Xiaolan looked at the garden and Xue Nai in front of them talking and laughing, and a warm current surged in her heart, feeling very warm.

Once upon a time, she could only comfort herself alone when she encountered such a thing now, and she had to be troubled by Kudo Shinichi’s incomprehensible style, and the most important thing was that she couldn’t be angry, after all, Kudo Shinichi was here to solve the case!

But now it’s different.

Now, she has matured and is calm about Kudo Shinichi, surrounded by so many like-minded friends who care about her.

She was content.

And all this …

“It’s all given to me by this man~~”

Xiaolan looked at Higashino Sheng’s handsome face close at hand, and a trace of strangeness was taking root in her heart.

She smiled, blinked her big beautiful eyes, and asked curiously: “Higashino-kun, how did you know that we were here, and what would happen here?” ”

“Besides, you seem to have guessed what Shinichi-kun was going to do, didn’t you?”

The girls who were chatting were attracted by Xiaolan’s question, and they were equally curious and looked at Higashino Sheng, expecting how he would explain.


Higashino smiled, what else could be the reason?

Of course, he is familiar with the plot, and he is not a prophet.

But that can’t be said.

“I don’t know if there will be a case.”

Higashino Sheng spread his hands and said a little helplessly: “If I knew that this kind of thing would happen, how could I let Xiaolan experience it as a girl?” ”

Saying that, if it were another girl, Higashino Sheng would indeed do it, but Xiaolan he imagined that he still forgot.

Even if he has let Xiaoran and Kudo Shinichi completely end without starting, this does not mean that Xiaoran will experience many fewer cases in the future.

As long as Xiaoran does not feel at ease to become his woman and live with him, it is very likely that he will become famous with Maori Kogoro, and it is something extraordinary to encounter a murder.

Since it can’t be changed, it’s better to let people grow up now than to experience it slowly later.

However, Xiaolan didn’t know what Higashino Sheng was thinking, her heart was once again surrounded by a strange warmth, and Higashino Sheng’s words made her very warm.

“This is… What does it feel like to be cared for? ”

Xiaolan thought to herself, she found that she seemed to be a little addicted to this feeling:

“As for what Kudo-san wants to confess, it’s easy to guess ..”

Sei Higashino showed a smug smile, he now has real material in micro-expressions and psychology?

“From the moment we met today, what he was wearing… And this… This performance…”

Higashino analyzed a lot, and then concluded: “Usually I don’t get so bored to observe so much, because I think it would be good to have a sense of expectation in dealing with people.” ”

“But today’s dew of Kudo Shinichi-san, I paid attention to it, and the final summary was that he wanted to confess.”

The women suddenly showed an expression of sudden realization, it turned out that Kudo Shinichi had already revealed his careful thinking in so many details.

“Shengjun, you are too powerful~~”

Yuanzi threw himself into Higashino Sheng’s arms, rubbed his head personally, and extended his thumb to like.

Higashino Sheng stretched out his hand and touched her head, very spoiled.

Seeing this scene full of pink breath, Yukino frowned slightly, I don’t know why, her mood suddenly became not very beautiful, and there was an indescribable sense of irritability.

Driven by this sense of irritability, she asked very unpleasantly: “Since you know that Kudo Shinichi wants to confess to Koran, why do you arrange for them to work together and give Kudo Shinichi a chance?” ”

“What if Xiaolan agrees?”

This question is a little bit of a mystery.

In fact, everyone understands people, Higashino Sheng has a good impression of Xiaolan, they all see it very clearly, otherwise why would he give Xiaolan such a valuable gift.

Why did you say so much for Xiaolan in the first place?

But if you build on this foundation and understand the behavior of Higashino Sheng now, is he a little stupid?

Create opportunities for rivals?

“Yukino ~~”

Xiaolan’s face turned red when she rubbed it.

Yukino simply wanted to pick out something obscure.

If Higashino Sheng explained, did he soon change direction and confess to her?

If Sei Higashino refuses….

Xiaolan always felt a sense of loss in her heart.

But Higashino Sheng’s performance was beyond everyone’s expectations.

He asked rhetorically: “What to do?” ”

“Why should I worry about things that won’t happen.”

Higashino Sheng showed a confident smile: “Xiaolan’s changes during this time, everyone sees it. ”

“Kudo Shinichi confessed, I think there is only one result, that is, failure!”

“We Xiaolan are now a mature and comprehensive girl.”

“Until Kudo Shinichi becomes mature enough, she won’t be so hasty.”

“I~~ didn’t know that Kudo Shinichi would confess and provide an opportunity for him!”

“I knew that Xiaoran would definitely refuse after hearing Kudo Shinichi’s confession, so I arranged for them to come together!”

Higashino Sei’s voice was full of confidence.

Because this is not his guess, but his conclusion after testing it with illusion.

Otherwise, even if there is only a one percent chance, he will not be stupid to do such a thing.

He just wanted to see Ran reject Kudo Shinichi.

At that time, it was also the moment when Xiaolan was completely reborn.

What left him speechless was that Kudo Shinichi, a rookie, still didn’t say it in the end.

But it doesn’t matter, at the moment when Kudo Shinichi did not rush to solve the case this time and chose to stay with Xiaoran, but was sent by her to solve the case.

The two have said goodbye in an alternative way.

From now on, if Kudo Shinichi grows up and has a stable enough mind, he may even come together with Xiaoran.

However, if he wants to become Conan, he will not have a chance in this life.

With him Higashino Sheng, in this life, Conan will not get the antidote early!


All the women looked at Higashino Sheng, and they were all stunned at this moment…

They also saw the dark side of Higashino.

“However, how do you feel that such a confident Shengjun is so handsome.”

Yuanzi is going to be crazy again, if she can, she really wants to find a place to fight Higashino Sheng for three hundred rounds now!


Higashino Sheng smiled lightly, and the words changed: “Now let’s go play somewhere else.” ”

“I’ll leave it to Kudo-san here.”

“When he solves the case, he will naturally contact my beauty~~”_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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