right. The

monsters kept swaying their bodies, standing upright more than 10 meters tall in front of Flohn, and the tentacles scattered from all over his body swayed to block his retreat, and the ferocious momentum could make ordinary people directly frightened.

Holding the magic stone lamp, he raised his head to reveal his mask and carefully looked at these new monsters.

Even if there are scattered memories, in the end, there is no reality that I have seen with my own eyes.

“Is it a flower, a man-eating flower of more than 10 meters, even in the dungeon, I have seen it for the first time.” And…… The taste of this color and shape is a series with the new species, and “it” is also intentional.

With a sneer in his heart, Florn decided to strike first – his palm quickly raised and aimed at the enemy.


, drive to-] “[Tear the darkness, my name is the Light Elf

-] “[The incarnation of the Light, the King of Light-]”



In the square outside the [Colosseum], the center of the monster festival, there were people coming and going at this time, and the sound of people was booming. Mobile vendors prepare delicious dishes that attract pedestrians.

From inside the huge building, cheers are heard from time to time, which makes the whole festival even more lively.

After holding an emergency meeting with the goddess Lephia, Ace and Loki had nothing to do, casually lingering in the stalls of various mobile vendors, buying some this, buying some that, and finally came out with a handful of various skewers in his hand, eating and commenting on which one was more delicious.

Ace did not wear the usual tight fencing suit today, but changed into the girlish outfit that Lephia gave her.

The white backless shoulder top, violet pleated skirt, and white stockings completely got rid of the adventurer’s outfit, and was completely the appearance of a noble lady from a large family.

The long blonde hair moves around the messy waste behind the head, which is informal, adding a touch of natural beauty.

Ace Wallenstein, the princess of Loki’s family, and her goddess-like beauty makes her receive all kinds of eyes all the time when she walks on the street.



Suddenly, a tremor like an earthquake entered the body from the ground, making Loki and Ace subconsciously stop.


Loki took a bite of the skewer and squinted in confusion.

Ace didn’t speak, but shook her head with flat eyes, indicating that she didn’t know either.

It’s just that doubts have just risen in the hearts of the two, but the shaking of the ground has disappeared.

“A little curious.”

As a celestial god, Loki seemed to have sensed something, and his eyes opened slightly and he didn’t know what he was thinking.



Loki and Ace looked at each other, frowning slightly.

“Aaaa A monster ran out!


The sudden event interrupted the goddess and Ace, and looking at the panicked and fleeing people around him, Loki’s brows furrowed

Before the earthquake was settled, in the dungeon where the monsters were imprisoned by the Canissa family, the monsters ran out one after another, wreaking havoc in the city.

‘The drama of that idiot goddess? For the sake of the child who really does everything.

After thinking about it, Loki tilted his head.

“Gee, Ace.”

“Got it!”


The switch of the ability value was activated, and the powerful physical ability filled the whole body, and Ace’s legs in white stockings were only lightly forced, and she jumped to the top of the bell tower tens of meters high with a few clicks.

Loki watched Ace leave and

murmured, “The shaking of the ground just now, how is it different from what that flower goddess said, what’s going on?”

The intuition from God and the familiarity of what he did made Loki feel that this monster sacrifice was surrounded by strange conspiracies.

“Hee hee, funny-”



But on the other side, in the underground water channels of the city.

A big war is unfolding.

The skin tissue of the cannibal flower is extremely hard, even Tione and Thiona can’t hit a trace with their fists, so Floen didn’t want to try to kill these monsters in close combat.

He started with a short singing magic.


Bang bang

Everything that was wiped by that light cannon directly turned into flying ash. Even the dome at the end was smashed to pieces.

Unlike other monsters, corpses are left behind after death.

These specially born new species will directly turn into flying ash at the moment of death, leaving green magic stones.

The black cloak hunted because of the high-speed movement, and Flohn used dexterous movements and powerful agility to shuttle through the monster’s attacks, and the skills he practiced in battle allowed him to gradually adapt to the upgraded physical and mental changes, and his movements became more and more fluid.

Even if you are occasionally hit by a monster’s attack, the armor made of Black Golia’s hard leather can easily resist the enemy’s damage to you.

“LightBurst! At

the bottom of his toes, he jumped lightly, dodged the enemy’s whipping again, raised his hand and another white magic array shone, and the blazing white light cannon was blasted out!


, boom, boom, boom…” Unsurprisingly, the monsters exploded into flying ash.

In less than 10 minutes, the dense pilan-eating flowers that almost filled the cistern were all dried up – after which the whole darkness returned to silence.


, rattling—” The sound of the battle was easily muffled by the sound of the water, and the fog of eerie and darkness rose again.

After killing the monster, Flohn did not have any joy at all, standing quietly in the center of the cistern, his expression slightly solemn under the mask.

Then, he turned sideways and said lightly.

“Why, I haven’t seen it for so long.”

In the dark space, he was the only one left, which was eerie.

After a while, footsteps came from behind the pillar on the side.

PS: 3,000 words chapter, daily subscriptions, flowers, all kinds of tickets!


Chapter 103:


A tingling sound came from behind the huge load-bearing column, causing Florn’s face under the mask to frown.

Then, a humanoid creature dressed almost exactly like him gradually emerged from the darkness.

Black hooded cloak, also with a mask. However, its mask is purple and has a pattern.

The mysterious man appeared, and Flohn narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party carefully.

Even if the other party is wearing a cloak, there are some things that cannot be hidden at all, such as the figure.

The other party looks thin, if it is a man, it is too thin, then it can only be a woman.

The height is about 160cm, plus I am a woman.

That’s right, it should be it. As

soon as the memory fragments in the depths of his mind were compared with the mysterious person in front of him, the identity of the other party was guessed by Floen.

“Who are you.”

Preemptively, since everyone is wearing a cloak and a mask, then it must be a small vest, since this is the case … Then I will take the initiative.

The other party didn’t know how to speak, but was preempted by Flohn.

“It doesn’t matter who I am. How did you find here, what do you know? His

voice was very hoarse, and it felt like sand rubbing against the glass, which was difficult to hear.

What does it mean? What’s going on with this tone that seems to be sure of me?

Now 16 is obviously my strength is relatively strong, right?

Wait, the other party seems to be able to instantly lift the magic and improve the strength…

Thinking of this, a trace of cold sweat broke out on Florn’s forehead, and his scalp was a little numb….

He forgot the most important thing, no! The point is… He couldn’t have imagined that he would run into “it” here!

“——Everyone has hidden their identities, you and I are half a pound and eight taels, just each other. Again, it doesn’t matter who I am. The

mysterious man was silent, completely unable to figure out Flohn’s path.

“Get out of here, or else… Just stay here forever. ”

Am I scared?

This is where the importance of intelligence lies.

Just thinking of the enemy’s magic, Flohn was originally a little panicked.

But he immediately reacted, this is not a dungeon, what monsters and weirdos are absolutely impossible to come to the ground, because there is the divine power of Ouranos suppressing.

Although it is an urban underground waterway, it is also above ground.

In this way, the enemy cannot be his opponent.

‘Let’s try it out. Thinking

about it, Flohn didn’t talk about martial virtue at all, and he started without saying a word!

With a “poof”, he stepped on the surface of the water, instantly turned into a black shadow, and appeared in front of the mysterious person like a teleportation in the eyes of ordinary people, and then whipped out fiercely!

“Boom !!!!!!”


Unexpectedly, the whip leg of his three-percent strength was actually avoided?

‘Probably Lv.4 or so. This is also a bonus to that? Awesome.

“Giant flower, man-eating flower!”

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