“You said I went to the toilet, but I just didn’t go to it, why can’t it be that you remember it wrong?”

“What the detective said must be right? I’m good to say you went to the bathroom too! ”

“Eh!” Makoto Ito’s sudden outburst was obviously something that Kudo Shinichi didn’t expect at all, and he was a little dumbfounded for a while, but he quickly reacted and said positively: “I have no reason to frame you, and I am 100% sure that you really went to the toilet, I see it clearly.” ”

“Of course, you can also deny this, and you can also prove me!”

“Everything still has to be verified by the police.”

Kudo Shinichi’s righteous words caused people around him to nod their heads constantly, but Ito Makoto was even more upset in his heart, he felt that he was targeted, and after getting on the plane, he really didn’t go to the toilet once.

In fact, Makoto Ito was right, he was indeed targeted, but it was not Kudo Shinichi who targeted him, but a person he would never have imagined, a person who did not know him.

The person who targeted him was Sei Higashino!


“Brother Cheng, don’t be angry, if you know your future, maybe you will have to thank me~~”

Looking at Makoto Ito’s look of suffocation, the corners of Higashino Sheng’s mouth curved slightly, and he did not feel the slightest sense of guilt in his heart for framing others.

In fact, at the beginning, Higashino Sei only wanted to help Jimi Tano hide the truth of the murder, but when he planned to hide the murder weapon, he accidentally found Makoto Ito on the plane, so he changed his plan.

In the world before Higashino Sei crossed over, Makoto Ito’s famous name was known to everyone in the otaku circle.

On the list of scumbags in the anime industry, Makoto Ito has been at the top of the list all year round, known as the god of scumbags, first he opened a harem, which is actually not much larger than many male protagonists, but he is the one who has reached the most pushback in anime.

Scum, so to speak, exists entirely for the sake of tearing down!

And the three no’s principle of the most scumbag man “do not take the initiative, do not refuse, and do not be responsible” is vividly embodied in him.

In the end, he was poisoned by one of the female protagonists in order to push down, and he was left with a head by another female protagonist, which is simply sacrificing his life for the road of scumbags!

This one can be described as a model and milestone for scumbags!

For such a scumbag, there are envious and admirers, but there are also many who mock him.

In the previous life, Sei Higashino, as an otaku who achieved nothing, said that it was false to say that he did not envy Makoto Ito, but that was from the perspective of anime, if he really met Makoto Ito in reality, Sei Higashino still looked down on it more.

Speaking of which, if he is not a scumbag if he is single-minded, Higashino Sheng feels that he is also quite scumbag, because he is very fraternal, although he will not see one love one, but he will not love only one.

But he is not a random person, if there is a woman who can get into his bed, it must be in place!

And in the current world, Higashino Sei has not become a scumbag.

The federation has always followed the system of polygamy, and it is legal to open a harem!

The law guarantees that you open a harem, then it is still called scum?

To be honest, Sei Higashino feels that this matter is completely for a scumbag like Makoto Ito, and there is a legal system, wouldn’t he have to face the wood knife?

So, Sei Higashino made a move, and after he discovered Makoto Ito, he immediately used the transformation technique to change into his appearance, and then deliberately dangled in front of Kudo Shinichi, in order to frame him!



Kudo Shinichi continues his reasoning, and Twilight follows his advice and asks Miwako and Takagi to search each suspect in an attempt to find the murder weapon.

“Check me first, I haven’t been to the toilet, the murderer won’t be me, let alone the murder weapon.” Makoto Ito took the lead in taking his suitcase and opening it, he was not originally a bold person, but this time it may be unhappy to see Kudo Shinichi, plus he is full of confidence in his heart, so the performance is opposite.

Kudo Shinichi glanced at Makoto Ito and did not speak, he was 100% sure that he had seen Makoto Ito go to the toilet, and he agreed in his heart.

It can’t be that someone deliberately changed into Makoto Ito and deliberately deceived himself, right?

So why did he become Makoto Ito?

These ideas are so unrealistic!

What Kudo Shinichi didn’t know was that his unrealistic idea was really close to the truth.

“What exactly is the murder weapon?” Kudo Shinichi fumbled his chin to the corpse and re-observed, so far, he had not thought of the murder weapon used by the murderer.



A voice full of disgust suddenly came from the crowd, which attracted Kudo Shinichi’s attention.


Fuji Shinichi looked in the direction where the voice came from and found a group of busy plane passengers pointing around Makoto Ito’s suitcase, even if Miwako and Takagi Wataru stopped it.

And Makoto Ito’s face was flushed, standing there, looking very embarrassed.

Seeing this, Kudo Shinichi came to Xiaoran’s side and asked suspiciously:

“What happened?”

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