As a typical country in modern society, the Kingdom of Al Dikia still retains an “absolute monarchy”, and its capital Villetres Palace is not luxurious.

At a glance, there are white buildings.

Verdant trees, a variety of exotic flowers and plants, and the buildings and zoning that are rumored to have been designed by Master Langdi who is also the designer of String God Island, add a layer of sacred fantasy to this palace.

With elegance in the nobility, the royal family of Ardikia, the Lihawai family, has lived here for generations.

On the night when the bright moon was high and the stars were shining, Nangong Yao accompanied Nangong Nayue here.

The purpose is also to be invited to a party party that will be hosted tonight.

The invitation to the party was presented at the gate of the palace, and after some strict inspection, the two were finally allowed to pass.

“It’s so strict.”

Nangong Yao complained and loosened the tie around his neck.

“This party will be attended by important members of the royal family, Lihawai family, so naturally it should be strict.”

Nangong Nayue explained disapprovingly

Because it was a formal social occasion, Nangong Yaoye specially changed into a full set of expensive black suits, the style of which was the latest style launched by the largest hotel where they lived.

Carefully taken care of, dark hair like night, bright blue eyes like stars, and with this suit, Nangong Yao’s whole person exudes a special charm.

This was also true of Nangong Nayue, who was walking beside him.

It is not the gothic loli that I love to wear, nor the Aldiquia folk dress I just bought, but a beautiful dress with red and blue patterns, long black hair also coiled behind her head, plus that beautiful appearance, no less than the famous silver queen in her country.

With the procession of guests who also came to the party, the two walked through the beautifully designed wide courtyard and finally arrived at the inner hall of the palace, which was the host of the party.

“It’s really lively enough.”

This was Nangong Yao’s first impression when he entered the party venue.

There is nothing abnormal to think about, after all, this is a celebration party hosted by the world’s strongest magic guide power, and it is natural to make it lively.

Moreover, the guests invited here are basically big people with heads and faces who look at the world.

For example, the king, president, minister, or chairman of a world-renowned large enterprise of a certain country, etc.

Nevertheless, the atmosphere of the venue was very peaceful, without the rigid and serious atmosphere and the simmering tension.

The expressions of the participants were all the same relaxed and happy, and there were even many men and women dancing under the central spotlight, showing the organizers of the party, the non-deceitful personality of the members of the Aldikia royal family.

However, at the moment when the two appeared at the venue, Nangong Yao felt that everyone’s eyes were all on the same page.

To be precise, it was Nangong Nayue who gathered beside him.

After all, the “witch of the void” that makes the European demon race frightened can be said to be unknown to anyone and who does not know.

Coupled with the super tall childlike loli body, it was almost recognized as soon as it appeared.

“She, isn’t she the void witch?”

“I did hear that she would also attend, but I didn’t expect to come…”

“That said… Who is the man next to you? ”

There are even people who are not afraid of the name of the witch and take the initiative to come over to talk.

“So, may I excuse me?”

This is a strong, somewhat elderly black male.

“You are the nightmare of the European demon race, Miss Nangong Nayue, right?”

“If there is no second Nangong Nayue in this world, it should be me.”

Nangong Nayue replied in a breezy tone.

“So, who are you?”

“Ahaha….. Look at my memory, faux pas. I’m Nuno Teixeira. ”

The black man introduced himself with a smile.

This name can be said to be the most famous among the people on the scene, and it is also the largest entrepreneur in the field of international finance.

And yet——

“Oh? I’m a little impressed. ”

Nangong Nayue just shrugged his shoulders with interest.

In the face of this indifferent attitude of the witch, the black man did not feel any unhappiness, you know, the casual character of the “witch of the gap” is also famous.

As long as it is a commission that she is not interested in, even if she pays more, she will not accept it.

Therefore, before communicating with her, you must be mentally prepared to be ignored and rejected in advance.


The aura of my sister is too shining, and in the absence of the main owner of the party, she has just appeared as a shining star in people’s eyes, and people continue to come forward to talk.

Nangong Nayue casually dismissed them as if he had long been accustomed to it, and then gestured to Nangong Yao beside him with his eyes.

Although he knew that Nangong Yao now had a certain strength to protect himself, Nangong Nayue still didn’t want him to show up in front of this group of well-known figures from all over the world, expose his identity, and attract some unnecessary trouble.

Nangong Yao, who understood it, nodded and quietly came to a nearby table to taste the dishes of the banquet.

Equally famous for its cuisine, Al Dikia’s dishes live up to their name, with almost every dish carefully prepared and full of unique flavors.

When Nangong Yao was tasting the food, he suddenly heard some commotion in front of him.

Nangong Yao heard the sound and looked over, only to see a few figures, and walked out under the attention of everyone.

Those people were the real hosts of this party, members of the royal family of Lihawai!

[PS: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for collection, your support is the !!!!!!!! of the author’s motivation].

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