Sighing, Ichinosuke spread his hands, and the superpower training box appeared in the palm of his hand.

If his mom and dad were like trembling tornado parents who could sell their daughters for money, he would definitely not tell the truth and take out the superpower training box.

“That’s it, this is called the superpower training box, holding it, you can train the three superpowers of perspective, mental power, and teleportation.”

“But it takes three hours a day for three years to succeed.”

Although he said this, he was very skeptical in his heart, can the husband and wife who are hot for three minutes really be able to stick to it?

Holding the superpower training box, Ichinosuke Asanohara and his wife introduce the role of the superpower training box.

However, the couple who went off the line did not seem to hear Ichinosuke’s words at all.

At the moment when he saw Ichinosuke take out the superpower training box, the excited husband and wife had already exchanged heads and ears to discuss together

“It’s so powerful, Hiroshi, you saw it, Xiao Yi’s little hand waved like this, and when he touched it, the box appeared in his hand.”

“Uh-huh, it’s really powerful!”

Hiroshi Nohara touched his chin full of stubble, and he was also shocked.

“You said, if we let Xiao Yi perform, will we make a lot of money.”

Miyo Nohara fell into a fantasy

“If you don’t make it a little one, he will become a big star, and when the time comes, those big handsome stars will line up to find the mother of my super-powered baby to sign up.”

“What to do, if you are too famous, you need to wear sunglasses when you go out shopping, ah!”

Nohara Misuki looked very happy, and she put on a troubled appearance.

“What would I do if all those handsome guys invited me to eat at Normanic’s restaurant?”

“Should I choose Kimura, Takuya, or should I choose Little Plum, ahhhhhhh

On the side, Hiroshi Nohara also fell into the beautiful fantasy compiled by Miyo Nohara

“Big star.”

“If I become famous, maybe those female stars will come to my father of this super-powered baby to sign it.”

“Perhaps, they will be bold, show Ou, send heels, and come to find the seed of my super-powered child.”

I don’t know what came to mind, saliva flowed from the corners of Nohara Hiroshi’s mouth, and he smirked stupidly.

“Hey, hey!”

“What to do, if Yoko Okino and Mizuno Lingna also ask me for seeds, will I give it or give it.”

As if thinking of something, Hiroshi Nohara suddenly came to his senses

“No, no, I’m a family and a wife and children.”

“But that’s Yoko Okino.”

“The voice is sweet, the face is beautiful, the body is still very soft, and the most important thing is that Ou and Pai are huge, and they can’t be mastered with one hand.”

Then, sobriety lasted less than two seconds and fell into a state of fantasy again.

“What should I do? Shall I give it or not? ”

“yes, what should I do, who the hell should I go to dinner with?”

“It’s just that, it’s so tangled…”


Sighing, Ichinosuke gave up on the incurable couple.

After a long time, the couple finally returned to normal.

As soon as she replied, Nohara Miyu immediately became excited again.

“No, I’ll call Akita’s parents in a moment and say, by the way, there are Kumamoto’s grandparents who are there, and Xiaohui, I must tell them the news.”

The more he said it, the more excited he became, and Nohara Miyu couldn’t wait to call immediately to show off her child’s superpowers.

However, before she could take action, Hiroshi Nohara’s face suddenly became serious, interrupting Miyu Nohara’s idea of showing off.



Miyu Nohara, who was just about to get up, sat back down again and honestly listened to Hiroshi Nohara’s explanation.

Hiroshi Nohara said with a serious face:

“If Xiaoyi’s superpower is discovered, he will definitely be arrested by the bad guys.”

Being said this, Nohara Miyu also remembered the inhuman experiments in horror movies.

Frightened, the voice was shrill

“No, no, Xiao Yi’s affairs must not be exposed.”

Shivering, she immediately suppressed the idea of wanting to show off.

If her son fell into that fate, it would be even worse for her than killing her.

Pulling on Nohara Hiroshi’s sleeve, Nohara Miyo said with teary eyes:

“Yes, Hiroshi, we must help Xiaoyi keep secrets, and we must not let Xiaoyi fall into the hands of those bad people.”


Hiroshi Nohara also nodded heavily, and looked at Ichinosuke with a resolute face:

“I, Hiroshi Nohara, will definitely protect my family, Xiaoyi, Dad swears that he will protect you with his life.”


Looking at the scrappy husband and wife duo, Ichinosuke opened his mouth, and finally failed to say that he could protect himself without their protection.

“This feeling of being loved and cared for is really good.”

After a long time, the couple returned to normal, and finally listened to Ichinosuke’s introduction to the superpower training box completely.

“Perspective, hey!”

“If I had this ability, wouldn’t I be able to see through the clothes and hoods of those beautiful sisters, their snow-white skin and big granaries, and even their beards… Hey! Hey! ”

Hiroshi Nohara’s demented smirk, Ichinosuke could see what he was thinking at a glance.

“Do you really think it’s so easy to see through clothes?”

Rolled his eyes, not meaning to mention anything.

Seeing through clothes, not skin or internal organs, is much more difficult than simply seeing through objects.

I think it took him two years and ten months to barely get there.

I don’t know if this prop is for the health of minor children, and the clairvoyance ability is particularly difficult to use in this regard.

“However, the other side does not seem to be much better.”

Glancing at a beautiful Nohara, she was also caught in a fantasy.

“Teleportation, with this ability, it is much more convenient when buying vegetables, and you can travel anytime, anywhere, sun, sand, waves…”

“Forget it, it’s not saved, destroy it.”

Seeing Miyo Nohara, who also flowed out of Harako, Ichinosuke gave up the struggle.

Both husband and wife are a virtue, and it is no wonder that Xiaoxinhui has become like that in the future.

Leaving the superpower training box to the couple, Ichinosuke took the remote control, turned on the TV, and went to enjoy the bouncing, white and big Yoko Okino went.

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