Sei Higashino looked at the steel ring in Jimi Tianno’s hand with interest.

“Yes~~” Tian Ye Jimei’s face was a little pale, she looked at Higashino Sheng who seemed to appear out of thin air, cold sweat continued to flow out, but the matter had come to this, she did not hide it, but nodded, and asked with some fear, “You, what kind of person are you, how did you appear here?” ”

“You don’t have to know who I am!” Higashino Sheng leaned against the door behind him with his hands in his chest, and smiled lightly: “I just came to see a good show.” ”

“Yes?” Tian Ye Jimei showed a puzzled look, and then asked a little flustered: “Is that planning to hand me over to the police?” ”

“Is it useful to hand you over to the police now?” Higashino Sheng shook his head and asked rhetorically: “You haven’t really killed anyone, you just stunned your boyfriend!” ”

“But even if he goes to prison, I want to kill him.” Tian Ye Jimei suddenly spoke, her voice firm and determined.

“I didn’t stop your thoughts in the first place.” Higashino spread his hands, he knew that Tano Jimei did it because the law was useless, and she could only avenge her brother with her own hands.

“You do it, I know that you are here to avenge your brother, and there is no intention to stop it!” Sei Higashino bluntly said that he would not interfere, but what he said scared Jimi Tanno.

“How do you know?” Tian Ye Jimei looked at Higashino Sei in surprise, obviously not knowing how he knew his motive for killing.

“I know everything!” Higashino Sheng entered the pretend mode, anyway, he is now the appearance of Gin Wine, or a shadow doppelganger, it doesn’t matter how abnormal or even unscientific his performance is.

Even if it is known by the state, it will only go to the gin wine to dissect it, right?

“Actually, I’m here to help you!” Regardless of Tian Ye Jimei’s expression, Higashino Sheng casually took out a prop that was the same as Tian Ye Jimei’s hand and handed it over.

“You use this thing to kill!”

“Ah, isn’t that right?” Tian Ye Jimei hesitated: “If you provide the murder weapon, won’t you also become an accomplice?” ”

“Hehe, Miss, your heart is not bad!” Unexpectedly, since Tian Ye Jimei would still care about himself, Higashino Sheng secretly said that this person was finally not saved in vain, and said with a smile: “It’s okay, I’m willing, and I have a way not to be detected.” ”

Saying that, Higashino Sheng forcefully handed the thing in his hand to Tian Ye Jimei.

“Good, okay!”

Now that the murder has been exposed, Tian Ye Jimei’s book is also holding the mind of breaking the cauldron, so he no longer refuses.

Subsequently, Jimi Tano killed Otaka Kazuhiro according to her original planned method, while Sei Higashino left the toilet first with the murder weapon and disappeared.

In this way, there is no longer a fatal flaw in Tianno Jimei.

As for where Higashino Sheng put the murder weapon….

“Hehe, I didn’t expect to meet this scumbag brother on this plane, then send him this murder weapon!”

“Don’t thank me, it’s just jail, at least you don’t have to die!”



Fast forward another hour and the plane was about to arrive at Tokyo Airport.

A red-faced, apparently freshly drunk man stood in front of the men’s bathroom and kept knocking on the door until a flight attendant approached.

“This gentleman, what’s wrong?” The flight attendant asked politely.

“I’ve been to this men’s toilet several times, and the door has been closed for almost an hour, but no one has come out!”

“How so?” The flight attendant knocked on the door suspiciously, shouted a few times, and after seeing that no one reacted inside, she went to the side and got the key.

Opening the door, the flight attendant walked in first, and said politely, “I’m coming in!” ”

Saying that, the space entered the toilet room and found that there was a man sitting on the toilet, his body leaning back, his head back, and his mouth wide open.


Seeing that there was someone in the toilet room, and this person’s condition was obviously abnormal, the flight attendant hurriedly stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

But soon, he noticed that the man in front of him seemed to be dead!


Suddenly, a sharp exclamation spread throughout the plane, and many people who had been sleeping kept waking up, looking towards the location of the toilet, and many people’s eyes flashed with unusual light.

Among them, a young man instinctively noticed something, and immediately stood up and rushed in the direction where the voice came from.

In the economy class, Higashino Sheng’s eyes were open, and the corners of his mouth hooked a strange arc:

“The good show is on!”

“Kudo Shinichi and that scumbag brother, but you have to accept this big gift from me!”



“Attention passengers, attention passengers!”

“At present, one of the passengers on board suddenly feels unwell, if any of the passengers are doctors or nurses, please inform the flight attendant next to you.”

Shortly after the flight attendant’s scream, the lights in the cabin suddenly turned on, followed by the voice of the purser.

Several flight attendants and air attendants appeared from the aisle, walking back and forth, waiting for someone to come forward and say they were doctors.

At this time, a middle-aged fat man in a hat suddenly got up, took out his certificate from his chest and handed it to the flight attendant, and asked:

“I am Officer Twilight of the Metropolitan Police Department of the Island Country!”

“Is there really an emergency patient?”

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