
In mid-air, Higashino Sheng’s footsteps stepped the tree trunk, and the figure accelerated abruptly, suddenly appearing between the kunai and Naruto thrown out by Mizuki.

The pupils could clearly capture the trajectory of Ku Wu flying in the air, and the corner of Higashino Sheng’s mouth hooked a relaxed arc, and he took out a handful of Ku Wu and slid it through the air at will.

“Bang bang!”

With a sound of metal contact, Mizuki’s Kumu Bullet flew out and hit the surrounding trees.


Until Ku Wu was all swept away, Mizuki finally reacted, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

“Xiao Sheng!”

“Naruto” behind Higashino shouted in surprise, followed by a puff of white smoke on his body, and his body changed, changing Iruka’s appearance.

It turned out that when he had escaped before, Iruka had secretly transformed into Naruto’s appearance to lure Mizuki away, while finding an opportunity for Naruto to escape with the Book of Seals.

“Xiao Sheng, go quickly!”

“You are no match for him!”

After seeing that the person who helped him was Sei Higashino, although Iruka was surprised in his heart, he did not forget to remind him to go quickly.

In Iruka’s cognition, although Higashino Sei is now very powerful in the three-body technique, he is still only a shinobi, and Mizuki is a more powerful middle ninja than him.

Mizuki is experienced, and Sei Higashino is a student who has just graduated, and the strength of the two is too unequal.

Shinobu can’t be the opponent of Shinobi!

This was Iruka’s idea, and if Higashino knew it, he would definitely have the urge to press him to finish watching Shippuden.

Iruka is there some misunderstanding about Shinobu.

Konoha’s strongest is Shinobu okay~~ Haha!

“Iruka-sensei, don’t worry about leaving it to me!” Higashino Sei had already hidden the Sharingan, he glanced back at Iruka, and then looked at Mizuki not far away, and said indifferently:

“How dare you hurt Naruto, he’s my little brother!”

“You’re going to pay for it!”

This is naturally said to Naruto, so that it fits his own positioning in the anime

Naruto’s righteous brother!

Of course, if something really happened, Higashino Sei estimated that he would sell Naruto first!

“Brother Sheng!!!”

Naruto was hiding behind a large tree, he heard Higashino Sei’s words word for word, and then thought of Iruka’s various performances before, and his heart was suddenly touched, and snot and tears flowed.

“What a demon fox!”

“What is disliked!”

“I at least care about my brother Sheng and recognize my Iruka-sensei!”


Naruto flashed to Higashino Sei’s side, holding two lines of tears, and yelled at Mizuki in anger: “I don’t allow you to move Iruka-sensei and Brother Sheng, otherwise I will slaughter you!” ”

At this moment, an invisible anger spread from Naruto’s body.


Higashino turned his head to look at Naruto, I don’t know if it was an illusion, he felt a chakra that made him not very comfortable.

“Nine Tails~~”

Higashino Sei quickly thought of the reason, Naruto has a half-tailed nine tails sealed by four generations in his body, and now the nine, tail chakra is still full of negative emotions, and he has just broken through the Sharingan, it is indeed easy to feel.



Mizuki was amused by what Higashino Sei and Naruto said before and after, and his expression became very indifferent.

“The crane tail who just graduated from two schools also dares to make a big fuss!”

“No matter how much garbage there is, it’s garbage!”

“Now I’ll send you and Iruka to die together!”

Saying that, Mizuki’s hand moved, and he took out a huge shuriken out of nowhere and was about to throw it away.

Seeing this, Higashino Sheng and Naruto’s eyes froze, tacitly forming the same seal, and shouted at the same time: “Multiple shadow avatar technique!” ”

“Bang bang!”

Countless Dao figures appeared, all over the forest, among which Naruto’s figure was definitely more than a thousand, while Higashino Sheng’s figure was few, but definitely more than a hundred!

A hundred shadow avatars was not the limit for Higashino Sei, but he didn’t want to wait for the time when he was tired of ninjutsu.


Mizuki and Iruka’s expressions changed drastically, and Mizuki’s face was covered with cold sweat.

What the hell is this?

Are you kidding!?

The art of multiple shadow avatars, should the ninjutsu used by the two crane tails here? And so much in one point!

This is a monster!

“Why are you panicking?” Higashino looked at Mizuki with a frightened expression playfully.

“I…” Mizuki didn’t know what to say anymore, and the large number of Naruto around him shook their heads in unison and mocked, “Didn’t you say before that no amount of garbage is garbage?” ”

“Brother Sheng, let’s go up and teach him a lesson!”



For a time, a hundred Higashino Sheng and more than a thousand Naruto moved in unison, and seeing this overwhelming figure, Mizuki had completely lost the idea of fighting.


With a high scream and a burst of punches to the flesh, the doppelgangers of Sei Higashino and Naruto Uzumaki soon turned into white smoke.

The white smoke cleared, revealing that Mizuki could no longer see the miserable appearance of his originally somewhat handsome face.


Iruka looked at Mizuki’s miserable appearance, her gaze swept over Higashino Sei and Naruto, and her heart shivered.

“These two are really ruthless!”



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